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Chapter 1225 The Missing Link

This passage was completely made up by Cai Gen who felt the same way.

It imitates the context of shamanic speaking. The three sentences are inseparable from the ancestors. It must have that flavor. Cai Gen himself believed it.

Not only Cai Gen believed it, but also Xiao Tmall believed it.

I was wondering, is this Cai Gen real or fake?

Are there so many things we don’t know?

Just like the Nine Fingers Village outside, is it really a coincidence?

What if Cai Gen really has the mentality of watching a show and watching the poor performance of his group?

The more Xiao Tianmao thought about it, the more chilled he became, and he shuddered unconsciously. He had to be careful in the future.

No matter what he does, or even if he assumes a premise, Cai Gen always pretends, so that even if he turns over the small accounts in the future, he will not be able to grasp the handle.

A total of nine sisters had tears in their eyes due to Cai Gen's words.

He turned to face the clansmen and started to sigh.

"I wish Lao Liu was so arrogant, he didn't hold grudges, he didn't say anything, and he also left behind his ancestral teachings.

If you don’t see it today, would you dare to believe it?

Look, look, I wish the descendants of Lao Liu are really kind, righteous and responsible.

I was moved, are you moved?"


What else could Cai Gen do except blush? He didn't dare to move anyway.

"Hey, let's look at our descendants. The boys of Ma Jia's family do nothing but bring us gossip magazines and CDs to pass the time.

This is the failure of your education, are you ashamed?"

The ancestral souls are indeed very emotional. They are the kind of people who catch an emotion and magnify it infinitely in their hearts. There is no hiding or restraint.

After Gong Jiu Mei said a few words, many ancestor souls lowered their heads in shame, and some were really wiping tears, maybe because they were moved, or maybe they were blaming themselves.

After Cai Gen saw it, he screamed in his heart that it was bad, it was really difficult to be so emotional.

Now I can speak it smoothly and it can be said anywhere.

If one sentence is wrong, they will not consider the cause and effect, and will directly turn against the person without hesitation.

"That, that, I'm not that good and my abilities are limited.

However, I will do my best for the sake of all the ancestors."

Gong Jiumei's expression changed. She turned away faster than flipping through a book and changed her mind.

"Xiao Liu is not working, what can you do?

We don't want to stay here any longer, we just can't stand it anymore.

We can't stand it when we see that lame man win, it's so aggrieved."

The lame man wins by lying down?

I'm dizzy, why would Dragon Mother massacre the city?

Cai Gen finally realized, is the reason why these guys have such unstable temperaments is because they watched Game of Thrones poorly?

The same goes for Tong Aijia. Why show them everything?

The ideology is different, but he still hopes that his ancestors will understand the Western way of life?

Besides, even if they keep pace with the times, how can they alleviate the resentment in their hearts?

Facts have proved that the effect is not good at all.

Cai Gen worked hard to bring the topic to a normal flow. After all, he was familiar with the routines used by Renxin in the past.

"Of course I have a good idea, otherwise I would still be hanging on for a while.

Please tell me first, what are your ideals?"

Gong Jiumei feels that what Cai Gen said is becoming more and more satisfactory. In terms of service attitude, it is much better than Xiaoliu. At least she asks her own needs.

"My ideal since I was little is...

that is...

Oh, let me go, I have been holding it in here for too long, I only have resentment in my heart, and I have forgotten everything else."


Cai Gen decided to put it another way.

"So, what is the driving force behind your desire to go out?

In other words, when you go out, what do you most want to do?"

This time, it seemed that the question finally got to the point. Gongjiu Mei didn't hesitate at all and said fiercely.

"We went out to find that stinky cook. He must give us an explanation. Why did he ignore us?"

Well, that stinky cook must be the god of suffering, Cai Gen knew it.

"So, can you beat the God of Pain?"

Gong Jiumei was stunned by Cai Gen's question, as if the question was funny.

"Why do we have to fight the God of Bitterness?

Of course we can't fight, we are just asking for an explanation."

Cai Gen was a little relieved. It was just a verbal condemnation, so it didn't seem to be a big deal.

"Then what if the God of Pain doesn't give you the Dharma?"

It seemed that Cai Gen asked a more ridiculous question, and Gong Jiu Mei looked like an idiot again.

"No, he is the god of suffering, how can he be unreasonable?"

Are you so confident in the character of God of Misery?

If you are just trying to reason and ask for an explanation, do you want to admit that you have awakened the God of Suffering?

Wait, Cai Gen thinks it’s better to be cautious.

"Then if you see the God of Pain and ask for explanations and truth, what if you are not satisfied?"


Gong Jiumei's face was terrifyingly gloomy, with a hint of viciousness.

"If you can't take this breath and give us an explanation, no one will be able to feel better.

We have all agreed that if the worst happens, we will blow up two pieces of his body."

Sure enough, it was not that simple. Cai Gen felt sweat on his forehead.

If they had the confidence to blow up the Erliang of the God of Bitterness, they wouldn't have even a hair left if it were them, even though they don't have any in the first place.

I don’t know why the God of Misery offended them like this. Ordinary festivals would not cause such a big resentment. Cai Gen felt that he needed to know more information.

"Well, why does the God of Bitterness want to give you a Dharma?

What on earth did he do?"

This question obviously went beyond Gong Jiu Mei's memory.

After thinking hard for a long time, I shook my head firmly.

"What the specific matter was, it took so long that I forgot.

There is only one thought in my mind, he doesn't care about us anymore.

The god of suffering is unjust and must be given an explanation."


If it weren’t for the God of Pain’s personal visit, wouldn’t anyone be able to explain the whole story clearly?

If he continued to ask questions, it would be Che Zulu’s words, and Cai Gen felt that they were meaningless.

I just want to see the God of Suffering, and I want to ask for explanations. Why does the God of Suffering understand in my heart?

Unsatisfied with his explanation, he blew himself up and died together, expressing his resentment.

To say simple, things are indeed relatively simple.

Just like the children who were playing hide-and-seek with you, and when you memorized them and counted them, they all went home, and you were the only one who waited until dark and was disturbed.

You feel aggrieved and just want to ask your children for an explanation as to why they went home first and ignored you.

If you are just a child, getting emotional, crying loudly, and leaving some sinister thoughts in your heart, the sun will rise as usual the next day, and that will be the end of the story.

It just so happens that he is not a child, but an ancestral soul with powerful strength. This is not an easy story to turn over.

Cai Gen took out a cigarette again, hoping that spiritual food could broaden his horizons.

In the past, the process of verbally expressing benevolence was very simple. After listening to the complaints and expressing your grievances, you could send them away with just two words.

As a result, today's business was relatively unpopular, and the reason for the resentment was forgotten by the sufferer.

I just remembered that I wanted to express my grievances, so I skipped the stage of complaining.

However, without this link, benevolence is not satisfied.

Just as Cai Gen started to get upset, a voice sounded above his head like thunder.

"The universe is clear, evil spirits are at work, I, the Buddha, are merciful, stay where you are, hold your head in your hands, and don't move."

This chapter has been completed!
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