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Chapter 1237 Sweet Dates and Slaps

Xie An'an was not angry about Zhang Mozi's bachelor act, as if the situation in front of him was within his expectation.

"You are willful, naughty, and don't know what to do, right?"

I knew it was wrong, but Zhang Mozi really couldn't bear it.

I can only keep talking hard and at the same time constantly convince myself and find various reasons for myself to go against my will.

“The world is so big, why can’t there be one more like me?

I beg you, please let me go.

Do you know how many years I have endured?

I finally saw the light, it’s so cruel of you to tell me this.”

Xie An'an seemed to have really let Zhang Mouse go and changed the topic directly.

"Well, OK, I won't tell you the big truth, you already know it in your heart.

Let's just say that Cai Gen encountered a disaster at the bottom of Taiqing ditch.

Should you return the favor?

Even if we don’t mention things about gods, as a mortal.

You owe a favor and it’s understandable to return the favor, right?”

Xie An'an suddenly became so reasonable, Zhang Moazi was very surprised.

Looking at the next thing, if I am not completely convinced and sincere, won't it be to his liking?

So what is Xie An's plotting?

"I have already repaid Boss Cai's favor. I did so after becoming a god last time.

The account has been settled and I don't owe him anything anymore.

As for his fate, that can be regarded as destiny.

Awakening the God of Pain, during the growth period, there will definitely be various hardships.

It’s not normal for everything to be smooth sailing, right?”

Xie An'an's face gradually became a little colder, but Zhang Mozi's reaction still did not exceed his expectations.

"Well, you kid, you can carry it very clearly.

When you look at the sample above, it is ground into old dough sticks.

If that's the case, please explain.

Who gave you the fare for your trip?

How to calculate this?"

Wow, Zhang Mozi forgot about this.

I was about to say that Cai Gen forced it on me and I didn’t ask for it.

What I want to say more is, this is borrowed, won’t it be over in the future?

However, these two sentences were stuck in my throat and I couldn't say them out.

Zhang Mouse's face turned red and he didn't say anything.

“Ten thousand yuan is not a lot.

Cai Gen can make a net profit of four or five yuan by giving away a box of lunch.

You can earn 10,000 by giving away 2,000 boxes of lunch, don’t take it too easy.”

Zhang Mozi didn't think what Xie An was telling was a lie, and no one understood better than him how difficult it was to make money.

You can earn fifty yuan by being Mickey Mouse for one night, no matter whether it is cold or hot.

Zhang Moazi has a deep understanding of those days when he was constantly suffering because of money.

I didn't expect Cai Gen to be so miserable.

So, he was so miserable that he even gave himself 10,000 yuan.

Both he and Cai Gen understand that paying back the money in the future is more of an excuse.

After he ran away with his wife, there was a high probability that he would never come back again.

At this moment, Zhang Moazi felt the presence of conscience, because his conscience ached.

Holding back the seemingly non-existent pain, Zhang Moazi looked at Sichen outside the car and gritted his teeth.

"I really don't want to get involved."

Xie An'an felt that almost everything that needed to be said was said.

No matter how Zhang Mozi chooses, it is destined by God.

"Okay, get out.

It’s up to you to think about whether you want to go or not, and whether you want to return it.

Your wife and children will stay at Ruixue Temple from now on, I promise.

If you leave Ruixue Temple, I will not protect you."

Zhang Mozi's heart skipped a beat, and he got out of the car obediently without saying anything.

Looking at the three words "Ruixue Temple" in the distance, my heart was overwhelmed.

The taxi didn't stop any longer and drove away.

Finally, the only remaining red taillight disappeared into the darkness.

When Zhang Mozi saw the taxi disappearing, he crouched slumped on the curb.

He took out a cigarette and saw that it was given to him by Cai Gen. He licked it fiercely with his tongue before lighting up the cigarette.

Xi Beast came over and sat next to Zhang Mouse. He also followed his example and lit a cigarette, not forgetting to lick his saliva.

"Master Shu, what's going on?

That driver seems a bit familiar to me?"

Ximon's sensitivity was definitely the strongest among the three. Precisely because he felt familiar, he didn't dare to make any move.

Zhang Mouzi smoked half of his cigarette in one gulp before he opened his mouth to speak, his voice was very hoarse.

"That's Xie An'an. It seems like we can't escape."

Hearing that it was Xie An'an, Sichen also joined in and stared at Zhang Mouse condescendingly. Since he was too familiar, his behavior must have meant something serious had happened.

"What did he say to you?"

With a bitter smile, Zhang Moazi repeated it selectively, deliberately concealing the fact that there were no living gods in the world.

"What is the relationship between Xie An'an and Cai Gen?

Like an enemy, like a friend, it's very complicated?

Why do we have to stay at Ruixue Temple?"

Sichen's perspective has always been on Xie An'an, because he was thinking about his unborn child.

"He was clearing my mind and arranging funeral arrangements.

He is afraid that I will worry about you two, so as long as we are in Ruixue Temple, he will keep you safe.

As for why it must be at Ruixue Temple, I don’t dare to ask.”

Sichen slapped Zhang Mouse's head out of habit.

"Why are you so stupid?

Why don't you ask?

Well, no, why are you making arrangements for your funeral?

Even if you go to repay Cai Gen's favor, the worst you can do is help him fight.

Now that you have become a god in the flesh, can you still have troubles to resolve?

Is there any danger?

What’s underneath Taiqing ditch?”

It's okay not to mention becoming a god in the flesh, but mentioning this problem is like a thorn, which makes Zhang Mouse want to cry in pain.

It's a good thing to become a god, otherwise I would have been killed by the Xi beast.

But becoming a god is a bad thing. Even if you want to continue living the life of poverty, it becomes a luxury.

Is this life?

If I give you a sweet date, does it have to be followed by a slap?

"I didn't ask what was under Taiqing ditch.

It should be no big deal.

The spiritual energy in the human world is so thin that no big monster can be created."

In order to reassure Sichen, Zhang Mozi did not speak out what was in his heart.

From the moment I got off the bus, there was always a vague uneasiness that lingered in my heart.

Sichen didn't think much about it. He couldn't run away, he couldn't fight, so he just took things as they came.

"Let's go then, let's go to Ruixue Temple first to see what's so special about it.

If we can't run away, we won't run away. If there is food and drink here, it can be considered clean."

Sichen pulled the mouse, but it didn't pull up.

"Sichen, you go ahead. I'll go to Taiqinggou to have a look. I'll come back as soon as I finish.

Xiao Xi, your sister-in-law will be taken care of by you. Please accompany your sister-in-law there first."

Ximon didn't think much and took the lead to walk towards Ruixue Temple.

"Then go quickly, come back early, and pay attention to safety."

Sichen gave instructions and followed Xi Beast away.

Seeing the two of them walking away, Zhang Moazi was once again struggling in his heart.

On one side of the scale is my wife and son.

At the other end of the scale is Cai Gen's fat face and his own conscience.

Zhang Mouse stood in the middle of the scale, swaying from side to side, undecided.

It is difficult to separate from both sides, and both sides are extremely important.

Finally, Zhang Moazi carefully recalled every word of Xie An'an's words, and then realized that he never had the right to choose.

This chapter has been completed!
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