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Chapter 1372 The focus is on participation

After Cai Gen was completely confused, he looked at the bank card in front of him.

I dare not accept it even if I beat myself to death.

I just came here to buy steamed buns and Yuanxiao, I didn’t want any money.

Besides, what kind of money is this?

It's like someone coming to collect protection money.

It doesn’t matter if you pack up other people’s things, but you still take the money and leave?

Now that the crackdown on gangs and evil is so serious, does this eldest sister want to catch me and report me to receive a reward?

Are there hidden cameras?

Fishing enforcement?

If the amount involved in the case is one million and he is convicted, he probably won't be able to get out of jail in this life.

Fortunately, Cai Gen has always lived a more cautious life.

"Sister, what do you mean?

I didn’t want to ask you for money.”

After finishing speaking once, Cai Gen raised his voice again and spoke several more times in all directions.

I'm afraid that if the camera is hidden and the microphone is not good, I won't hear anything.

"Oh, why are you making such a fuss?

Just pretend, just pretend here with me.

They are all just show people, what about you?"

The steamed bun lady pushed her hand forward and handed it over again.

Cai Gen was so frightened that he took a step back and stopped Xiao Sun who wanted to step forward.

This reckless idiot won't be guilty of beating someone again.

"No, eldest sister, what do you mean?

I don't want money.

Forget it, I don’t want any more steamed buns.”

Seeing Cai Gen turning around to leave, Sister Mantou stretched out her arm and pulled Cai Gen back.

Cai Gen felt the strength of his hand and was shocked.

Is this a practicing artist?

No way.

He weighed more than 400 kilograms and was caught at once?

Is this morning market Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon?

Now that you've encountered it, you can't escape it.

Cai Gen has tried many times to avoid disasters, but all ended in failure.

He turned around, no longer struggling, and looked at Sister Steamed Bun's hand.

"Sister, we can't do this.

If you have anything to say, just say it clearly and try not to do anything."

Sensing the change in Cai Gen's mood, Xiao Sun also stepped up his stance.

If someone is not good enough, he will get violent and hurt others, and he will definitely rush in front of Cai Gen.

Seeing Cai Gen coming back, Sister Steamed Bun also let go of her hand.

I laughed out of embarrassment and looked very heroic.

"Oh, do you have to explain anything?

Okay, I'll follow you and follow your path."

It seemed like she had made a big compromise, and Sister Steamed Bun decided to get straight to the point.

"Brother Cai, don't think too much about taking this money.

I want to invest in your shared****.

Although I don’t have much money, I don’t want much either.

No shares, no dividends, no interest, and no principal.

This money is just for you? It’s not an angel investment? It’s an angel fucking investment.

Like my mother, no return? The kind of investment that is selfless."

Angel fucking investing?

Is this lingo in the investment community?

Cai Gen doesn’t understand either. He doesn’t dare to ask.

"Do you really want nothing?"

The steamed bun lady smiled heartily again.

"Of course I don't want nothing.

I want to participate in your project.

But when I say participation, I don’t mean participating in operations or decision-making.

It's just pure participation, the kind of participation in name.

Huh? Let me put it bluntly.

Is it the future? I’ll brag to others and say that I participated in the sharing ****.

Just don’t admit it.”

What kind of requirement is this?

Cai Gen was no longer confused now and was dumbfounded.

He glanced at Xiao Sun, hoping he could clarify his doubts.

Do paranormal circles like this happen often?

Xiao Sun shook his head firmly, indicating that this was also his first time.

"No? Sister, what are you trying to do?"

When the steamed bun lady was asked this question, she lit a cigarette without thinking about herself.

He looked at the not-so-bright sky at an angle of 45 degrees and said faintly.

"Brother Cai, you may not understand me.

After so many years in the investment circle, I have achieved some success.

Remember back then? I didn’t catch up with BTA, and I also missed the group buying war.

I didn't end up even with a taxi or a bicycle? I feel unwilling to do so.

Always investing in grain and oil stores and real estate? It’s not high-end at all.

Not worthy of me.

A person’s name? The shadow of a tree.

I have to give myself a glorious life.

Let’s add some successful cases that made us famous, right?

When the coffin is finalized.

You can’t say that my investment in the morning market street was very successful, right?

You can’t say that a grain and oil store with a monopoly is excellent, right?

You can’t say that I’m very good at running the fish market, right?

You can’t tell me how many express collection points I have, right?

I also have higher pursuits.

Does the sky have eyes? Let me meet Brother Cai.

Give me a chance to get to the dock before you set sail.

I know that I can't board your big ship with this crappy ticket.

However, leaving a name on the boat gang is not too much to ask, right?

I don't want to prove how good I am.

I just want to prove that I have been here, existed, and participated.

This is my idea.

Whether you can help me or not depends on what Brother Cai wants."

The more the steamed bun lady talked, the more excited she became. At the end of the sentence, her eyes began to burst into tears.

Cai Gen was shocked when he heard this.

This is indeed a strange woman.

You wouldn’t dare to act like this on TV, would you?

In order to brag and be more righteous in the future, who would be better off than her?

Being tied to an ideal or the meaning of life, Cai Gen really couldn't refuse it outright.

It’s just that I always feel like something is wrong?

This product, all decisions.

It is completely based on the premise that the truth she imagined is the truth.

But the truth is different from what she thought.

It's simply a huge difference.

"Sister, you may have misunderstood. The facts are different from what you think."

After seeing himself revealing his heart, Cai Gen still refused.

Sister Steamed Bun is infinitely lonely.

"Hey, Boss Cai, I didn't expect you to be so unkind.

Is it interesting to talk about these prevarications for me?

It's a bit hurtful, and it insults my intelligence and judgment.

You might as well tell me directly.

I don't deserve it, I don't have the qualifications, let me feel comfortable.

At least you treat me as an equal instead of treating me as a fool."


It’s over now!

Cai Gen didn't even know why he was in this situation.

I want to smile in my heart, but the smile just doesn't come out on my face.

"Sister, if you don't think so, I have nothing to say.

Don't worry if you think wrong, I'm just an ordinary person.

How unjustly will your money die then?"

The steamed bun lady shook her head and sighed.

"Boss Cai, we have already talked about this, and you still test me.

To be honest, I have also inquired about your past experience and background.

Very ordinary, simply too ordinary.

It's so common that it looks fake at first glance.

He is worthy of being a person who does great things. He does everything meticulously and without any loopholes.

It's because of your ordinary experience and background.

It made me make my final decision.

You can even control your own kindergarten teacher's mouth so strictly.

Is there anything that can’t be done?”

Oh my gosh, is that control?

So what you said is obviously the truth, okay?

Cai Gen has even forgotten who his kindergarten teacher is.

This steamed bun lady has quite a lot of connections.

Can you find Cai Gen Kindergarten teacher?

You won't force a confession, right?

Cai Gen really wanted to have his brain twitch, so he asked Sister Steamed Bun to help find his elementary school classmates.

After losing contact for so many years, I miss you so much.

In particular, there was half an eraser. My deskmate borrowed it and never returned it.

Cai Gen never forgets it and is worried about it.

This chapter has been completed!
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