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Chapter 1411 The treasure handed down

The waiter seemed to have suddenly thought of something.

Lying next to Cai Gen's ear, he spoke loudly.

It's like he's afraid that others won't hear.

"Boss, our family seems to be really good at it.

Brother Sun wrapped nails in the stick just to add weight.

At the same time, I also broke off a lot of the thorns on the keel and got them all entangled.

Before breaking off the keel, I said a lot of nice things to the flowerpot, which almost made me kneel down.

I thought he was performing some kind of faith-related ritual, so I didn’t dare to disturb him.”

Dragon bone spur?

Cai Gen suddenly realized.

This makes sense.

Last time, Huang Ping brought Chen Sanpao to the store to show off.

Trying to rely on the white light protecting the body from above.

I was stung by a large keel bone, which caused me to have diarrhea.

If Xiao Sun mixed the spikes of the dragon bone into the stick.

The steel nails are just a cover, the secret to breaking the defense lies in the keel spurs.

Cai Gen had no dreams last night and slept in total darkness.

There was no preparation for today's battle.

I did blame Xiaosun wrongly just now.

My grandson came prepared.

I guess I spent the whole night preparing for today's battle.

No wonder I don’t want to eat too much for breakfast, for fear of getting into a fight and making me vomit.

Cai Gen couldn't help but started praising Xiao Sun.

"Look at it, this is Xiao Sun's fighting attitude.

All previous reputations are not without reason.

If you want to be prominent in front of others, you have to suffer behind your back.

No pain No gain.

Opportunities indeed come to those who are prepared.


Forget it, that’s what it means anyway, think about it more.”

As if sensing Cai Gen's emotions, Shi Huozhu was very cooperative.

Raise your fists high and shout slogans.

"Learn from Grandpa!"

Cai Gen was startled by such a loud voice.

As a result, the expected collective slogan shouting did not occur.

Only Zhen Shuiyin raised her fist.

When I found no one responded, I quietly put it down, which was a little embarrassing.

Shi Huozhu would not feel embarrassed and wanted to start over.

However, Masala grabbed her hand firmly, covered her mouth, and gave him a fierce warning.

"Azhu, if you speak again, I will beat you to death.

I have goosebumps all over my body, and I’m going to get cancer from embarrassment.”

Cai Gen looked around at everyone in disappointment, and only gave Shi Huozhu an appreciative look.

After receiving the look, Shi Huozhu felt happy. Who can compare with him in terms of experiencing the spirit of leadership?

Little Sun didn't know it yet, but An Xin Bento almost started a trend of learning from him.

Caressing the stick in his hand, he was quite satisfied with the result.

"This magic weapon of mine is really powerful.

Remember it, I will only say it once.

This is the treasure of our safe lunch box passed down from generation to generation.

Camp Cot Keel Spirit Stick.

The stick technique just now is called hitting Yaksha with a stick to have no regrets in this life.

Remember it?

Forget it if you don’t remember it, I’ll only say it once anyway.”

Cai Gen took a breath of air.

Isn't the reason why I only said it once because I was talking nonsense and forgot about it after I said it?

Even if Xiao Sun were to say it again, it probably wouldn't be the same again.

A treasure passed down from generation to generation?

If you pass this stick to Tuantuan, even if your child has been well-educated since childhood, he will spit in your face.

Who can bear this?

so funny.

"Hahaha, why don't you call Dragon Bone Mental Illness if you still have Dragon Bone Mental Illness?

This kid is out of his mind, what kind of stupid name is this?"

Duan Xiaohong's discordant voice sounded again.

Cai Gen couldn't help but glare at the waiter, why did he bring her here?

The waiter had a heartbroken look on his face and kept blaming himself.

Why are you calling this Jiu Mengzi so early?

It's still too late to call after dinner is served.

The Yaksha duo asked for their names just to delay time.

But after hearing about the camp bed and the keel, are you still energetic?

Is it the standard equipment of some army?

So do this group of people, who come and plunder and return, also represent a powerful force? [email protected]

Hegelen helped Hejia Mo look at each other, and at the same time looked at Xiao Sun's psychotic stick in fear.

Unconsciously, I started to get entangled, as if something was difficult to decide, and I didn't dare to make a decision easily.

Xiao Sun felt that the audience in the room had already praised him enough, and he should give more prizes.

Turning around with the stick, he rushed towards the two Yakshas and roared.

"Two beasts are going to die, and I will kill you today.

Consecrate the Indomitable Stick of my camp bed.

Look at me, the grandpa who beats his grandson will teach you how to behave.

I have to add another dish tonight, I've been craving for boiled bullfrog for a long time."

Look, look.

Let’s just say that he couldn’t even remember it after he said it himself.

It was just as Cai Gen expected.

The two Yaksha seemed to be afraid of touching Xiao Sun's stick.

Flash, Teng, and Nao could barely cope, and were suppressed everywhere.

This is just what Xiaosun wants.

I have finally risen to prominence, and there are so many viewers.

It is definitely the highlight moment of my lifetime.

Unconsciously, people started to go crazy and started to wander again.

Trying to extend this situation of unilateral suppression indefinitely and enjoy it.

Cai Gen didn't rush Xiao Sun, after all, so many people were watching.

Let him show off.

If you are always depressed, you will easily get sick.

Moreover, this is also good for Xiaosun to regain his confidence.

It looked like Xiao Sun was chasing the two yakshas like a dog chasing a rabbit.

Cai Gen opened his mouth and called out a few times.

Shi Huozhu understood the situation and took on the role of leading the donkey.

For a while, cheers and applauses came and went, making it look like a Spring Festival Gala.

Honglei saw that Lingzi and his mother were integrated into the joyful atmosphere, so it would be bad if he didn't participate.

I just clapped my hands a few times, which was quite boring.

Why don't you just hit a Yaksha?

As for that?

I remember that I was

Forget it, it didn’t make much sense at first.

However, I vaguely remembered that the water-walking Yaksha was not only capable of this.

"Hey, why is it so lively?

What are you looking at? So cheerful?

Oh, isn't this an old girl?

Why, is it a holiday today?

It's really fate that we met here.

Don’t leave tonight, let’s celebrate the Lantern Festival together.”

An old and loud voice sounded, attracting everyone's attention.

Cai Gen knew from the inappropriateness of the content in his words.

It was the Tong family who came to wander around, and Tong Aiguo came.

Logically speaking, the waiter and the others should have come together.

Why did you enter the house?

That's because Tong Aiguo was at the door just now.

I saw XiaoTianmao, so I was delayed.

After letting everyone enter the house first, Tong Aiguo stopped Xiao Tmall.

He has a kind attitude and doesn't put on any airs.

"Yesterday, you made my elder brother very depressed.

Come on, tell me the truth, okay?

Once the whole thing is done, I'll let you take the shaman's memorial tablet as a substitute."

Xiao Timao looks down upon the Shaman brothers, especially Tong Aiguo.

I won’t talk about it if it’s not serious, and I’m still wandering around.

If he wasn't afraid of water jets, he wouldn't pay attention to him at all.

"Old man, isn't it great to be a substitute for your shaman?

My big name is Xiao Tian Mao, and my nickname is Xiao Tian Dog.

When he was fighting, he and Pangu were also alumni of the same class.

Who do you look down on?

Not to mention one slice, not even half a slice.

Absolutely not."

This chapter has been completed!
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