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Chapter 1431 Tongbai Water Monkey

Tamamo was so shaken by Zhen Shuiyin's words that her heart almost tore apart.

He carefully looked at Zhen Shuiyin up and down for a long time, forcing himself to calm down.

"Sister Xiaoshui, what are you talking about?

Why can’t I understand?”

This is the old trick of drinking and breaking up.

All the veteran actors showed contempt, which was a bit vulgar.

Zhen Shuiyin did not expose Tamamo's cover, but snorted coldly and looked at her grandson outside the window.

"Humph, Sister Tamamo, I was also there that day.

However, the Tongbai Water Monkey Wu Zhiqi that day.

It’s not what it is now. The fastest updated mobile version::

It's not what you say it is.

In my memory, he was a hundred feet tall.

His eyes are like golden bells, his head of bronze and his arms of iron, capable of calling for wind and rain.

From the south of Tongbai to the source of the Xiang River, it is within a thousand miles.

Wood monsters, water spirits, mountain monsters, stone monsters and other monsters.

Everyone will obey his orders and follow them to the death."

It seems to be to match Zhen Shuiyin's explanation.

Xiao Sun started to show off his power in the parking lot.

After completely gaining control of the water realm, Xiao Sun was extremely excited.

This feeling of controlling everything is very familiar and yet strange.

With a thought, a little grandson made of water appeared next to him.

Then countless thoughts made Xiao Sun surrounded by water-type gorillas.

Handstands, somersaults, chest slapping, stacking arhats

Thousands of people with thousands of faces, able to control it freely, no weaker than the clone transformed by Xiao Sun Jinmao.

Xiao Sun was surrounded by many younger brothers, and he looked exactly like what Zhen Shuiyin had described.

But in Cai Gen's eyes, Xiao Sun looks a bit like a simplified version, feeling like he's been undercut.

Zhen Shuiyin was slightly disappointed when she saw Xiao Sun's clone, and continued her convulsive memories.

"The Tongbai Water Monkey Wu Zhiqi that day.

In order to protect his homeland and save his wife and daughter, he led the demons to fight Emperor Yu.

Emperor Yu was defeated and devised a scheme, so Tushan paid to hire Yinglong."

"Um, Xiaoshui, you are pretending on purpose.

Or is that just what the book says?

Can you translate it?

Can you take care of my understanding a little bit?"

Cai Gen interrupted Zhen Shuiyin's narration, feeling a little tired when talking like this.

And the people and things involved are very informative.

It has no beginning and no end, it is not as easy to understand as what Tamamo said.

Zhen Shuiyin glanced at Cai Gen complainingly.

The atmosphere that had just been created was completely destroyed when he interrupted it.

In order to highlight Wu Zhiqi as a hero in troubled times who is affectionate and righteous, and who is proud of the world.

She has really worked hard, okay?

There are many ancient Chinese texts that I didn’t say, just because I was afraid that Cai Gen wouldn’t understand them.

It disrupts the rhythm and has to reorganize the language. It’s very tiring, isn’t it?

Looking at Xiao Sun again, he was even more discouraged.

Xiao Sun is also good at destroying the atmosphere, making it look like a joke, which is really shameless.

All the endorsements I tried to give to Wu Zhiqi seemed like a joke.

It turned out that Xiao Sun, who had transformed from a fish to a sword, had soon had enough of playing with the water body.

As soon as he used his magical powers and teleported, he came to Hejia Mo's side.

Without saying another word, he reached out and grabbed his head.

This is the personal experience of Hedong and Hexi in the past thirty years.

Xiao Sun was an outsider in this field just now, so he couldn't resist.

Now it becomes Tongbai Water Monkey Wu Zhiqi.

Easily seized control of the water realm.

Hejia Mo was bearing all the pressure from his original domain and had no power to fight back.

It was like a ball being thrown out by Xiao Sun.

Watching Hejiamo fly out, Xiao Sun teleported again and came to Heiglen's side.

Hegren waved his hands meaninglessly, trying to escape.

But it's like a heavy burden on my body, and any resistance is in vain.

Xiao Sun grabbed Heiglen's arm and threw it away.

Originally, the two Yashas were thrown on different trajectories, but they were under Xiao Sun's control.

It's like space has been distorted.

The two yakshas collided hard, and a burst of blood mist erupted.

Xiao Sun was playing playfully with a smile on his face, and he was endlessly happy.

I also don’t want the two Yakshas to die happily.

After all, the torture of having his scales pulled out left a deep impression on Xiao Sun.

Who makes him hold a grudge more than Cai Gen?

So, Xiao Sun happily let the two Yakshas fall in love and kill each other.

The collisions continued, bursts of blood mist erupted.

After being illuminated by the sun, it looks like gorgeous fireworks.

Little Sun had a great time playing there, like a little kid who found a new toy.

Cai Gen nodded silently.

Sure enough, this was Xiao Sun, and he started wandering again.

It's no use letting the water of Zhenshui blow up to the sky.

From some point of view, Xiao Sun, who is now silly and happy, looks like a second-rate man without any ambition.

There is definitely no trace of Wu Zhiqi.

Wu Zhiqi is definitely not as naughty as Xiao Sun.

Tamamo was already sure at this time that Zhen Shuiyin was definitely at the scene that day.

Otherwise, it would be absolutely impossible to know about Wu Zhiqi's rescue of his wife and daughter.

Because of the shame issue, the person involved will never speak out and slap himself in the face.

Most of the idlers and others were silenced.

Even if he was not silenced, he would not dare to spread the news because of Emperor Yu.

The history that can be recorded has also been tampered with.

It is very likely that there was chaos on the battlefield that day.

Tamamo didn't remember seeing Sadui Yin.

I just don’t know which side Zhen Shuiyin was on at that time.

The current situation is that even if she doesn't say it, Zhen Shuiyin will tell Cai Gen.

By then, you will be passive, and the favorability you just gained may be gone forever.

Relying on his imperfect mind, Tamamo made the decision easily.

"Sister Xiaoshui, let me do the talking.

Boss Cai, it’s not that I don’t want to talk about it, it’s actually a bit wide-ranging and doesn’t show much face.

But, if you insist on listening, it’s shameless, and the shame is not mine.”

When Cai Gen heard Tamamo's words, he tried to remember, did he have to listen to it?

I guess that's true, because it involves Xiaosun, so we need to be cautious.

But later on, the driving force behind Cai Gen’s desire to listen turned into curiosity.

Moreover, the fire of Bagua has been getting stronger and stronger.

Tamamo suddenly bowed in the direction of southeast, northwest and shouted loudly.

"Third uncle, you are unkind, but as a junior, I cannot be unjust.

However, today Cai Gen, the God of Pain, wanted to hear the secret, and I couldn't resist.

If you are not satisfied or dissatisfied, please bear with me.

If you don't want to be bothered, you can come to Cai Gen at any time and I won't stop you."

After shouting this suddenly, Tamamo seemed to have accomplished something big.

He smiled shyly at Cai Gen.

"Haha, Boss Cai, don't mind, it's not weird if you give me a favor.

Just say it like that, it’s okay, don’t take it seriously.”

Oh, I'll go, you're still saying it's okay?

So cautious?

Is this scapegoat phobia?

Has it gone too far and become a scapegoat?

Cai Gen actually didn't care that Tamamo was blaming him.

Tamamo's third uncle, why does he sound familiar to him?

Where have you heard it?

Maybe he's an old-timer from the Fox clan?

Love whoever you want, anyway, my curiosity has reached the point where I can't bear it.

He is also a brother-in-law and a wife and daughter.

How exciting is this plot?

However, out of caution, Cai Gen still asked.

"Sister Zao, who is your third uncle?

How many tails are there?”

This chapter has been completed!
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