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Chapter 1510 Write a letter and burn it to me

After Schaefer got in the car, he looked at the taxi driver with interest.

However, nothing was seen, just like an ordinary mortal.

"Master, what do you call me? How did you know I was here?"

The driver didn't speak, but the old man in the back seat spoke.

"Do you understand the rules?

Drivers are prohibited from chatting while driving, which may affect driving safety.

His name is Xie An'an, and he met you by chance.

Don't be dissatisfied, and don't follow the ink.

Otherwise, you will be kicked off the bus and your legs will be damaged.

Let you crawl to Cai Gen’s Xinxin bento.

Don't ask me why I know.

The you now is the me just now.

Fortunately, my old cow legs are strong and I know the current affairs well."

As he said that, the old man in the back seat rubbed his knees as if they were cold.

Xie An looked at the rearview mirror with a smile and gave the old man an appreciative smile.

This introduction really saved me a lot of trouble.

Schaeffer heard the sound and looked towards the back seat.

The old man who calls himself Lao Niu is tall and burly.

When I was sitting, my head hit the carport, and one person occupied the space of two people.

It's just that the knee area was sticky, I don't know whether it was blood or soil.

Schaefer's curiosity was almost over the top.

Suddenly I felt that things about Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva were not that important anymore.

Is this world so interesting?

Never heard of it before.

I just feel that the name Xie An'an sounds a bit familiar.

Just as he was about to speak to Lao Niu, the taxi suddenly came to an emergency stop.

In front of the parking lot, in the empty space, two people suddenly appeared.

One person was wearing a black suit, he was polite, his face was kind, he looked like an intellectual.

The other man was wearing a red sportswear. He was not only tall, but also had bulging muscles and a fierce look on his face.

In this wilderness, if you encounter two strange people like this, most drivers will not stop.

However, Xie An'an just stopped the car.

"New here, right?

Are you going to Cai Gen's store?

Hurry up and get on the bus, there are still empty seats."

The two people under the car looked at each other, confused.

The gentle man spoke first, very cautiously.

"We're not going anywhere, just go."

Xie An used the same gesture and pointed at the image of the Bodhisattva in the sky.

"The breath of heaven and earth has been disturbed by him.

If you continue to rely on magic to move forward, chaos will become more chaotic and accidents will occur.

Get in the car and I'll take you there, it's five yuan for a ride."

The tall man was a little impatient and started to curse.

Lao Niu in the car rolled down the window and shouted to the two of them.

"Stop being so ink-stained.

Are you going to Cai Gen's store?

This is considered the last train. If you don't get on the bus, you will be delayed.

If it's a little later, it's all over and you can't see anything anymore. TV mobile version/

Hurry up and get in the car, don't let anyone trouble you."

The gentle man was a little confused.

If you don’t get in the car yourself, who will bother?

As soon as the burly man pulled him, he really slipped into the car.

When the car started again, the picture outside the car window began to distort.

I don’t know how fast it was going, but I conservatively estimated that it was faster than the speed of light.

The burly man and the equally burly old man, with a gentle man sandwiched between them, were almost squeezed into the photo.

I wanted the two of them to relax, but the car was so big and there was nothing anyone could do.

Schaefer looked curiously at the two new people getting into the car in the back seat.

Why aren't they curious?

Why don't they ask questions like themselves?

Is this how things are done in the world?

Confused, confused?

Finally, the burly man spoke, not to the driver, but to the old man.

"Are you Lao Qi?"

Lao Qi?

This title makes Kui Niu, the youngest in the family, very affectionate.

Moreover, anyone who can call this name is definitely not an outsider.

Kui Niu looked at the burly man, blinked for a long time, and then asked tentatively.

"Are you Fengzi?"

It seemed like a curse word, and Emperor Fengdu immediately burst into tears.

Across the distance from Taishan Mansion Lord, he hugged Kui Niu.

"Oh my god, it's really you, Lao Qi.

We haven't seen each other for many years, and you miss me so much."

Kui Niu also stretched out his hand, ignoring the presence of Lord Taishan and hugging Emperor Fengdu.

"It's not that bad, Fengzi, I didn't expect that I would still be alive to see you.

No, I didn’t see you when I died.

I originally thought that your territory would not be properly arranged for me.

But you are not particular about it, so why are you hiding?"

Emperor Fengdu relied on his height and long hands to slap Kui Niu hard on the back.

"Oh, don't say anything.

Didn’t I fall into a trap in those years?

The higher ups sent people directly to leave me alone.

By the way, this is the person sent from above to replace me.

Although he was later abandoned by others.

Lao Qi, just call him Artai.

Mr. Fu, please call this Brother Qi. You won’t suffer any loss.

Let’s not arrange seniority, it’s very troublesome.”

Lord Taishan was almost pinched to death.

Judging from the intensity of the two people's embrace, it was indeed true.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for two grown men to hug each other so tightly.

With great effort, he stretched out his head. Lord Taishan was very obedient.

"Seventh Brother, it's our first time meeting you. Please take good care of me.

Could you please relax a little?"

Kui Niu glared at Taishan Mansion Lord and let go of his hand, showing no good attitude.

"Artest? Where are you from?

Is it you who ruined Fengzi's job?

Why are you so awesome?

Why, do you think Fengzi doesn’t have any powerful friends and is easy to bully?”

Lord Taishan was dumbfounded.

Who is this seventh old man?

Why are you speaking so hastily?

I didn't offend him.

Emperor Fengdu quickly reconciled the situation.

"Lao Qi, don't be like this, we are all friends.

Artest had no choice but to suffer misfortune later on.

Can we not talk about the past?

Turn over, turn over.

Are you going to Cai Gen's place too?

What's the reason?"

Kui Niu stopped talking to Mr. Taishan Mansion, shook his head and sighed.

"Well, it's a long story.

Why don't you add me on WeChat and let's chat slowly."

With that said, Kui Niu took out his mobile phone with great difficulty.

Emperor Fengdu looked embarrassed, he didn't have a mobile phone.

Even if there is, it is not connected to the Internet.

It's not from the same operator, so there's no signal across networks.

"Lao Qi, you'd better write a letter and burn it for me.

I can't understand the high-tech stuff.

Driver, do you have a pen?

Lend it to me and I'll write you the address."

Schaeffer was in the co-pilot, and everyone was dumbfounded.

Who is that sitting behind?

Xie An'an also heard it was a bit noisy and shouted loudly.

"You're not allowed to talk to the driver, don't you understand?

Driving safety, don’t you understand?

Write the address of Mao Zedong. Alzheimer’s disease can’t remember it?

Are you here to look for relatives?

Is there something wrong?"

Emperor Fengdu immediately became angry, glared and wanted to take action.

But Kui Niu pulled him hard, winked at him, and shook his head.

It means not to be impulsive, there is something hidden.

"Master, let's not talk anymore. Please drive properly."

Seeing Kui Niu being so polite, Emperor Fengdu also muttered.

Who is this driver?

How can Kui Niu be so honest?

Suddenly, the car started to slow down and was about to stop.

Is it arriving so soon?

There is a building in front of me.

It says Sharing Children’s No. 1 Store.

In front of the building, there was an old lady standing alone.

This chapter has been completed!
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