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Chapter 1540 Something happened down the mountain

Xiao Sun glared at Xiao Er.

"Um, waiter, do you need to be so eager to learn?"

"Brother Sun, learn and live until you are old.

Basically I will never grow old, so there is no end to my learning.”

Cai Gen nodded, the waiter was very positive.

"Sauerkraut basket, I haven't eaten it for a long time.

It is a kind of pasta between steamed buns and dumplings.

Bigger than dumplings, smaller than steamed buns.

The stuffing is full of pickled vegetables, no meat, but oily spinach.

As for the crust, it used to be cornmeal, but now you can use white flour.

Wait a minute, waiter, there’s no need to be so concerned about it, right?

That stuff isn’t that tasty.”

Looking at the waiter who was already walking towards the kitchen, Cai Gen understood that he wanted to put it into practice.

"Boss, I'll give it a try."

Cai Gen had nothing to do with the waiter's curiosity.

Continue the topic just now.

Although I was sure in my heart that the client's disappearance had nothing to do with Lang Mintao.

But after all, it involves customers who share children.

Still on her chassis.

Cai Gen still pulled out his business card and called Lang Mintao to learn about the situation.

The phone rang once and was picked up immediately, as if he had been waiting for the call.

"Sister Lang, I am Cai Gen.

Why didn't you stay for two more days and why are you so anxious to go back?"

Lang Mintao seemed surprised that Cai Gen called him, and it was probably not Cai Gen's call he was waiting for.

"Ah, brother Cai.

It's okay not to be in a hurry, there are too many things going on at home.

By the way, are you okay?"

There's a lot of bullshit.

It’s not just to hide from Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.

Of course Cai Gen knew that, Lang Mintao also contributed to the last arrest.

Fortunately, it's done.

Judging from the results here, Lang Mintao hasn't received the letter yet.

"Ah, I'm fine. What should I do?"

Lang Mintao originally just asked tentatively.

After all, if Cai Gen was really in trouble, he couldn't call her.

I have been asking Tong Aiguo about the results of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.

But Tong Aiguo didn't say it clearly, as if it was very obscure.

"Brother Cai is really awesome.

We Mingren don't talk in secret, and I don't like playing riddles either.

As long as you are not blind, no one can see the great appearance of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.

Just in time, tell me what happened next."

Cai Gen felt that here we should be gentle and show off, and not use too much force.

"It's not going well.

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva came to apologize.

It is both self-inflicted and remorseful.

No matter how hard I refused, he was too sincere.

I'm not a petty person, so I forgive him.

Whoever fantasizes and gets my forgiveness will suddenly have enlightenment and become a Buddha.

By the way, Anxin Buddha said he wanted to name my Anxin Bento.

I actually wanted him to be called Bento Buddha.

It's a pity that he was in a hurry to go back to report and didn't change his name.

Sister, tell me, does the Bento Buddha sound better than the Peaceful Buddha?"

Lang Mintao was silent again.

She thought that Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva might fail and return home.

I also thought about Cai Gen blowing a whistle and calling people to destroy Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.

However, it is unimaginable that the sky will fall and the world will collapse.

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva actually became a Buddha?

Or the named Anxin Buddha?

Lang Mintao was immediately confused.

No wonder Tong Aiguo didn't say it directly, it was really shocking.

Facing Cai Gen's show off and thinking of his terrifying strength.

Lang Mintao regretted it a little.

Listen to Tong Aiguo and use hundreds of clients to lure Cai Gen.

Are you a bit petty?

Doesn't it seem a bit sloppy and disrespectful?

"Sister Lang, are you listening?

Isn’t it better to be a bento Buddha?”

"Ah, ah, everything is fine. Whatever you say is good is fine."

"By the way, what's going on with Grandma Zhang?"

Cai Gen asked coldly, and Lang Mintao panicked.

"Ah? Who is Grandma Zhang?"

"The missing Grandma Zhang from your nursing home.

That's my child-sharing client, why can't I just say it's gone and be gone?

There are flaws in the safety management of your nursing home."

Lang Mintao seemed to deny it without thinking.

“What nursing home?

I do not know."

Suddenly he thought of something and blurted it out.


Is anyone missing?

Still your customer?

Damn it, no way.

I don't know.

I really don't know.

Brother Cai, I'm a little busy right now, so I won't talk about it for now.

If you have any news, please contact me again."

Cai Gen looked at the hung up phone, feeling even more confused.

"It sounds like she really doesn't know what this means."

Xiao Sun nodded accordingly.

"Third uncle, I also heard the surprise in her tone.

If it was her who did it, she would definitely make demands.

Since nothing was mentioned, it means this was not planned."

Xiao Tmall heard more information.

"Master, I feel it.

Although she was surprised, she seemed to understand the reason.

That's why I hung up the phone so hastily.

Even if she didn't do it, she knew who did it.

It’s just that there’s something hidden, but it’s hard to explain.”

Cai Gen listened to the analysis of the two generals and felt that it was profound enough.

"Then, let's see how she makes things come true next.

You see, we are anxious, but she is more anxious than us."

Is Lang Mintao anxious?

Of course I was anxious, and extremely anxious.

The mission of the Niu Gu Lu family is to ensure that nothing happens here.

Just like Ma Jiashi guarding the Taiqing ditch, he has unlimited responsibility.

Lang Mintao hung up the phone and didn't even bother to change clothes.

First-rate fire makes me want to go to the top of the mountain that has been guarded for generations.

However, as soon as they reached the foot of the mountain, they were stopped.

Lang Mintao directly summoned the hunting god Zhu Shebeile.

On your own platform, who dares to stop you?

As a result, I saw the beautiful girl Hai Dalun holding a golden apple, and felt powerless.

Bowing and saluting, he asked politely.

"What do you mean?

I want to see Jin Zu."

Hai Dalun played with the golden apple in his hand, relaxed and indifferent.

"Are you Xiaotao?

How many years have we not seen each other?

The last time I saw you, you were burying your child."

For Hai Dalun, Lang Mintao is the shaman.

Those who are not one's own family members are all outsiders in terms of shamanism.

However, due respect is still necessary.

After all, this person's identity is there.

Giving Hai Dalun face is giving Jin Zu face.

Although they have no real status, they have lived together for many years.

"Something happened at the foot of the mountain. I want to see Jin Zu. Please give in."

Hai Dalun didn't seem to hear it and kept talking to himself.

"Xiao Tao, why did you fall into the trap when it was your turn to be the leader?

How far away is the snowman?

There has been no increase recently.

Are you looking for a guy just to make money and enjoy yourself?

Have you forgotten what you did?"

Lang Mintao frowned immediately.

“It’s not snowing anymore, how can I build a snowman?

As for why it doesn’t snow, you know better than me, right?”

Hai Dalun gently pushed the Hunting God.

"Jusebel, change into fresh clothes."

With this push, all the leaves on the body of the Hunting God Jushebel became brand new.

A few small red flowers also bloomed, as if they were reborn and full of life.

"Xiao Tao, my parents are helping you build a snowman, what else are you dissatisfied with?

Go back, you won't see Aqiu."

Lang Mintao and the Hunting God looked at each other and saw helplessness at the same time, so they had no choice but to return the way they came.

This chapter has been completed!
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