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Chapter 1595 Want to eat hot tofu

Herak looked at ordinary mortals, helpless, struggling, fearful, and finally surrendering in front of him.

These appeared countless times in his dreams, and then stopped abruptly when he woke up.

It's those dreams that constantly remind me.

Who are you.

He is Hercules, Hercules.

Hercules, who accomplished twelve heroic deeds.

The 276th son of the god-king Zeus.

The 2576th heir to the God-King of the World of Rashi.

The middle-aged man, who was enjoying himself intoxicatedly, saw Yang San biting his wrist.

what is this?

His disgusting saliva actually got on his wrist.

what is this?


How dare he, an ordinary mortal?

He suddenly shook his hand and threw the girl and Yang San away at the same time.

The onlookers exclaimed in surprise at the same time.

No one is worried about Yang San's life and death. They are all worried about the six golden flowers getting hurt. That is a sin.

Yang San still followed the same trajectory as before, rolling to the corner, knocking out a hole in the soft bag behind her, and paralyzed there, not knowing whether to live or die.

The direction where the girl flew out was the door of the box.

Without any obstruction, he would probably fly onto the stage and break his bones and tendons.

Cai Gen stood up suddenly and threw the teddy bear away.

"Axiong, go ahead, it's important to save people."

After all, she is Shi Leilei's sister, so there is no way she could see her getting hurt.

Even if there is no relationship, Cai Gen cannot ignore death.

However, the teddy bear's expected transformation did not appear.

Just like a real stuffed toy, it bounced back after colliding with a sudden fireball.

After the big fireball hit the teddy bear, it didn't stop and rushed directly towards the flying girl.

He stopped the girl firmly, lowered himself gently, and helped the girl stand up.

Cai Gen left the box, picked up the teddy bear, and watched the fireball appear.

It turned out that he was wearing a red suit, and his movements were too fast, and he was seen as a big fireball.

The reason why he is regarded as a ball is because he is a halfling.

He is definitely not more than one meter tall, and looking at the beard all over his face, he is definitely not pretending to be a child.

The dwarf looked at Cai Gen and smiled honestly.

"Guest, please don't throw garbage on the stage, even though you mean well.

Brother Hao, you are blessed.

I'll take care of things here first, and I'll toast you later."

After saying hello, the dwarf walked to box number seven.

Lang Jiahao walked up to Cai Gen, grabbed his arm, and dragged him back to the box.

"Boss Cai, come back and have a drink, it seems you're all right.

I'm still thinking, why doesn't this grandson come out yet?

That's the floor manager, called Banzhiba, the backbone of the team.

There are also seven younger brothers, and they seem to be named quite randomly just to make them easy to remember.

He is responsible for half a branch of eight on the eighth floor, half a branch of seven on the seventh floor, and so on.

They are all dwarfs, none taller than one meter.

Once he comes out, things should be settled."

Cai Gen grabbed the teddy bear and there were white marks on his hands.

Not scared, but very nervous.

Half an eight?

Don't think that you can't recognize it if you have a beard on your face.

That was obviously the Yaksha who came here secretly from the gods.

It seems that Yaksha's characteristics are very obvious when he sneaks into the human world.

All dwarfs, only by breaking the shell will you know how disgusting the lizard man inside is.

Sitting on the sofa silently, Cai Gen asked the teddy bear.

"Axiong, what's going on?"

"Boss Cai, that half-eight is the fire-eating Yaksha.

A half-branch of Kabhadra belonging to the eight great families of Yaksha."

"Then what? You can't beat me?"

"No, Boss Cai, it's not a problem that I can't solve before.

Don't you just want to step on the plate today?

If I'm exposed, they won't find anyone else.

I was afraid that I would implicate you and affect your plan, so I kept my aura secret."

Cai Gen lit up a cigarette and needed Teddy Bear to give a reasonable explanation.

After all, it delayed the magic baby's appearance, which is not handsome at all.

"How to say it?"

"Boss Cai, you don't know.

I'll keep my story short.

When the eight major Yaksha families were first divided into different groups.

It is under the command of King Bishamon, also known as King Tawen.

Aqiang on your keychain."

Cai Gen understood a little bit, but then felt something was wrong.

"Axiong, since you are Aqiang's subordinate, isn't that just right?

If we just ask Aqiang to join the old team, wouldn't we be relieved?

This is a good thing, why are you so cautious?"

The teddy bear glanced in the direction of box number seven, trying to find the figure of Half Eight.

It's difficult, it's just too short.

"Boss Cai, that's only apparent jurisdiction.

Just like Xiao Xiao, the earthly woman you created, how can the official announcement guarantee peace?

But in heaven, who in the Social Security Administration takes him seriously?

Although the west is divided like this, the Yasha clan is considered a powerful fighting race in the west.

My third brother just has a false name.

In fact, the eight major Yaksha families did not take him seriously and only superficially obeyed the orders of the West.

Now something happened to our brother, those subordinates who were originally dissatisfied.

How would you treat us if you saw us?

In their eyes, we are the credit of walking.

Wouldn't it be nice to catch us and take him to the west to collect the reward?

Even if they can't catch us, providing clues is still a great achievement.

Even if he dies in our hands, it will bring honor to the family.

The Yasha clan grew up eating raw rice and never cared about life or death.

It’s just because they are difficult to deal with that I don’t want to cause any trouble to you.”

After Teddy Bear's explanation, Cai Gen completely understood.

If you have the opportunity to trick your former leaders, you really shouldn’t miss it.

Judging from the water-eating Yaksha we came into contact with last time, he is indeed fierce and ferocious, much more advanced than Kinnara.

Whether it is physical condition or combat literacy, especially the will to fight, he is really strong.

It can be seen from this that this return will be a tough nut to crack.

Don't act hastily. You need to make more preparations. Let's just step on the plate today.

Cai Gen is touching the bottom of the half-branched eight here, and he is also busy with the other half-branched eight.

After Banzhiba rescued people, he walked into box No. 7.

The other five golden flowers were already frightened. They did not expect that today's guest would be so unreasonable and so powerful.

However, when they saw Ban Zhiba, Wuduo Golden Flower didn't look like he was saved, but more frightened, as if Ban Zhiba was the real most vicious person.

"The guest grabbed my hand, what happened?

Are you concerned?

What are you all pretending to be?

Are you not mentally prepared for going out to a nightclub?

Get out of here right away, I’m going to get upset just looking at you.”

The five golden flowers were scolded and did not stop. If they were pardoned, they all ran away.

Seeing the girl running away, the middle-aged foreigner gave up and wanted to stop her.

However, the old man beside him remained silent until he spoke.

"Herak, patience is a good quality of the strong.

I can’t eat hot tofu in a hurry, do you still want to eat tofu?”

Hercule looked at the old man, and both he and Achilles let out a vague smile at the same time.

After laughing for a while, I felt that this joke was a bit cold and uninteresting.

This chapter has been completed!
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