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Chapter 1629 All rolled up

Big Big Wolf, Bald Qiang, Pikachu.

The three dolls were quickly thrown into the sky by Cai Gen.

Herak was dumbfounded.

what does this mean?

A children's drama?

Or is it a parody of a cartoon?

I said I wanted to challenge, but you’re trying to pull this off with me?

It's too childish.

He looked at Cai Gen playing tricks with disdain, his contempt was obvious.

Puo was more sensitive and felt the powerful power in the three dolls.

"Herak, be careful, there is a powerful enemy."

Herak turned to look at Puro, and smiled.

"Uncle Pu, didn't you make me confident?

Could it be...

Damn it, what are you doing?

Please let me go, don't do this, let me go quickly.

I am Hercules, I want to fight...


Before he finished speaking, Herak was pushed to the ground like a little daughter-in-law by three big men with golden helmets.

Alang and Api held down one of Herak's arms and legs respectively. Aqiang sat directly on Herak's face, blocking all his calls for help and controlling him firmly.

"Boss Cai, this product is quite powerful.

It's not that we three brothers really can't hold it down.

Come on, let’s get started.”

Ah Qiang's sales were generally good, which means they have worked very hard and it is not easy.

However, in the eyes of others, it is a completely different picture.

The three dolls restored their true form as kings in the air, and their golden helmets were extremely powerful.

Like an eagle catching a chicken, there was no room for Herak to resist.

Herak, whose nickname is also a Hercules, could not resist being captured. He also put up a fierce resistance at the beginning of the contact.

Helpless, there is a huge gap in strength, and all the arguments are in vain.

Due to the vigorous resistance, there were also several cracking sounds of broken bones.

Cai Gen nodded with satisfaction. Fortunately, he didn't lose anything when he came out this time.

It's so satisfying to defeat the enemy with one move.

However, if you don't see the scene and just listen to the dialogue, it's a bit like the scene where the evil young man indulges the evil servant in the street and rapes the daughter of the people.

Forget it, don't think so much, being happy is the most important thing.

Cai Gen took three steps, gestured with the bone-cutting knife, and came to Herak's side.

I glanced at Pu Luo, just in case he had any bad thoughts.

When Puro saw Herak being pushed to the ground, in order to express his thoughts, he took a few steps back and shrugged his shoulders.

It seems to be showing that he is powerless.

It seems that he is anxious to draw a clear line with Herak for fear of harming innocent people.

What an interesting old man. Cai Gen focused on Herak's exposed head.

This head of thick yellow curly hair has an amazing volume.

Each one stimulated Cai Gen's jealousy. He raised the knife and scraped Herak's scalp.

Without soap lubrication, the bone-chopping knife is still a blunt instrument. If it is scraped raw, only a limited amount of hair will fall out.

Cai Gen was a little anxious, things were not going well with him.

If you want to chop off his head, you can use a bone-cutting knife, but shaving his head is unprofessional.

He slapped the bone-chopping knife hard with his hand, hoping to wake up the lazy guy inside.

"Butcher's knife, wake up and get to work.

Wake up, don't sleep.

If you don’t wake up, will I spit on you?”

The bone-cutting knife seemed to have a mysophobia, and it suddenly became the second stage.

The black blade shines with cold light.

After switching to the second stage, it is much sharper.

Unfortunately, Cai Gen's skills are average, and shaving his head is also a technical job.

I scratched it carelessly for a long time, and it looked like a dog had gnawed it. There was blood in many places.

In short, after Cai Gen was satisfied, Herak's head became disgracefully bald.

Moreover, he is very ugly and bald, even more embarrassing than Cai Gen.

Cai Gen slapped Herak hard on the head and put away the bone-cutting knife.

"Done, call it a day.

It's a small punishment to make you talk mean.

Next time you do something mean, I will make you headless."

As soon as Cai Gen got out of the way, Yang San rushed forward.

There was no chance to hit Achilles just now, but now Herak was restrained, which gave Yang San an opportunity to take up Cai Gen's position, raised his foot and started kicking Herak in the head.

"I'll kick you to death and let you bully the boss of my family.

I asked you to ask my sister to accompany you for drinks.

It's shameless to sit on your lap.

Why don't you pretend?

Also very powerful.

I have strong legs.

Powerful power produces miracles.

I'll kick you to death, you little bastard."

Cai Gen's teeth were sore when he saw Yang San taking advantage of others.

I really don’t have the baggage of idols.

The former reputation of Erlang Shen Yang Jian was shattered to pieces.

A few kicks will do, just in case the bloody nature of the previous life comes back.

When the time comes, I can win over him and turn Erlang Shen into a caregiver. It will also be wonderful. No matter what he is like, his reputation is enough.

Thinking of this, Cai Gen didn't stop him and watched quietly as Yang San went up to finish the attack.

The three heavenly kings didn’t think so much.

Cai Gen starts, they can help hold it down, that's okay.

Cai Gen stopped, so they were finished.

At the same time, he let go of Herak, walked away neatly, and turned into a doll again, hanging on Cai Gen's waist.

Herak lost his restraints and looked up suddenly, just in time to see Yang San kicking him, and his eyes were red with anger.

"Boy, you dare to kick me.

I know you are the returning waiter.

If you wait, you're dead."

In fact, Yang San hasn't kicked enough yet.

Who would have thought that the three heavenly kings could retreat so simply.

He raised his feet and looked at Herak, feeling a little guilty.

I can only argue hard.

"No, you are blind.

The one who shaved your head was Cai Gen.

What's holding you down is his keychain.

Why are you still looking for a back-end with me?

Am I easy to bully?"

Herak shook his bald head and shed a lot of blood and broken hair.

"I don't care, I just saw you kicking me.

You're dead, just wait."

With that said, Herak wanted to get up, but Yang San was so frightened that they ran back.

However, just as Herak pressed his arm to the ground, his arm broke with a snap.

I tried to stand up with my legs, but my legs were broken. I fell down again and my face hit the ground heavily.

The only thing that can move now is my neck, and I can barely raise my head.

"What did you do?

Don't you mean shaving your head?

Why are you crushing my bones?"

Listening to Herak's infinitely aggrieved words, Cai Gen didn't even know how to answer.

It sounds like a resentful woman who broke an egg, complaining about the robber pretending to steal the egg.

The three heavenly kings were too heavy-handed, why didn't they go deeper and shallower?

But is Hercules such a waste?

I remember he acted in the movie, but he was very awesome.

It is said that two venomous snakes were strangled to death in a baby, right?

Why does it look like a glass man?

"Axiong, are all the local gods in this world so good?

Are they not as good as the monsters smuggled from the west?

Isn’t it a bit disappointing to live up to God’s recognition?”

The teddy bear skipped up to Cai Gen. It was he who enlightened Cai Gen about the interpretation of local gods in the world.

Therefore, he really needed to answer this abnormal situation.

Logically speaking, it shouldn't be such a bad thing, and the teddy bear really didn't know what to say for a while.

Puo stood aside and saw that everything was done here before walking over.

"Oh, why bother.

Are you relieved?

What to fight?

What does it mean?

When it’s done, I’ll put it away.”

As he said that, he rolled up Herak, also very skillfully.

This chapter has been completed!
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