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Chapter 1691 The power of faith

In a burst of cigarette smoke that burned his nose and hair, Pu Luo began to roll on the ground.

It seems that people, like dogs, have sensitive noses.

After having a cigarette butt inserted, my reaction was really extreme.

Since Cai Gen and Puo didn't want to carry anyone on their backs, they spoke loudly.

Loud enough for everyone to hear.

The devout people on the battlefield heard Cai Gen's nonsensical request and began to laugh one after another. They looked at Cai Gen as if they were looking at a fool.

If, with just a few words and a light cigarette, you can get the blessings of the gods and become a believer of the gods, then that would not be considered a joke, but crazy talk without any logic.

Cai Gen didn't care about perming Puo, let alone the ridicule of others.

Instead, he raised his head, wanting to see the god three feet above.

After waiting for a while, it didn't show up, so I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

"Lao Pu, do you have double standards?

Isn’t it a contract that the gods cannot ignore?

Isn’t it easy for outsiders to offer sacrifices?

I can’t find the temple even though I’m carrying a pig’s head?”

Pu Luo finally pulled out the cigarette butt from his nose, his face covered with tears and snot.

Staring at Cai Gen fiercely, are you a pig?

This is a cigarette butt!

Thousands of words converged into one resentment, buried deep in my heart.

"Gods are not beggars.

If you give me anything, I will protect you.

In your heart, are gods so worthless?

The cornerstone of faith is the contribution of mortals to faith and the blessing of gods.

The point is not that your three melons and two dates are worthless.

Do you know what the power of faith is?

Do you know what a believer needs to do to generate the power of faith?

It was a test of millions of times and a belief that I kept firm.

That is the prayer day and night, the awe of guarding.

Is it possible that you can gain quick success overnight?

If you can get it as soon as you get it, what good thing can it be?"

The power of faith?

Do you want to convince yourself of Pu Pu and look up to Pu Pu?

Offer your own worship?

Even if your heart is full of contempt for Pu, do you still have to change your mentality and start to worship devoutly?

Doesn’t that require Cai Gen to be inconsistent with his appearance?

is it hard?

It's actually not that difficult.

Such skills are not difficult for any adult who has been struggling in today's society for decades.

Because the reality is so cruel, it doesn't matter what your inner likes and dislikes are.

What you should like and what you should hate.

You will live better if you like what you like, and you will live better if you hate what you hate.

The transformation happens in an instant, so there are no psychological barriers.

Those who cannot cross that threshold are either crazy or dead.

Someone summed it up a long time ago.

If you don't like the world, then change it.

If you are unable to change, you can only adapt to him or leave him.

Most people in the world are unable to change the world, so adaptation has become a necessary ability.

Although Cai Gen is not very proficient in this ability, and there are still some edges and corners, it is generally rounded and smooth.

In your heart, tell yourself that you must worship Pu, and then good things will happen.

With a hint in his mind, a crystal clear filament appeared from Cai Gen's body and floated into Puo's body.

Pu Puo originally thought that Cai Gen had been fooled and was reflecting on himself.

Who would have thought that Cai Gen was dumbfounded when he saw that filament appearing.

It turns out to be the power of faith.

Although it is very small, it is truly the power of faith.



I just met you for the first time today, why did the power of faith appear?

Cai Gen obviously has no respect for himself from the bottom of his heart.

How can the power of faith appear?

"Cai Gen, are you really prepared and have been worshiping me for many years?

This power of faith is so pious."

Oh, this is the power of faith.

Cai Gen seems to have found a trick. Isn't it just self-suggestion and deceiving himself?

Is this rare?

It's as simple as lying to yourself when faced with a difficult life, saying that it will be fine if you just get over it, and it will be better in the future.

If you can't lie to yourself, how can you survive life?

"The great Prometheus.

My admiration for you is like an endless stream of water.

Just like the Yellow River flooding, it is out of control once it occurs.

The meaning of my existence today is to offer you the power of faith."

Cai Gen said it in an understatement and didn't find it difficult.

What should those who pray day and night think about this?

Yes, how should we look at it?

I can only stare and look in disbelief.

On the battlefield, those devout believers all looked stupid.

Knowing and worshiping on the same day will produce the power of faith on the same day.

Is this reasonable?

Is it logical?

The natives of the Rashi world are a bit lacking in imagination, which at least goes against their worldview.

Fortunately, the power of Cai Gen's faith is very weak, which makes people feel a little more at ease.

Xiong Haizi also has a lot of research on things like Rashi world belief.

I don’t think Cai Gen is a genius who worships God, or has a flaw in his faith.

"Brother Sun, did Uncle Cai worship Prometheus before?

In our area, there are not many worshipers of such unpopular gods.

What's the starting point?

Is it for foresight?

By the way, is it to buy lottery tickets?"

Do you need to worship Prometheus to buy lottery tickets?

Xiao Sun wrote it down silently in his heart, and wrote a memorial tablet for it when he got back.

It’s also a little trick to make a fortune.

"My third uncle believes everyone and no one.

The key point of belief or disbelief has never been the original intention.

Haizi, you are still young, and you will understand after being severely beaten by society.

There are many things that you have to believe whether you believe them or not."

Xiong Haizi felt that being with Cai Gen was like being severely beaten by society.

Could it be that there is something more violent?

Cai Gen mastered the skills of faith, but he was a little disappointed when he didn't see the god with his head raised.

Is it because my faith is not strong enough?

Then just continue with the psychological suggestion. It won’t be troublesome to lie to yourself.

If you admire Puluo very much, your life will become wonderful.

The power of faith, like a finger, burst out of the body and went straight to Puluo.

Proud didn't take it seriously.

Not enough?

Then if you admire Puluo very much, your life will become very beautiful.

The power of faith with thick arms rolled and ran towards Puluo.

Puro happily accepted it.

Not enough?

Then you should do your best to worship Pu Pu, and your life will be rich, healthy and beautiful.

The power of faith as thick as a bucket flew around in circles.

Puro was extremely satisfied.

How much is enough?

You can only sacrifice your life to worship Pu Pu, and your life will be as beautiful as glory and wealth.

The power of faith, like a small river, flows endlessly to Puluo.

Puro's greedy demands.

Cai Gen was anxious. Are the gods really never satisfied?

As long as you worship Pu Pu like the world is falling and the earth is falling apart, all the good things in life will come true.

The power of faith was like a tsunami, hitting Puo.

Puo wanted to run away, but was drowned in the ocean of faith.

This chapter has been completed!
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