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Chapter 1719 Howling Sky Can Be Reliable

"The men belong to you, I will fight the women, and Xiaotian goes to fight Laobideng.

is that OK?"

Yang Jian did not hesitate to see that the gods of Olympus had sharpened their swords and were ready to fight for survival, and made timely arrangements.

The six Meishan brothers nodded in agreement and simply rushed towards the male gods of Olympus.

The whistling cat didn't even hesitate, imitating the barking of a dog, and ran towards Zeus.

Yang Jian was very pleased to see his brothers working so hard.

"What if I cast the Wheel of Fortune and practice the trumpet again?

We, the Eight Prodigal Sons of Heaven, are heroes everywhere.

A hero with a trumpet is also a hero."

As a result, Xiaoling Tmall, the fastest runner, was the first to get into trouble.

Still some distance away from Zeus, he suddenly screamed, trembling all over and staggering, as if he was about to fall down at any time.

"Xiaotian, what's wrong with you?

Was there some kind of ambush?

Why didn’t I see it?”

Xiao Tian Mao was sweating profusely, stopped and answered helplessly.

"Erlang, I seemed to be violent just now.

I had an early meal in the morning and hadn’t eaten lunch yet.

I feel a little flustered, my hands are numb, and my legs are cramping. It may be due to low blood sugar.

Don't worry about me and don't wait for me.

I'll replenish some energy first, and then I'll fight that old Bideng for 800 rounds.

It will definitely not weaken our name.

You don't know that I have recovered my meridians and my future is limitless.

I haven’t paid much attention to the little god king yet.

Wait for me, I will never get stuck in your face.

Wait for me”

After explaining his indomitable spirit, Xiao Tianmao ran to Cai Gen with the civilization merit rope around his neck, leaned against his thigh, rubbed it skillfully, and lay down.

With a Red Bull in one hand and a Snickers bar in the other, I started to replenish my energy.

Feeling Cai Gen looking at him, he handed Cai Gen a bottle of Red Bull.

Then, I felt more eyes being focused on me.

Reluctantly, I handed it out in a circle, and everyone got a bottle.

Everyone started drinking Red Bull together to replenish the illusory hypoglycemia.

Yang San was dumbfounded.

What has happened to Xiao Tmall?

Why do I feel lower than when I was in heaven?

He shook his head helplessly and sighed. He asked him to confront the God King, but he didn't hold anything back.

Between brothers, there is no need to care so much, let’s just be equal.

"Xiaotian has an emergency, hypoglycemia.

But it doesn't matter, let's finish cleaning up the younger ones and go work on the older ones together.

By the way, wait for Xiao Tian, ​​alas, waiting is of no use.

I guess if we don’t finish the job, he won’t get better either.”

The six Meishan brothers were not surprised at all when Xiao Tmall retreated from the battlefield.

"The roaring sky is reliable, even the sow can climb the tree."

"You shouldn't have played his card at all."

"There was no time before that I didn't bark twice and it was over."

"It hasn't been long since we regained our strength. The power of the thunderbolt just now is limited, so we don't have much chance of winning alone."

"I will give it all to you now. Concentrate all your strength to promote the Eight-nine Mysterious Techniques and strive to suppress the laws of heaven and earth."

"Erlang, the old tactics are all up to you."

No one discussed with Yang San. The six heroes stopped at the same time, held hands, and a collective white light flashed on their bodies. Using Kang Xiaosheng as the output port, they pushed a dome wrapped in white light out of the body and forced it into Yang.

Three mouths.

After making their due contribution, the six Meishan brothers collapsed to the ground at the same time, looking at Yang San with eyes full of expectation.

The meaning is obvious, we have lost our strength, you can take care of the rest.

Yang San almost choked to death after entering the dome.

On the one hand, it is the combined energy of six people, which is really quite big.

On the other hand, I did not expect to use the old tactics when I came up, and I was not mentally prepared.

No matter what happens, the efforts of the brothers cannot be wasted. They should run the Eight-nine Mysterious Skills with all their strength and continuously improve their own strength.

Otherwise, you will get beaten up. After all, they don’t know your uncle, so you can’t win anyone with your words.

Cai Gen drank Red Bull, and it turned out to be true.

It's definitely not the red wine sold at the morning market for one yuan a can. It seems to be produced by Lang Jiahao's warehouse, so there are quite a lot of good stuff.

He took the can of Red Bull and knocked Xiao Tmall on the head.

"Xiaotian, did you guys tear each other down like this before?

So how did the brotherhood be established?"

Xiao Tianmao stared closely at Yang San doing his exercises, not knowing what he could see.

"Master, these are all appearances, everyone is aware of it.

Erlang was definitely the one who contributed in the end, and none of us were able to do it well.

It was the same in the past. It was Erlang who got beaten, and it was Erlang who got into trouble.

Of course, when there is something beneficial, Erlang is not alone and everyone shares it.

Erlang's philosophy is that he is alone, after all, he can fight against trouble.

Our fault tolerance rate is too low, and the game will be gone after just a few games, and it’s not interesting for him to be alone.”

Cai Gen put down the Red Bull, lit a cigarette, and took a puff before speaking.

"Oh, I can't bear it.

Your dog is already on a leash, why are you calling me master?

Am I worthy of the majestic Roaring Heavenly Dog?"

Xiao Tianmao turned around and glanced at Cai Gen resentfully, feeling a little aggrieved.

"Oh, Master, let's not make trouble, okay?

Just now it was just to give Erlang a step up, that kid was short of face.

In this life, I only have you as my master, and you will not be the same until my death.

As for Erlang, he is my brother in this life and will not change."

Xiao Sun was spinning around on the ground holding the can of Red Bull, as if he said it casually.

"Haha, bitch cat is so calculating.

Yang Jian, who knows the reincarnation, is not as thick-legged as my third uncle, and he knows the current affairs?"

"Smelly monkey, get out of here. I'll see what you say when I meet your master in the future.

Don't say too much, as if no one has a turn."

Xiao Sun was choked by Xiao Tmall, but surprisingly he didn't reply.

It seems that the various chaos in the past and present life are really not easy to deal with.

"Stop arguing, let's talk now.

Xiaotian, what's going on with your old tactics?

Why did Yang San practice alone?

Were those six guys just responsible for dressing up and shouting slogans?

And what is that white egg?

Is it to pass on skills and methods, or to cultivate one’s inner strength?”

Xiao Tmall stood up and tried to speak as close to Cai Gen's ear.

"This is the secret of our eight prodigal sons in heaven.

In the past, Erlang and I were the ones who really took action.

Erlang used hard steel from the front, and I made a sneak attack from behind.

Those six goods are responsible for logistics support.

Don't underestimate those six guys, they are not very powerful in combat, but they are extremely talented.

He is born with a powerful soul, and his muscles and bones are extremely tough and can contain energy unimaginable by ordinary people.

Erlang and I can be supplemented at any time to remain invincible.

Therefore, whatever good things we got in the past were always given to them."

Cai Gen didn't understand. What's the point of pretending to be energetic but not strong in combat?

The teddy bear came over. It seemed that he also knew the inside story and explained it to Cai Gen.

"Boss Cai, to put it bluntly, they are just six super ten thousand-year-old snow ginsengs, the kind that can be reused.

Yang Jian encountered a strong enemy and could not win in a short period of time. He fought a war of attrition and brought six of them with him. That is equal to six Yang Jian fighting, and he could beat his opponent to death.

This is how Brother Sun was defeated back then."

Cai Gen and Xiao Sun were extremely surprised, that's it.

This chapter has been completed!
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