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Chapter 1755 Recognize yourself

This is indeed a relatively complex philosophical question.

Poseidon succeeded in making everyone fall into deep thought.

Suddenly, Xiong Haizi spoke.

"What do I think the problem is? Isn't it the substitution paradox?

The father-in-law is right and the mother-in-law is right.

Uncle Cai, what do you have in mind?

This issue may need to be discussed carefully in their time.

But today’s world and era have already made this issue clear.”

For the first time, Cai Gen felt that Xiong Haizi was not useless.

It is still good to read more leisure books.

"Haizi, tell me, how do you understand?"

Xiong Haizi walked between Poseidon and Cai Gen with his hands behind his back.

"This substitution paradox, to put it bluntly, is an object. If its constituent elements are replaced, is it still the original object?

For example, during the development process of a band, all the original members slowly dispersed, but the band's name is still the same, then is it still the same band?

For example, if a company is constantly developing, acquiring and replacing shareholders, and employees are constantly losing and changing, is it still the same company?

All these questions must return to human beings themselves.

The cells of our body are constantly undergoing metabolism and rotate every few years, and our thinking is constantly being influenced and changed by new ideas every day. So, am I still the same person I was in the past?

If not, will it not be me from that moment on?

Just like people can't step into the same river, because when you step into that river again, not only the river is not the same river as it used to be, but we are not the same as we used to be.

We are changing every moment, this is an objective reality and it is irreversible.

The ship of Theseus is also changing at any time. Even if not a single plank is replaced, it will not be the same when it returns home as it was when it set sail.

I am who I am today, I am who I was yesterday, and I will still be me tomorrow.

Is there anything you're not sure about?

Will you not change because you are afraid of change?

How has change ever stopped because of our fear?

As long as I am confident enough, no matter what I become.

I am who I am, and I will always be a different firework.

thank you all."

Cai Gen's friends, even Poseidon, after Xiong Haizi explained the analogies in simple and easy-to-understand terms, presented the facts, and reasoned, they no longer had doubts and confusion, and their eyes became bright.

At the same time, everyone gave Xiong Haizi a warm round of applause.

Especially the sentence, I am who I am, and I will always be a different firework.

It directly pushed everyone's self-confidence to the peak.

Whether it was Xiao Sun, Shi Leile, or Yang San, the knots buried deep in their hearts were all solved by Xiong Haizi's words.

As long as I stick to this point, I am who I am, and I will be who I am no matter what I become. Is there anything else to worry about?

Cai Gen felt that today, through the Ship of Theseus and through the problem of the world of Rashi integrating into the world of China, he finally understood his problem.

It turns out that I just wasn’t confident enough.

In the past, no matter what kind of inheritance I got from the God of Ku, I felt that it belonged to the God of Ku, and Cai Gen didn't deserve it and couldn't grasp it.

The lack of self-confidence that could be lost at any time made Cai Gen very resistant to anything from the God of Pain, and he was really afraid that the God of Pain would take away the only thing Cai Gen had.

After Xiong Haizi said this, Cai Gen suddenly felt enlightened.

Either he inherited the legacy of the God of Bitterness or he lost Cai Gen.

It’s not that he inherited the favor of the God of Ku, so he lost Cai Gen.

The only one who can throw away Cai Gen is himself.

The only one who can hold on to Cai Gen is himself.

"What the hell, I'll ask Maomao for money when I get back.

Whatever belongs to the master or not, what’s his is mine.

Why can’t I spend it?”

Cai Gen whispered it again and felt more confident.

Then, he roared towards the sky and raised up the confident Cai Gen.

"Hai Dalun, a joke is a joke, and naughtiness is naughty.

You did go out of your way today and got into trouble.

No matter how the God of Misery favors you, it won't work for me.

I must write you down in Cai Gen's diary.

We have our own accounts and are not afraid to settle them, you are waiting for us."

The god of suffering has a diary, why can't Cai Gen have one?

Such an arrogant statement made everyone around Cai Gen very happy.

Even Poseidon walked to Cai Gen's side.

I patted his shoulder with admiration, not afraid of being beaten.

"Cai Gen, this is how you should look.

Otherwise, when will you become a bad cook?

I am very happy to see that you have regained your arrogance and domineering attitude.

Okay, my task is completed.

Remember, you are always you, you have to recognize yourself.

See you later, I'll wait for you at the top of the mountain.

You must come, otherwise you will be in trouble."

After rarely saying a few serious words, Poseidon turned into a point of light and flew into the sky with the ship of Theseus behind him.

Cai Gen looked at the suddenly serious Poseidon, which seemed a little unreal.

This guy is actually not as bad as he appears.

Thinking about it on the other hand, it would be really strange if the God King's brother, the Lord of a Realm, was really useless.

After talking and talking, Cai Gen felt like a philosopher, combined with the enlightenment given to him by Zeus.

If we talk about the previous level, Zeus's theory of prisoners in the cave is telling Cai Gen how to understand the world.

So the ship of Theseus mentioned by Poseidon in this level is telling Cai Gen how to know himself.

If the little cutie hadn't interfered, all the scenes arranged by Hai Dalun really weren't just messing around.

If it is performed according to the script, Cai Genzhen will be in awe of the world of Rashi.

How can a world that can burst out so many philosophical thoughts not be worthy of awe?

Cai Gen seemed to understand the starting point of the God of Pain. He worked so hard on the project to make the world more colorful.

With the departure of Poseidon, the entire underwater world disappeared.

The snowman's sacred fire on the upper floor fell down completely.

As for what's inside, it's shrouded in darkness, so it probably needs to be opened.

Cai Gen carefully stayed away from the snowman and called everyone behind the RV.

You will learn from every experience, although this is no longer the case in Cai Gen’s team.

After all, their freedom has been restricted twice in a row, which shows that there is still a problem with their attitude.

"Well, we have passed another level. Shouldn't we summarize it?"

Xiao Tmall Club misunderstood and thought that Cai Gen was going to hold a commendation meeting or celebrate.

"Master, everyone is doing routine operations, there is really no need to be so formal.

There is no need for any mobilization, everyone knows it by heart."

Cai Gen kicked Xiao Tmall out.

"You have a bad idea.

Yang San, who practiced three trenches alone, threw six Jialan Shen into it.

Shi Leilei trained alone in the four trenches and threw hundreds of fox tails in.

What have you done?

Either lying down or standing.

Why didn’t I see where the number was?”

At the end of the sentence, Cai Gen turned red.

After all, he is among countless people.

This chapter has been completed!
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