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Chapter 1773 The Dance of Tandava

Is the first round of battle over?

It should be over.

There is no Yaksha that can stand on the snowfield, and there are no complete monsters either.

The two sides can say that they fight to the death and die together.

Banzhijia was still walking forward, and the fierce fighting around him did not affect the rhythm of his march.

The red portal slowly faded and disappeared into the air, as if its energy had been exhausted and its mission had been completed.

Cai Gen looked at the messy snowfield. Not a single spot of light left, let alone an old man, which was pretty good.

Otherwise, if there are old people standing all over the place now, the ending will be very troublesome. After all, the duel between Banzhiga and Demon Ancestor Typhon has not started yet.

Thinking of this, Cai Gen was a little confused.

Since entering the Badao trench, hasn’t it always been the resurrection of the dead?

The previous level is the underworld, where it is understandable that the soul exists independently.

So in this demon world, what do the monsters rely on to exist?

Cai Gen understood before he could even ask.

The monsters that had been turned into pieces, no matter how big or small, began to move.

Like molten molten iron, it slowly flows in the direction of Demon Ancestor Typhon, and then merges into one.

Oh, that's right.

Puro also said just now that Demon Ancestor Typhon devoured all his descendants because of their cuteness, so these monsters must rely on Demon Ancestor Typhon to exist.

At this time, he had lost his ability to fight independently, so he returned to his father's arms.

Demon Ancestor Typhon swept the battlefield, and Banzhiga finally stopped.

Looking at the tribesmen all over the ground, I still can't tell what kind of yaksha it is.

No matter which race they were from, there was not a single coward who fought until the last moment without embarrassing him.

He waved his hands gently, like a gentle father, caressing the child's face with unusual gentleness.

Then, with Banzhijia as the center, countless flames spread, and all the corpses of Yaksha were instantly ignited.

The entire snowfield was like a deserted wilderness in winter. The flames spread rapidly. In the blink of an eye, the snowfield became charred and black, and no bodies could be seen anymore.

The flame seemed to be alive, it could be sent and received freely, returned to Banzhijia's palm, and disappeared.

He is worthy of being the leader of the Fire Yaksha clan, and his ability to control fire is at its peak.

After settling his clansmen, Banzhijia raised his leg again, but did not put it down for a long time.

Because the demon ancestor Typhon on the opposite side also moved, roared unwillingly, and walked towards Banjiga.

Banzhijia didn't know what he was thinking.

The Demon Ancestor did not move, so he took the initiative to walk over.

After the demon ancestor moved, half of the branches stopped.

The high-raised legs were not lowered, but rather, it was like sitting on a non-existent chair, with the legs crossed.

The posture is very strange, a bit counter-intuitive, and unpredictable.

In particular, after Banzhijia put her arms in a pose to embrace the sun, she seemed to be stretching her body to her heart's content and doing some preparatory activities.

No way.

Cai Gen had a very unreliable guess in his mind and shocked himself.

It's impossible no matter how you think about it, so quickly ask the teddy bear.

"Axiong, what's going on?

Radio gymnastics, or yoga?”

Before the teddy bear could reply, Luo Miaoyin, who was not far away, called out.

“Holy shit, isn’t this the dynamic meditation of Tandava Dance?

Banzhijia actually learned the dance of world destruction?

My uncle is really too partial.

He actually passed it on to his son-in-law?

No, did the eldest sister teach him?

If you say so"

Luo Miaoyin looked at Munn and expressed her judgment.

"Mo En, your mother-in-law has always been able to dance the world-destroying dance?


Then why did you never jump during the war with the West?

If she dances the dance of destruction, we won’t lose, right?

What's going on? Did Capricorn tell you?"

After Mu En saw Banzhijia posing, although she didn't recognize him, she felt shocked when she heard Luo Miaoyin's words.

Is this the dance of destruction?

The in-laws’ lineage, the biggest trump card, the Tandava dance?

"Second Aunt, Mojie Ge told me that it has been lost.

I never said my mother-in-law would."

Luo Miaoyin rolled her eyes with disdain.

"That's natural, you are an outsider.

How could I tell you such an important thing?

Especially since you were sent from the west to monitor your mother-in-law."

Moon's mouthful of old blood made him want to spit out Luo Miaoyin's face.

You know it's impossible to tell me, why do you ask?

Is it just to remind me that I am an outsider and hurt my heart?

"Second aunt, does your father-in-law really know how to dance the Tandava?"

"Don't ask me specifically, I don't know.

It's just that this feeling should be fine.

You can't just show off and scare people.

He is not Cai Gen, so boring."


Why did you bring yourself along?

When did you get bored?

Last time, in the No. 1 store, Ruoshui, who was trained, directly placed Luo Miaoyin's dharma image in the hall, and it is still standing now.

Cai Gen seemed to be impressed by Luo Miaoyin's words.

When she was dancing the witch dance, Luo Miaoyin mistakenly thought that she could dance the Tandava dance, which seemed to be a very advanced dance?

It's even more powerful than Wu Wu. If someone can destroy the world, he can't be bragging.

It's quite funny to think about it this way.

It turns out that I and Banzhijia are both dance majors, which is really fate.

"Axiong, what's the point of talking about Wada's dance?

Is it great?"

The teddy bear stared at Banzhika's posture and didn't see any clues, but he still understood the Tandava dance.

"Boss Cai, when we talk about Wada Dance, we can't talk about Asan World.

In the world of Asan, there is inevitable reincarnation.

Creating the world once and destroying the world once is one reincarnation.

Every time when the world comes to an end and is about to die, Shiva, the god of gods in the Asan world, will dance the Tandava dance to destroy the world and enter the next reincarnation.

Therefore, the Tandava dance is also called the dance of destruction.

According to legend, there are several chapters, but I don’t know the specific details.

Ling Zimu used to be from the Asan World, and she once led the Asan World to fight against the West for many years.

If, at that time, the Spirit Son Mother could dance the Tandava Dance, it is open to question whether the West could win."

Cai Gen also heard what Luo Miaoyin said just now.

Logically speaking, Lingzimu should not be able to do it, so who did Banzhijia learn it from?

If the spirit child mother is capable, then why are you willing to just be a protector of the heavens?

It didn't make sense logically. Cai Gen felt that he should ask questions when he went back, even though 80% of the spirit children wouldn't tell him.

So, how much has Banzhijia learned?

According to the probability of summoning Ruoshui, how many times does he need to dance the Tanwada Dance?

With the mentality of exchange and learning, Cai Gen walked to the edge of the snowfield and looked at Banzhijia more clearly.

I saw Han Zhijia, sitting in the air with his legs crossed for a moment, then suddenly changed his legs, turned his arms in a circle, and pointed at Demon Ancestor Typhon.

In an instant, the color of the sky and the earth changed, and countless huge meteors with first-class firelight fell from the sky and hit the Demon Ancestor Typhon.

Can two actions trigger it?

Compared with this, what is my square dance?

Cai Gen looked at the meteor shower in the sky.

The fire of jealousy in my heart burned fiercely, and my eyes turned red unconsciously.

This chapter has been completed!
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