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Chapter 190 The horse runs fast

Cai Gen couldn't stop smoking after drinking. He stopped and lit a cigarette and put forward a constructive hypothesis.

"It's all gone. It won't be eaten by that zombie spirit, right? It's all gone?"

After finishing speaking, Cai Gen remembered that he had a talent called opening his mouth, and he must not do that, otherwise Xiaogang would be useless for the rest of his life and remain this demented person forever.

Just when Cai Gen was still regretting what he said wrongly, a dark figure ran past them. He was unusually tall and very fast. He was also wearing ordinary clothes, probably a down jacket. Under the light of the flashlight, his ears were very clear.

There was also the sound of horse hooves nearby.

Cai Gen and Xiao Sun stopped at the same time. Brother Niao and Zhen Shuiyin saw the two of them stop and stopped too. Cai Gen, who was the core here, was stunned for a long time and finally spoke first.

"Did you see it? Just now I thought someone was passing by on horseback."

What kind of problem is this? Brother Bird didn't see it, but there was a gust of wind just now. Could it be that Cai Gen saw something he couldn't see? He quickly reported the real situation.

"Lao Gen, I didn't see anything, I just felt a gust of wind blowing by."

Well, with the first answer, Zhen Shuiyin also said,

"Brother Cai, I didn't see it, but I felt the shaking of the earth. Something must have passed."

The earth shook? What a sensitive sense, Xiao Sun finally answered,

"Third uncle, I thought I was wrong. There was indeed a man passing by on horseback. He looked so happy."

As expected of his sharp eyes, he could see more clearly than himself. He could see all the facial expressions and expressions. Cai Gen was jealous. From the analysis that Brother Bird didn't see it, the horseman must be spiritual. He was still wearing the clothes of a modern person. He must have died not long ago.

, could he be the missing brother?

Shouldn't they be two people? This is obviously one person. As he thought about this, another dark figure passed by them. He was also riding a horse at a very fast speed. This time he was wearing a cotton coat.

This time, before Cai Gen could ask, Brother Bird spoke first, his voice a little trembling,

"Brother Gen, did another one pass by just now? I felt a gust of wind."

Cai Gen had already learned how to answer quickly, and his ideological consciousness was high. Cai Gen snorted and wanted to call the owner of the horse to stop, but he had already disappeared.

The third time, when someone rode past everyone, Cai Gen shouted out in time,

"Wait a moment and ask something."

This voice could be heard far away in the quiet and dark Jiujiazi Village. I believe anyone could hear it.

The people on the horse did not stop, but a word came,

"Where are the brakes? I can't stop."

The sound followed the horse away, and in the end it was still a bit ethereal, but the content was like thunder, beating Cai Gen's rational thinking, riding the horse and seeking the brakes? Still can't stop?

Xiao Sun, a bastard, solemnly shouted to the front,

"Pull the horse's reins and stop."

I don’t know if those in front heard it, but those behind me must have heard it. A sound came from far to near from behind, and the speed was also very fast.

"This horse has no reins, how can I pull it?"

The second young man chasing the wind also ran over.

Judging from this, he is running around the village. The speed is so fast, it takes a few minutes to complete a circle?

Cai Gen squatted down by the roadside. He could reply just now. Even though he could communicate normally, he might as well ask what was going on first.

Here it comes, here comes the down jacket. Cai Gen quickly asked,

"Are you Xu Guangming and Xu Guanghui?"

"I am Xu Guangming"

The second horse also came,

"I am Xu Guanghui"

It's good. It's much easier to communicate. Instead of guessing, I said to Brother Bird,

"Report to the director, the missing person has been found, let's go back?"

Brother Niao lit up a cigarette depressedly. Are you talking to yourself and acting in a play? I didn't see anything.

"Brother Gen, the leader said that if you are alive, you will see people, and if you are dead, you will see corpses. I didn't see anything."

What a fun thing, you still have to watch something, Cai Gen, wait for the opportunity, continue to ask, although I can communicate, the network speed is not very good, the delay is high, I have to wait for two people to circle around before I can talk, Cai Gen

I also wanted to run with him, but I just thought about it and decided to forget it. My heart couldn't stand carrying 200 kilograms of meat and racing with the horse.

Seeing that it was coming again, Cai Gen increased his speaking speed,

"Who gave you the horse? Who asked you to ride it? Where are your bodies? What are you doing back in the village? Are you dead? Who killed you?"

Cai Gen was asking questions all at once. Cai Gen was a bit hypoxic. Looking at the speed, he couldn't answer all these questions in one round.

"My dad"

"My dad"

"my home"

"horse riding"


"My dad"

Six questions, six answers, three per person, and three laps.

"His father gave them horses for them to ride on. When they returned to the village to ride the horses, his father killed them and their bodies were at home."

After Cai Gen clarified his thoughts, he told everyone what the two brothers said. Brother Niao was dumbfounded. It was really very logical, even though it was very unscientific, so he quickly raised an objection.

"I've been to their house many times and haven't seen any bodies?"

Maybe he didn’t look carefully enough. Cai Gen analyzed the reason.

"Let's go and have a look, just in case it's available now."

Standing up, Cai Gen shouted to the horse running by,

"Let's go to your house first and come back later to help you stop your horse."

After saying that, he asked Brother Bird to lead him to Xu Guangming's house.

The village is not big to begin with. After walking for a while, we came to a house. Brother Bird gave Cai Gen directions with a flashlight.

"This new house belongs to Xu Guanghui's family, the one in the middle is their old house, and the new house next to it belongs to Xu Guanghui's family. When I heard about the relocation, they are all newly expanded houses, and the compensation is more."

The two new houses are well built, but the old house is still an adobe house, low and dilapidated. Compared with the new houses, it can also reflect the progressive significance of the new era.

"Brother Bird, why don't they expand the old house? Wouldn't the compensation be more?"

Under the pressure of the leader, Brother Niao and the others really worked hard. They were very clear about the situation of the two brothers.

"These two new buildings were built with borrowed money. I guess they didn't have the money to renovate the old house. The two brothers, Xu Guanghui, are the second-rate villagers in the village. Not to mention sneaking around, they are also very good at gambling. They owed a lot of money before moving.

This means that I have to move to pay off my previous gambling debts. Fortunately, my wife at home is pretty good, so I can maintain the family without going into ruin."

There are still people with stories, although it is not a good thing. However, there are so many people who are second-rate in every village. The existence of these people reflects the hard work, bravery, and thrift of others. If you are in a foreign country, this should be

He is a performance artist who yearns for an independent life and dares to challenge rules and dogma.

The locks on the courtyard door have been broken open. I don’t know if it was the first time Brother Niao and the others came here. The yard is very flat and clean. It is estimated that all the rags that can be sold are sold. There is no use keeping them. Anyway, they have been divided.

Got a new building.

After walking through the yard and entering the house, it was clear at a glance that it was indeed a flower stand. There was no cement on the walls inside, and they were all made of red bricks. When the house was built, I did not intend to live there permanently. There were three rooms, a kitchen in the middle, and bedrooms on both sides. There was nothing.

, except for a few scraps of paper on the ground.

This chapter has been completed!
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