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Chapter 1906 is ready

Cai Gen kept his eyes closed, suffering from the pain caused by his fear of heights.

It was an indescribable pain. I knew it was okay, but I just couldn't control myself from being afraid.

It felt like the moment the plane took off, the sense of security was evacuated from the body.

Cai Gen suddenly felt that when the God of Destruction was restrained by the Black God of Bitterness, he should feel similar to what he felt now.

The same helplessness and despair.

Fortunately, the speed of the plane is still very fast.

The weather was also very good, a little windy but not too strong, and a little snowy. The journey was smooth.

It was so smooth that Cai Gen felt it was a bit unreal.

Judging from my past experience, even if the plane does not crash, there should be accidents such as the plane running out of fuel or machine failure.

As a result, everything went smoothly, we reached our destination safely and landed smoothly.

Xiao Sun pulled Cai Gen off the plane, and Cai Gen finally believed that everything going his way was so real, rare and thought-provoking.

After opening his eyes, Cai Gen realized that he was too naive.

Where can everything go well?

It was just a fluke.

The location where the plane is parked is still some distance from the nursing home. Maybe it is because it is afraid of disturbing the elderly people if it is too close.

Cai Gen saw Shi Huozhu and the others squatting together and didn't know what they were discussing.

Everyone's face was full of sorrow, as if they were studying what they would do if Cai Gen crashed and how to divide the luggage.

Seeing Cai Gen landing smoothly, a crowd of people cheered and surrounded him.

Talking nonsense that has nothing to do with 46 is quite nutritious.

Cai Gen waved his hand to signal everyone to be quiet.

He turned around and took Chicha's hand.

"You can direct us as to where it is more appropriate for us to be spectators.

I watched it on a video last time, so I didn’t quite understand a lot of it.

After those people go crazy, do they attack indiscriminately, or do they have specific enemies?

Do we need to hide?”

Cha Cha didn’t expect Cai Gen to react so quickly.

The fear of heights just now was driving Cai Gen crazy just by looking at it.

From this point of view, Cai Gen is still outstanding when doing business.

"Of course it's an indiscriminate attack.

That small square is the main battlefield.

I suggest you spread out, with smaller targets scattered around the small square.

By the way, you can go to the roof, but don't go to the street lamp.

Those people are too anxious to pick weapons."

Cai Gen listened to Chatter's suggestion and carefully observed the terrain.

The sanatorium here is not a closed space like Snow City.

A completely open building, a bit like a small village.

Each building is not too high, and most of them are two- or three-story single-family villas.

The architectural style is also relatively primitive, with logs and white snow, which is quite harmonious.

In the center of this group of buildings, there is a square that is not too small, and there is a statue in the middle. It is far away and Cai Gen cannot see clearly.

“When will those people move out?

Is there a pattern?"

Chatter looked at the sky and then his watch.

"It should be soon, usually it starts at dawn.

We have to hurry up and find a place to hide.

Otherwise, you will be beaten up soon, which is no joke."

When Cai Gen heard this, he quickly divided everyone into groups.

A team of two is a bit weak. If something happens, what can they do?

Therefore, after taking into account the factor of strength, Cai Gen created a group of three for everyone.

"The first group is Duan Xiaohong, Xiao Tmall, and Yang San.

Yang San is the team leader.

The second group includes Wang Goosheng, Shi Huozhu, and Teddy Bear.

Shi Huozhu is the team leader

In the third group, Xiaosun and I were in the chattering group.

I'm the team leader."

After Duan Xiaohong heard this, she directly raised her hands to object.

"Caibangzi, I'm already Athena, why can't I be the team leader?"

"invalid objection.

If you can create the Saints of the Zodiac, I will make you the team leader.

Yang San, it is your team leader's responsibility to protect Jiu Mengzi's safety.

By the way, Axiong, you must also fulfill your responsibilities.

If you pretend to be weak and delay things, I will never forgive you."

After it seemed that the arrangements were in place, Cai Gen added a few words before leaving to increase their psychological sense of security.

"Listen up, this is our first adventure in Iceland.

This is the root of everything and the reason why we are here.

So, everyone, please be careful and don’t let your guard down.

Find your own place. If exposed, don't affect others and find a solution yourself.

If you can't solve it yourself, just leave it to fate. After all, this is the path you chose.

Okay, I hope everyone is okay.

If anything happens, Duan Tudou has everything he needs with him, including burning paper and everything else, so don’t worry.

I, Cai Gen, hereby promise that if anything happens to anyone, I will never take him back.

Burial at sea directly and dying in a foreign country is my best effort."

Well, Cai Gen feels that this kind of reverse morale boosting is more in line with the tone of this group of people. If it were said normally, Cai Gen wouldn't do it either.

After hearing what Cai Gen said, Cha Cha was shocked.

As a team leader, how can you inspire morale like this?

It's better not to say this.

However, what surprised Chacha even more was that no one in Cai Gen’s team felt anything was wrong.

They all seemed to have gained some kind of comfort because of Cai Gen's uprightness, and looked satisfied.

What kind of weirdos are these people? Chatcha felt like his brain was running out of ideas.

Cai Gen is not strong enough to climb a three-story wooden building.

Even if he was skilled enough, Cai Gen didn't want to climb up. After all, he would get sick if his feet were one meter above the ground.

Chacha took Cai Gen and Xiao Sun to the side of a bus.

I skillfully got under the car. Although the view is not as good as the rooftop, the advantage is that it is close enough to the square and I can see more clearly.

Moreover, the wind on the roof is strong and it is warmer under the car.

"The last time I took a video, I was lying down here.

They usually look down, and would rather die with their heads held high.

Moreover, there will be no such thing as lying on the ground and lingering for breath."

After Chicha found a comfortable position and lay down, he said to Cai Gen next to him.

"Why not?

Are they all killed in one move?"

He laughed twice.

"No, they will not stop attacking as long as they are breathing.

Therefore, unless you are absolutely dead, keep attacking.

You’ll know in a moment.”

Cai Gen had experienced in the video the brutal fighting of those old men.

If I didn't say it was a video shot by Chat, I would have thought it was a sequel to The Lord of the Rings.

"Third uncle, I don't think it's that evil.

When the fight starts, I'll try their strength.

Try to catch one and let us study it."

Dizzy, the way Cai Gen looked at Xiao Sun was a bit wrong.

"Xiao Sun, they are just possessed by evil spirits or mentally controlled.

It’s not a zombie, so what are you going to study?

Lie down for a while and don't move rashly.

Even if you want to test their strength after going crazy, you can still send Yang San.

Why do you want to take risks?"

Xiao Sun blinked, a little confused.

"Third uncle, can Yang San listen to you and become a guinea pig?"

Cai Gen looked evil, not as cautious as he said just now.

"Oh, whether he listens to me or not, what he says doesn't count.

You’ll know in a moment.”

This chapter has been completed!
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