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Chapter 1922 Transparent Barrier

Pu Pu finally shut his mouth. He had not yet figured out Duan Xiaohong's temper.

So I don’t dare to challenge it too much.

If he really found out Duan Xiaohong's temper, he would definitely be even more desperate.

Without Pu Pu's noise, Cai Gen felt much better.

After feeling seasick at first, I gradually got used to it and began to appreciate the scenery outside the car.

Iceland is a place with many volcanoes and even more hot springs.

Along the way, Cai Gen saw many wild hot springs.

It's steaming and steaming, making it look very fresh.

It’s good to have a vast land and sparsely populated areas. If you find so many hot springs in your hometown, they will definitely be covered with hot spring resorts, which will generate unlimited economic benefits.

But in Iceland, being so exposed to the wild and maintaining its original style, I don’t know if it’s a waste of resources.

Everyone was busy with their own things and had no intention of taking on new adventures.

Maybe they are all people with stories, they have seen a lot of strong winds and waves, and there are no ordinary people who are boring and nervous.

Of course, what they are busy with is definitely not serious things.

Play poker, sleep, drink powder, and, yes, heal injuries.

Wang Goosheng cherished himself very much. After getting in the car, he chose a bed and lay down.

I took out many bottles and cans from my bag.

The label on the can is quite deceiving.

What a great tonic pill.

What is the Nine Turns of Resurrection Pill?

What Bai Gu Musheng Liquid?

Anyway, there are all kinds of names.

It's just that after taking it out, it's not that bluffing.

In addition to painkillers, which are purple drops, there is also a bottle filled with band-aids.

I don’t know where those bottles were picked up.

Cai Gen wanted to pay some attention to Wang Gou Sheng.

Whether it's true or false, after all, we are all on the same journey, and we should get along well in terms of face.

However, after Wang Goosheng got in the car, he was in a bad mood.

Maybe it was because I was injured and suffered a loss, or maybe I failed to pretend to be a brat.

Anyway, my swollen face was always cold and looked unpleasant to everyone.

Cai Gen was very sensible and there was no need to be hot-faced and cold-blooded, so he decided to deal with it coldly.

Ignore him for now, cool off, find a better time, and then build a relationship.

Thinking about the messy things and looking at the messy scenery casually, Cai Gen suddenly felt a strange feeling in his heart.

Everything seemed too peaceful.

The calmness is a bit unreal.

It's like the calm before a violent storm, when everything in the world is dormant.

This feeling is very bad, Cai Gen thinks it should be more lively.

Don't worry if something happens suddenly, just get everyone out of the way.

However, before Cai Gen could change the atmosphere, the RV suddenly stopped.

Very sudden. That kind of sudden.

It's not a slow stop, nor is it a sudden brake.

It was more like hitting an obstacle, so sudden.

Fortunately, Cai Gen was wearing a seat belt and resisted the pull of inertia and did not fly out.

However, Wang Goosheng, who was lying on the bed at the end of the car, was not so lucky.

He flew directly from the rear of the car to the front of the car, and his whole body was stuck to the front windshield.

Judging from the strength of inertia, Wang Gou Sheng should be able to break the window and fly out directly.

However, after this modification, I don’t know what kind of glass was replaced for the RV, but it seemed to be bulletproof, which supported Wang Gou Sheng.

As a result, Wang Gou Sheng seemed to have knocked down a wall and passed out without making a sound.

Cai Gen looked at Wang Gou Sheng, who looked like a photo in front of him, and all his attention was attracted to him.

They didn't even notice that the RV hit something.

"Xiaotian, come and take a look.

This Xuanwu body protection doesn't work either.

I thought he could really defend absolutely.

Isn’t it necessary to break your bones this time?”

Xiao Tmall's reaction was quick enough and he stabilized himself immediately.

"Master, he may have impure blood, and the Xuanwu body protection has a cooling time.

This is normal, nothing strange."

Cai Gen suddenly realized that it was a matter of blood.

After reacting for a while, I remembered to ask Na Qi.

"No, Uncle Na, what do you mean?

Did it hit the air?

What kind of monster are you doing?"

Naqi's voice came from the speaker.

"Cai Gen, are you stupid?

Is it okay for me to hit the air?

Are your eyes panting or eating noodles?

Don't you see there is a transparent barrier in front?

If I hadn't been kind-hearted and resisted, you would all have been crushed, you know?

Why don’t you know how to be grateful?”

Did Naqi resist forcefully?

It must be true that the RV survived such a huge impact without any damage. Without Naqi's protection, it would have been shattered.

Cai Gen unbuckled his seat belt and jumped out of the car first.

When I walked to the front of the car, I saw nothing.

By the way, Naqi said it was a transparent barrier, but that’s nonsense.

He touched the front of the RV with his hand.

Sure enough, there seemed to be an invisible wall in the air.

It's still warm when you hold it, as if it's alive, not cold at all.

Looking further into the distance, Mount Herak is still quite far away.

"Chacha, Chacha, come down."

Chacha seemed to have been prepared for the sudden impact, and the sudden impact did not cause any harm to him, unlike others who were thrown off their feet.

"Stop shouting. I'm not dead, so there's no need to scream like a ghost."

Seeing such a calm chatter, Cai Gen didn't understand why, and immediately became furious.

"Little calf, you knew there was a transparent barrier here, right?

Why didn't you remind us?

If Uncle Na hadn't protected us, the car would have crashed and everyone would have died, you know?

Why are you so bad?

Okay, you don’t need to explain anymore.

Xiao Sun and Yang San are going to kill him, and they will definitely not be polite this time.

He teased us on purpose.

As long as you don't kill him, that's fine, just take a breath."

Before Cai Gen finished speaking, Yang San and his father-in-law took action.

Someone grabbed one of Chacha's arms and pushed him directly to the ground.

Cha Cha was shocked. He didn't expect that Cai Gen wouldn't listen to his explanation.

Are you so decisive when you come up and take action?

There were many excuses that I had prepared, but I had no chance to say them at this time.

As soon as he opened his mouth, his face was slapped on the snow, and he couldn't say a word.

Yang San and Xiao Sun did not punch or kick in any order.

Instead, he chose a more humiliating method.

He took out the belt and started pumping his buttocks in turn.

Just like an adult teaching a child, it is very harmful and even more insulting.

"Hit him, hit him hard.

Don't think that just because I smile all the time, I have a good temper.

There must be a limit to joking. You have gone too far this time and I must let you remember a little longer.

Some people cannot be offended no matter what."

This belt spanking lasted for more than half an hour before it ended. It was not because Cai Gen had softened his heart.

It's because both Yang San and Xiao Sun's belts were broken.

At this time, Cha Cha's butt was completely invisible and swollen like Wang Gou Sheng's face, three or four sizes too big.

"Let him go.

Cha Cha, I will collect some interest today, and we will calculate the rest later.

Say, what is this transparent barrier?

Be more specific and concise.

Say one more word of nonsense and I will continue to slap you.

According to my status in shamanism, even if I whip you to death, I will be exempted from liability."

Cha Cha’s eyes were swollen from crying.

Let me explain it in detail and concisely. Isn’t this killing people?

He sat down on the ground and wanted to act rogue.

But my butt hurt too much.

As soon as I sat down, I jumped up and cried even more sadly.

This chapter has been completed!
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