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Chapter 1989 It turned out to be time-travel

The RV emerged from the water again, and there was no longer a rushing river, but a calm lake with no waves.

Before Cai Gen's confused mind returned to normal, he heard the familiar sound of drums again.

Yes, that's the sound of drums that induces old people to kill each other.

Being so close, he could hear it extremely clearly, which made Cai Gen's already uncomfortable heart even more irritable.

Moreover, it was pitch dark all around and it was difficult to see what was going on. The sound of drums seemed to be coming from all directions, creating a strong sense of oppression.

Even with the roof lights turned on, the surrounding visibility was very low, and there was nothing special except the dark lake water.

Howling Tmall jumped to the roof of the car and fired a flare.

The red flare flew very high and did not touch the top floor. It seemed that the hole was very deep and the space was very large.

As the flares continue to fall, you can see that beyond the huge lake, there is also a large area of ​​land.

However, the land is not flat, with rugged rocks and a large number of very huge irregular pillars, like the ruins of a large building.

Beyond the large ruins, there seemed to be a castle or a city in the distance. It was a bit far away and could not be seen very clearly.

Howling Tmall fired another flare in that direction, and then the outline of a city appeared in the faint red light.

Is there a city in the crater?

And it's a dark, completely lifeless city?

Even if there was a grave there, Cai Gen would not be so surprised.

"Master, the sound of drums seems to be coming from the city over there.

It is only through the surrounding amplification of the surrounding space that it can be transmitted so far.

Should we go over and take a look?"

Xiao Tmall jumped into the car from the roof and looked at Cai Gen.

Cai Gen looked solemnly into the distance, with a look of confusion on his face.

"Xiaotian, can you say less of such useless lines in the future?

Of course we won't go see it.

You know there's something fishy there, but you take the initiative to get involved. That's either cheap or stupid."

The enthusiasm that Wang Goosheng had ignited at the mobilization meeting just now had not yet cooled down, so he spoke directly after hearing Cai Gen's words.

"Okay, Cai Gen, let's go check it out.

No matter what monsters or monsters, I will definitely deal with them

Wait, are you saying you won’t go?

its not right.

Under normal circumstances, shouldn’t we face difficulties head on?

Do you think you are a fool to face difficulties?"

I think you are a fool for talking such useless nonsense.

Cai Gen thought to himself.

“When doing things, do it steadily and don’t be irritable.

I have experienced so many storms and waves, do you know how I managed to stay safe and sound?"

Cai Gen feels that it is appropriate to show his leadership qualities and establish his personality.

There are more and more members in the team. Although most of them are now maintained by blood ties that are beyond reach, it is still stable.

But you can't always have relatives.

Relying on your own personality charm to conquer every member is the path to sustainable development.

"Because you are cowardly, fearful of death, and ask others to take care of you if something happens."

"Duan Tudou, what the hell are you?"

Duan Xiaohong's sudden revelation made Cai Gen very angry. The atmosphere she had just created was completely destroyed by her.

"Forget it, let's get straight to the point.

Uncle Na, what's going on here?

Is it the bottom of the volcano?

Or has it reached the depths of the earth?

How far are we from the exit above?

Can you go back?

How much space is there outside the lake?

How far are we from that city?

Can you drive over?

How deep is this lake?

What's below?

Can you dive?

How deep can you dive?

How about closure?

Need to de-stress?

By the way, there’s more

Cai Gen's question lasted half an hour and was quite comprehensive. If the answer is obtained, there will be a quite detailed report.

After Naqi heard what Cai Gen said, all the lights flashed and then suddenly went out.

It's as if the computer is suddenly overclocked, overwhelmed, and burned out.

"Uncle Na, you won't burn your brain, will you?

My question covers too much, don’t be in a hurry, just take your time.”

The light on the dashboard came on again, but it was still unstable.

"Cai Gen, what did you say?

I didn’t remember it, please say it again.”

Cai Gen was depressed at that time.

Just now I just wanted to establish a well-rounded persona for others to see.

I just talk about what comes to mind, where are the outlines and drafts?

I don’t even remember what I asked just now, why should I say it again?

However, I can’t say it. I don’t remember it either. I just said it casually, right?

"Ah, Cheng, since you didn't remember it, let me say it again.

Please listen carefully.

How high will we fall?

Can you go back?"

Cai Gen didn't know if he had asked all the questions, but judging from the time, it should be about the same. Anyway, it was enough for half an hour.

Seeing that Cai Gen stopped talking, Na Qi behaved normally this time.

"Cai Gen, why did you ask twice and it was different?"

"Naqi, didn't you say you didn't remember it? How do you know I'm different?"

At this time, Wang Goosheng spoke.

"Cai Gen, what you said twice is indeed different.

The first time you spoke for thirty-five minutes.

The second time you spoke for thirty-three minutes.

There is a two-minute error.

Moreover, you asked six fewer questions the second time.

Strictly speaking, it is not comprehensive enough.”

Cai Gen broke out in sweat at that time. Could it be that Wang Gou Sheng still has a unique skill that he has never forgotten?

It lasted more than thirty minutes, and at his own speaking speed, it amounted to nearly 7,000 words. Could he remember them all?

"Gou Shengzi, tell me, what six questions did you miss?"

Wang Goosheng looked confident and stood up without hesitation.

"Cai Gen, this is the first time you asked

The second time, you asked like this again

Among them, there are six more critical issues missing, that is "

Wang Gou Sheng repeated Cai Gen's two questions verbatim, and an hour passed.

Cai Gen sat there and listened quietly. In fact, his thoughts had already gone there. He just pretended to be serious and nodded, expressing his admiration for Wang Gou Sheng's memory from time to time.

Until Wang Gou Sheng finished speaking, the carriage was completely silent.

Except for Naqi's rhythmic snoring coming from the speakers.

"Cai Gen, I'm done, right, Cai Gen, Cai Gen.

Damn it, can you fall asleep with your eyes open?"

Cai Gen was woken up directly by Wang Gou Sheng. He did take a nap, not a deep sleep.

"Ah, no, I was thinking about what you said.

It makes sense and the questions are comprehensive.

Naqi, Naqi, don’t sleep, remember?

Come, please answer the first question."

Na Qi immediately laughed.

"Ah, what's the first question?"

Wang Goosheng lowered his head directly, his face turned dark.

The enthusiasm caused by the mobilization meeting just now cooled down.

These are a bunch of unreliable second-rate people. Why are you so serious?

Are you sick?

Of course, Cai Gen can't stay silent. He has been working hard for more than two hours and can't delay it any longer.

Regardless of whether you are subjectively willing or not, you have to continue.

"What's going on here?"

"What's going on here, you ask?

If I had told you earlier, the ink would only take a long time.

We have already crossed over, forget about the volcanoes and the big rivers.

The moment we fell from the waterfall, we passed through the barrier of space and were no longer in the original space.

However, this space is not too big, it can be regarded as a space bubble.

The space created by the golden apple is larger, but it is not the world.

Yes, I say this, can you understand me?"

Cai Gen felt relieved immediately.

It turns out that he has traveled through time.

I thought it was some big deal.

This chapter has been completed!
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