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Chapter 20 Homeless Xiao Xiao

Nunu has a completely straightforward character of a savage. Apart from himself, when it comes to other things, there are only two points to distinguish, whether they can be eaten or not.

Cai Gen is inedible according to Nunu's classification, but Xie An'an should be considered edible.

He took the arm, put it in his mouth and took a bite. He suddenly stopped, handed the severed arm to Cai Gen, and said with a smile with his split canine teeth stained with blood,

"Nunu, Nunu."

Cai Gen understood that he was sharing food with himself. Looking at the bloody arm and the smell of blood wafting towards him, he felt a little disgusted. He quickly shook his head, then pushed with trembling hands, signaling Nunu to himself.


Seeing that Cai Gen didn't want it, Nunu ate the severed arm into his stomach in a few mouthfuls, then bared his teeth at Cai Gen, patted Cai Gen's shoulder kindly, and said.

"Nu Nu"

It turned into a puff of black smoke, got into Cai Gen's chest, and disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

Cai Gen wanted to ask Nunu what was going on after he finished eating, why was Nunu on his chest, and why did he have the memory of a primitive man? Could it be that in his previous life, he was not a lazy donkey, but a crazy primitive?


Before everything could be asked, Nunu left in a hurry, just like he came in a hurry, leaving only one sentence, Nunu.

On the other hand, when I think about it, I am also frightened and confused. He can say the word Nunu. What can I explain?

Touching his chest, it was like a bus. The woman in white inserted it, pulled it out, Nunu walked out, and walked back. This went back and forth, and no one asked her opinion.

However, do your own opinions really matter?

From yesterday to today, have you encountered many things and become accustomed to them?

It is impossible to verify whether others will get used to it. Cai Gen is not used to it and is starting to be afraid.

The more Cai Gen looked at this empty room, the more frightened he became, and a picture of people full of men, women, and children appeared in his mind.

They all have pale faces, red lips, and dead eyes, staring at themselves.

Watch yourself cooking, watch yourself smoking, watch yourself sleeping.

What have you become? A reality show?

Don’t blame yourself for the lack of business in the store. Who will come in when the seats are full?

My wife and I are going to see a master tomorrow and we must solve this problem.

Just as I got the last scene out of my mind, the scene of the female spirit in white, Mr. Xie in the suit, and the child appeared again.

In other words, they appear alternately, constantly torturing Cai Gen's already fragile nerves.

Cai Gen slowly closed the food delivery app. It was better not to go out tonight. If there was another girl in black in the back seat, what would happen to the girl in red?

When I walked out of the bar, the blood stains on the floor just now, without any accident, had disappeared.

It's like someone holding a blackboard eraser and erasing these unscientific things at any time without leaving any traces.

I didn't turn off the headlights, I just locked the glass door, so no one would come to eat.

Through the glass door, looking at the darkness beyond the light, the feeling of being stared at came back again, and the hair on my body stood upright.

Not daring to look any further, I hurried back to the bar and didn't lie down on the camp bed. I was really afraid that I would be watched if I fell asleep.

I squatted down and got into the space under the bar. There was a lot of space inside, so I could straighten my legs while sitting.

Being in a small space can give Cai Gen more sense of security. After all, this small space is all he can see.

I'm really scared. Should I call my wife and ask her what I should pay attention to?

I looked at the time on my phone and saw that it was almost 10 o'clock. My wife and son were probably asleep.

Forget it, let's talk about it when we meet tomorrow, and we'll just stay here for the night.

However, Cai Gen found a pen and paper and recorded today's strange things.

Mopan? Donkey? Red romantic hanging soul? Meat substitute? Represents Xie An'an in the underworld?

After looking at these keywords, Cai Gen carefully crossed out the donkey. After all, he might have been a primitive man in his previous life and had nothing to do with the donkey.

Cai Gen stared at his keywords and thought for a while. The information was unequal and he had no clue.

Start checking online using your mobile phone.

Millstone? It’s a millstone.

Grinding disc with wire? Well, electric stone grinding wheel.

Hanged spirit? Xiao Xiao has no tongue and red eyes.

Mr. Xie from the underworld? Bai Wuchang, Xie Bian, the names don’t match. The Xie An’an just now was wearing a suit.

Meat substitute? Nude substitute, movie starlet, Macau casino welcomes you, beauty couple

I closed the browser silently, did not get out of the bar, gently and carefully stretched my hand to the countertop, and started looking for a cigarette.

When I touched the bar, it was easy to distinguish the black spots and two dents burned by my own cigarette butt.

I touched the lighter and the ashtray, but I didn't touch the cigarette.

Did I remember it wrong? The cigarette was not on the bar?

Cai Gen's mind was very confused and he urgently needed a cigarette to calm himself down. The more he wanted to smoke, the less he could reach it, and then the more he wanted to smoke.

As this cycle tortured Cai Gen, the desire to smoke continued to grow.

Finally, Cai Gen plucked up the courage and got out of the bar. He didn't dare to look inside the room, but directly aimed his gaze at the bar.

There is only one goal, which is to find cigarettes.

That box of cigarettes, safe and honest, was lying on the bar, right in front of me. Logically speaking, I couldn't have touched it just now.

Picking up the cigarette, Cai Gen was stunned and saw two black spots under the place where he had just put the cigarette.

Two very familiar black spots. I stared at them for a long time today and touched them with my hands for a long time just now.

But the smoke was clearly on the black spot just now. How could I touch the black spot but not the smoke?

Damn it, Cai Gen quickly got back under the bar with a cigarette.

Forget it, it's a trivial matter, there's nothing you can't figure out.

Isn’t the dead old man selling bean buns weird?

Isn’t the burning undead in the corridor scary?

Is it scary to see a hanging man stab his chest?

Is Bai Wuchang desperate for his life?

Do you understand that primitive people smoke people?

A pack of cigarettes played hide-and-seek with you. Compared with the above incidents, it is quite normal.

Light a cigarette and take a puff patiently.

Regardless of whether it is normal or not, no one can let me leave under the bar before 6 o'clock anyway, Cai Gen secretly made up his mind.

Xiao Xiao didn't have so many ideas. He ran out of Cai Gen's shop and wanted to go back to the Red Romance Hotel. Although there were many Burning Dead Souls there, at least it was his home and he was the Earthbound Soul there.

Returning to the Red Romance Hotel, I was ejected several times after entering, and I couldn't even get in. After a closer look, I saw that the police had set up a cordon. People can break the rules and walk through, but the spirit can't. This is

The power of rules.

Xie An'an is a civil servant in the underworld, and the police are civil servants in the human world, but the Red Romantic Hotel is in the human world, so logically, he needs to act in accordance with the rules of the police.

If the police say no, the spirit will not be able to enter. This cordon is an insurmountable gap for Xiao Xiao.

It's a bit ironic to say that people in the underworld are breaking the rules of the underworld, and people in the upper world are breaking the rules of the upper world, but they must abide by each other. What does this mean?

Dark under the lamp?

Regardless of whether it's dark under the lamp or not, Xiao Xiao can't go back home, and it's impossible to wander on the street. After all, the earth-bound spirits who can stay in the world are very powerful and have their own territory. Xiao Xiao is a newly hanged person.

How can the undead compete for territory with those old ghosts?

After thinking about it, Xiao Xiao returned to Cai Gen's shop and hid in Cai Gen's car. He didn't dare to sit in the back seat for fear of being discovered by Cai Gen. He only dared to hide in the trunk and hide for a day.

This chapter has been completed!
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