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Chapter 2040 Three wins and one loss

Alasha carried Duan Xiaohong on her back and walked at the front, followed by the others.

No one has any opinions, they just follow the crowd and no one takes responsibility.

Moreover, Cai Gen did not speak out to stop him. After all, he got the Life Fruit so easily and everyone needed time to digest this unexpected surprise.

Isn't it a bit unreal, a bit too childish, too simple?

It's not going to be some kind of chain trick, or a trap within a trap.

Duan Xiaohong sat on the horse, very comfortable and leisurely.

One step at a time, a fixed rhythm, like a child's stroller.

Duan Xiaohong's alcoholism was directly aroused, and she was so sleepy that she couldn't open her eyes and fell asleep in a daze.

Suddenly a voice sounded in my ears.

"Sister Hong, Sister Hong, wake up, don't sleep.

You're drooling all over me, it's a bit disgusting."

Duan Xiaohong was awakened by the sound and looked around, but there was no one there.

Only then did he realize that it was the mount beneath him that was speaking.

Duan Xiaohong wiped the saliva from her mouth and felt a little angry when she woke up.

He knocked the horse's belly hard with his foot.

"Shasha, remember, don't wake me up when I'm sleeping in the future.

Over the years, I have suffered from severe neurasthenia and it is difficult to fall asleep without drinking.

I finally fell asleep, and what bothered me the most was people calling me.

I like to wake up naturally.

This is the first time, and I don’t blame you if you don’t know.

Next time you disturb my sleep, I will kill you, remember?

You only have one life, don't joke."

Wow, Alasha’s mind is filled with questions.

Is this human temperament?

Opening your mouth can kill someone, why is it so natural?

If you think about it the other way round, you will understand.

After all, he is the King of Gods, so it is normal to have a little personality and quirks.

In the past, Odin would kill people with a glare. He was never merciful and had no temper.

"Sister Hong, I remember, even if there are mountains of swords and seas of fire, and the earth collapses, I will never disturb you in your sleep again.

Thank you Sister Hong for giving me this opportunity.

By the way, Sister Hong, why do you say that I am a close person?

Is there any basis for this?"

Duan Xiaohong hadn't woken up yet, so she lit up a cigarette and took a long puff.

"I have no basis, I just said it casually.

Who would have thought that you would admit it?

It seems that those who have four feet on the ground do not have the brains to use two feet on the ground.

No, you have six feet on the ground, the difference is even greater.

You may not even be able to compare to Naqi."

Alasha's mood suddenly became bad.

Turns out he just blew himself up?

It seemed to me that I was overthinking it.

"Sister Hong, we are all a family. If you bury me, I can't elevate you.

How about we talk kindly from now on, okay?

I'm actually not that old, I'm still a child, and I need your love and care.

However, Sister Hong, your intuition is really accurate, you can even get a rough idea based on blind guessing, it’s really amazing."

Duan Xiaohong unscrupulously flicked the cigarette ashes towards the horse's butt, which made Alasha tremble.

"Sasha, it's a bit unartistic for you to flatter me like this.

What is blindness?

I'm just too lazy to tell you.

Let me tell you this, sister, I study psychology.

All performances of everyone have their own inner psychological logic.

Everything happens for a reason, there is no such thing as love or hatred without reason.

The reason why I say you are the key is based on factual considerations.

It’s not blind.”

Alasha slowly quickened her pace, widening the distance between herself and the people behind her.

This way you can speak more privately and won't be overheard.

"Sister Hong, tell me what basis you have."

Duan Xiaohong used her hand to put out the cigarette butt.

"Actually, there isn't much basis. You can easily make a judgment based on the fact that you are still alive and Ye Feng is dead.

You are more powerful than Night Breeze.

Athena is not a merciful person, and she cannot spare your life just because you look good.

So, Ye Feng didn't run away, it was scattered all over the ground, but you ran away, the conclusion is obvious.

Since you are more powerful than Ye Feng and can easily take out Loki's hidden life fruit, if you are not the last person, who is the fool?

Let me restore the truth of the matter according to my thinking.

Advanced hunters often appear in the form of prey.

You appeared as a supporting character and became Night Breeze's mount.

In fact, Night Breeze is just a test.

No, those dark elves who shoot arrows are the test.

The night wind is just your cover.

The normal process should be to kill the dark elves, torture Ye Feng to death, and finally deal with you after all the hard work.

Or maybe, after all the hard work, you did it for us.

These are the two directions of the original plot.

If you do this, you will get the fruit of life.

Even if you do it, Cai Gen will come on the scene and he will still do it to you, and then use the Fruit of Life to resurrect us.

Inside and out, no matter how the plot develops, you are doomed.

It's just the second ending, which is a bit nonsense.

Therefore, you directly cut off most of the plot and directly changed it to the best ending for you.

He saved his own life, saved the fruits of life, and realized his ideals.

It's a win-win-win-win. You have won three times.

I just don't know who lost.

I think it’s probably your grandma who lost.”

Although, Arasa opened the distance between herself and others.

But I couldn’t stand Duan Xiaohong’s loud voice.

Not only for Xiao Sun and the others, but also for Cai Gen.

Moreover, the analysis is meticulous, the logic is clear, facts and evidence are presented, and there is absolutely no nonsense.

Especially when Duan Xiaohong said, who loses?

Loki had already started blowing on the bottle and pouring wine into his stomach to avoid Cai Gen's scrutinizing gaze.

I scolded Alasha a thousand times, ten thousand times in my heart.

However, no matter what he scolded Arasa, in the end, it was his own fault that traced his bloodline.

Hey, I can't help it, my bloodline is too smart.

If it were him, he would probably make the same choice as Alasha.

Alasha nodded after listening to Duan Xiaohong's analysis.

"Sister Hong, you are so powerful, you are worthy of being the goddess of wisdom.

Your intelligence must be off the charts and beyond your capabilities.

I don’t think my grandma can even play with you.

Following you, I feel the future is bright.

But, if my grandma has any wrong thoughts about me later, you have to protect me.

We are a family."

Duan Xiaohong slapped the horse's butt hard with her chubby hand.

"Sasha, if this is worthless in the future, don't talk to me anymore.

I am not someone you can guess or deceive.

It's no use talking nonsense to me. Even if you tell the world, it's useless if you can't do it.

Remember from now on, stay with me, talk less, do more, and do your duty well. I won't do anything to you.

If you are always hiding your secrets or trying to trick me out, then that's not a good idea.

After all, your bloodline is not born with the gene of sincerity, I can tell that."


Alasha felt that all her ascending channels had been blocked by Duan Xiaohong, leaving no opening for herself.

He put on a simple and honest fake smile again, trying to express his honesty.

Who would have thought that Duan Xiaohong would suddenly become angry.

"Sasha, don't wear a false mask in front of me, it's useless.

Laugh when you really want to laugh.

Laughing to please others is worthless and cheap. Don't let others look down on you.

Bloodline is bloodline, whatever you want to do depends on how you go in the future.

Remember, my destiny is determined by me and not by heaven. Man can conquer heaven. Foolish Old Man can move mountains, Jingwei can fill seas, and Dayu can control floods."


Duan Xiaohong really got drunk and started talking nonsense.

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