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Chapter 2075 Five Qi Chaoyuan Realm

Shi Huozhu's applause rang out at an inappropriate time.

"The five thunders in the cluster are amazing, really amazing.

The Fourth Grandpa is mighty and domineering.

That’s really a disdain, who can argue with it?”

Before the flattery was finished, Arasha kicked her.

"Sister Hong, is that what you mean?

From now on, this damn fat man will never talk unnecessary nonsense again.

I'll kick him for you, you don't need to reach out."

Duan Xiaohong put down her raised elbow and nodded with satisfaction.

“Sasha, this is just this once, don’t miss it next time.

If you take action, how can I vent my anger?

How about I quarrel with you next time?"

Alasha stuck out her long horse tongue and lowered her head angrily, hiding her embarrassment. The temper of this god-king was a bit unpredictable.

Shi Huozhu was lying on the ground, not forgetting to applaud.

“Ahem, cough, cough, Grandpa Fourth, you are so powerful, who can compete with you?

Invincible in the world, proud of all heroes."

Suddenly I felt that the eyes around me were wrong, so I quickly added something.

"Ah, except for my uncle and Boss Cai, no one can help me."

Cai Gen was immediately amused.

"Azhu, you're not very good at flattering me.

What does the five thunders mean?

Is it because he is immune to lightning?"

Shi Huozhu turned over and stood up, which was a good idea.

If he didn't say these words, no one would know how powerful Wang Gou Sheng's move to directly catch the thunder was.

Turning up the volume, Shi Huozhu pulled his neck and started shouting.

"Boss Cai, that is the Five Thunders of Cuansu, which is the realm of thunder method cultivation.

The thunder method here is fundamentally different from the last time I encountered rolling thunder in Taiqing Valley.

The rolling thunder from the sky was made with the help of external objects and orders. His own mastery of the thunder method is not very proficient, it can be regarded as a borrowed skill.

My fourth grandfather’s collection of five thunders is actually a thunder technique that I have cultivated myself.

That is a recognized cultivation method in the human world, the hard power of one step at a time.

The thunder method practiced is the Five Thunder Method.

Thunder is generated by the energy of yin and yang, according to the number of five elements in "Luo Shu".

Three in the east, three in the south, two in the north, one in the west, these are the ancestors of the great numbers, and the center is five.

The thunder moves the energy in the heaven and the earth, so it is called the Five Thunders.

In the practice of internal energy, the five thunders belong to the five internal organs.

Only when the qi of the five internal organs gather together and converge into one can we reach the great road and master the magical functions of the five thunders. This is called gathering the five thunders, which means that the internal power of the thunder method has been cultivated to the point where the five qi are facing the yuan.

The five qi are directed towards the origin, spotless, able to be purified and purified, which means there is no leakage.

The liver is the wood of the east soul, the lungs are the gold of the west soul, the heart is the fire of the south spirit, the kidneys are the water of the north essence, and the spleen is the earth of the middle palace.

Therefore, the sage's eyes do not see but his soul is in his liver, his ears do not hear and his essence is in his kidneys, his tongue does not taste but his spirit is in his heart, his nose is not fragrant but his soul is in his lungs, his limbs are motionless but his mind is in his spleen.

Therefore, it is called clusters of five thunders."

Cai Gen listened silently and attentively.

"Azhu, what you mean is that you have mastered the practice method of Five Thunder Zhengfa.

Can ordinary people also use lightning to kill people in the human world?

If you learn the thunder method, will you be immune to thunder?"

Shi Huozhu nodded excitedly.

"Boss Cai, you are right.

Lei method is actually a Tao method that combines inner elixir cultivation and magic practice.

The thunderer, the command of heaven.

Not only can it kill people, it can also do many things.

Those who have acquired this method can drive away thunder and lightning, pray for rain and clear skies, cure evil spirits and subdue demons, ward off locusts, and refine ghosts.

My fourth grandfather was born with the ability to cultivate the thunder method.

The external thunder is directly introduced into the body, and the five qi are refined towards the Yuan. It is powerful."

Cai Gen was really shocked this time.

"Ah, now that I know how to do thunder, can I still make weather forecasts?

So awesome?

How to practice then?

Can I do it?"

Shi Huozhu was suddenly stunned. He didn't expect Cai Gen to be interested.

I didn’t know what to say for a while.

"That, this, Boss Cai.

If you want to practice, of course you can.

However, I don’t know how. I’ll ask my fourth grandpa later.

I think he should teach you one and a half moves with his innate thunder magic skills.

If you practice hard for another three to five hundred years, you will definitely succeed.

Who makes you a martial arts prodigy with extraordinary talents?"

Cai Gen raised his foot and wanted to kick Shihuozhu, but he put it down gently.

When the fight is over, let’s ask Wang Gou Sheng.

At this time, Wang Goosheng felt that Shi Huozhu's level was really average.

It's completely useless after dragging it so far.

Who in the world can understand what he is saying?

Just say how awesome it is, use metaphors, give examples, and present facts.

What’s the use of talking about so many theories?

Even if you flatter me, you can't even take a photo on point. It's really a waste of snacks.

After waiting for such a long time, Wang Goosheng raised his head and looked at Thor, the God of Thunder, on the mountain.

"Come on, after waiting for you for so long, are you gasping for air?

Don't tell me that you are also a bastard and have been out of breath for eight years.

I still have a lot of youth and a perfect life to experience, and I don’t have time to waste it here with you.

Hurry up, show your housekeeping skills and greet me vigorously.

We are in a career-ending battle, can we be serious?"

Thor, God of Thunder, was actually murmuring in his heart.

Why isn't this guy on the other side afraid of his own thunder?

According to common sense, his thunder power is the pinnacle of combat power in the Nordic world.

After all, with thunder and lightning attributes, there are few ways of immunity or resistance.

Therefore, he stabilizes the God of War and reaches the second combat power in the Nordic world.

As a result, today we encountered a situation where the attack was ineffective. How could Thor remain calm?

Is it okay to be the God of Thunder in one world?

Even if the current soul state and combat power cannot reach the peak of life, the attack will not be ineffective.

In particular, Wang Gou Sheng's sarcastic remarks completely pissed off the God of Thunder Thor.

Instead of hitting the chariot with Mjolnir, he started hitting his own fist with Mjolnir.

My iron fist glove is also a magical weapon. It is a power glove made by dwarves.

After the two artifacts collided, thunder ten times stronger than before suddenly appeared and rushed directly to Wang Gou Sheng's chest.

If the thunder just now was like a laser, then now it is a laser as thick as a bucket.

Theoretically, even if you encounter a mountain, you can break out of a hole.

This thunderbolt, which was as thick as a bucket, hit Wang Gou Sheng on the chest, causing Wang Gou Sheng to stagger.

Not to mention the attack power of thunder and lightning itself, but the impact power is not fake.

Withstanding the first wave of impact, Wang Goosheng stabilized his figure and began to continuously dissolve the power of thunder, turning his body into a black hole, endlessly absorbing the energy of thunder and nourishing his dry internal organs.

After reincarnation, I have not practiced for a day. My own conditions still require a process of becoming proficient in the previous techniques.

If it hadn't been for the fact that his body had been reshaped by the thunder just now, Wang Gou Sheng probably wouldn't be able to withstand Thor's thunder and lightning now.

Thor was worried when he saw that Wang Gou Sheng was resisting again.

Continuously collide with Thor's hammer with your fist to continuously increase the energy of thunder.

The lightning linking Thor and Wang Gou Sheng also became thicker and thicker.

It was originally a bucket, then a water tank, and finally it became a big river.

The surrounding atmosphere was affected by this huge energy, and Cai Gen felt that his hair was starting to tremble.

He rubbed his flying beard vigorously and suddenly said something.

"Xiao Sun, do you think they look alike? A thousand-mile marriage is tied by a thread?

They are so glued together that they are so inseparable, they won't end up kissing each other, right?"

As soon as Cai Gen's words came out, Thor and Wang Gou Sheng blushed at the same time.

This chapter has been completed!
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