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Chapter 2103 Linga is infinite

After Fenrir exploded, a pillar burning with flames appeared out of thin air where Fenrir originally was.

Cai Gen racked his brains, but couldn't describe this pillar.

If he had to be forced to describe it, it would be while watching a documentary.

Seeing the pillar of creation where stars were born standing in a nebula deep in the distant universe.

The sticky, hot, pillar of creation where various materials are mixed together, the cradle of stars.

Cai Gen wiped the dirt from his face and took a few steps back in awe, wondering what the change was.

The teddy bear took a few steps forward and looked at the pillar burning with flames. He was extremely surprised.

"This is not, this is not, this is..."

"What is this? Just tell me quickly, Ah Xiong, your network card is damaged."

Cai Gen was anxious when he heard this.

"Boss Cai, I don't know what this is."

The teddy bear said it very sincerely, but no matter how sincere he was, he could not avoid Cai Gen's contempt.

"If you don't know, just keep your mouth shut. In such a serious moment, interrupting will make people hate you, you know?"

"No, Boss Cai, although I don't know what he is, I feel an aura.

That is the breath of Asan's world.

That is the atmosphere that has been completely wiped out from the west.

How could it appear here?"

The teddy bear was still arguing, saying that he was not ignorant.

“What is the breath of Asan’s world?

If you want to say something, just make it clear and don't make excuses, everyone is very busy."

Cai Gen's curiosity has been completely aroused.

"Boss Cai, let me explain it to you.

Chiguo can’t explain it either.”

Shi Huozhu stood up immediately, and even took out a pair of frameless glasses and put them on, probably to highlight his status as a scholar.

"Boss Cai, we already knew this in Badaohao.

At the beginning of creation, every world had a world will.

At the beginning, the God of Misery chose the world to create the Wheel of Life, and he also used the will of the world as the filtering condition.

For example, the will of the Rashi world is the will of the world to reproduce and reproduce continuously.

Compare it to the will of the Nordic world, which is the will of the world to give and repay, and to gain something at a price.

This world will is the breath of the world.

What Chiguo meant just now was that he felt the world will of Asan's world from this pillar.

And this kind of world will should have been banned or wiped out by the West a long time ago, and it should not have suddenly appeared.

Chi Guo, is this what you mean?"

The teddy bear patted Shi Huozhu on the shoulder and nodded vigorously.

"Yes, that's what it means.

Thinking back to the beginning, all the people in the Asan World who surrendered were forced to separate from the Asan World, and it was impossible for them to have a chance to make a comeback.

Therefore, this aura of Asan’s world should not exist.”

Oh, Cai Gen nodded. Although he didn’t know what method Xidian used, it probably meant that Cai Gen understood.

"So, what is this pillar that shines with the will of Asan's world?

How could he burst Fenrir's alien space?"

Cai Gen was like a child in kindergarten. He asked without any psychological burden. He felt that he didn't know about this matter and he should deserve it.

The teddy bear remained silent, Shi Huozhu stroked his glasses and began to show off.

"Boss Cai, if my guess is correct, this pillar should be a Linga.

You must be asking, what is Linga?

This starts with the origin of Asan’s world.”

Cai Gen quickly waved his hand.

"Azhu, please explain as briefly as possible, but it must also be explained to me, preferably at 1.5x speed. My patience is limited."

Shi Huozhu understood Cai Gen's temper, and immediately took out his mobile phone and began to read the information quickly without any artistic processing.

"Okay, Boss Cai, the information I collected shows.

At the beginning of the creation of the Asan world, three gods came into play, commonly known as the three-phase gods.

Vishnu, the god of protection, Brahma, the god of creation, and Shiva, the god of destruction.

The core god is Shiva.

At the beginning of the universe, everything was empty, Vishnu did not care about hygiene, a lotus grew out of his belly button, and Brahma was born.

None of this matters, I'm just saying that these two idiots have no driving force to create the world, they just eat together and wait to die.

Suddenly, Linga appeared.

Linga is a thing that transcends all forms, cannot be perceived, cannot be imagined, and cannot be described.

The lingam finally grew into a fire lingam pillar and gave birth to Shiva.

The appearance of Shiva began to have the cause of the universe, and the emergence of time meant that the stationary universe began to move forever.

Shiva began to spur Brahma to create the world and Vishnu to maintain the world."

Cai Gen felt that the creation legend told by Shi Huozhu was not fantasy at all, let alone logical.

The birth of the Rashi world was driven by a big cow, and at least there was some logic.

A Linga suddenly appeared somewhere.

"Let me ask you what a linga is? How could he break through Fenrir's alien space?"

“Right away, we’re going to talk about lingam soon.

This lingam is the gathering of karma, and Shiva is the cause of everything."

Shi Huozhu might have been too anxious and misread the line at once, so he searched for a long time before continuing.

"The karma mentioned here is the origin of all causes and effects. Human mission and responsibility, and even destiny, are all born from karma.

Karma refers to the bond between existence and the past, present, and future. Without karma, nothing would happen.

There is a beginning and an end, and continuous reincarnation, which is the world will of Asan's world.

As for how Linga can break through Fenrir's alien space, isn't it obvious?

Because karma can be infinitely large or infinitesimally small, the boundaries of physical laws cannot limit such purely idealistic emotions at all.

For example, if I am very angry, very angry, and the entire universe cannot fill my anger, then my angry emotion is greater than the entire universe.

I don't know, did I understand it clearly?

Anyway, that’s what the information says.”

Cai Gen grinned and shook his head. It was all nonsense.

"What Dead Fat Pig said is a bit abstract. It probably means that Linga is the concrete embodiment of idealistic thoughts that shine into reality.

It's just an idea, it has everything, it's really nonsense.

Caibangzi, is it important what a linga is?

Shouldn’t the question be, why is the lingam here?”

Duan Xiaohong's thoughts are sometimes more erratic than Cai Gen's.

"Yes, Duan Tudou is right, why does Linga appear here?"

With a crash, the Linga shattered to pieces on the ground, and then disappeared without a trace.

From the lingam, a bald man with fine features and beautiful eyes walked out.

The two-handed ax in his hand is still there, and the innocence in his eyes remains.

Isn’t this the Emperor Shakti?

Cai Gen never expected that he would have such a backup plan and could summon the world will of the mother world to help him get out of trouble.

"Brother Cai, let's all lie down. Can we eat noodles?

I want to eat something hot."

Emperor Shitian looked at Fenrir who was shattered on the ground, and suddenly made a request to Cai Gen.

This chapter has been completed!
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