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Chapter 2105 Great Cycle of Cause and Effect

Emperor Shitian did not die after being stabbed there. As his body continued to tremble, the wound continued to heal.

Moreover, the recovery speed is also amazing, more than a hundred times stronger than Cai Gen's Nunu form.

That bastard Odin didn't say a word, he just stared at Emperor Shakten with his dark one eye, completely like a puppet manipulated by evil.

Seeing that Emperor Shakti was not dead seemed to challenge his authority.

The little javelin was thrown like a cross stitch.

Needles and threads began to be threaded in various parts of Emperor Shaktian's body.

The needle is the spear of eternity, and the thread is the blood spurted by Shakti.

For a time, the battlefield was very splendid.

Either with a flash of white light, the Eternal Spear takes action, or with a flash of red light, Emperor Shitian is pierced again.

I don’t know what they are competing for?

Maybe it was Odin's embroidery skills, maybe it was Shakti's vitality, and the amazing amount of bleeding.

In just a few breaths, Emperor Shitian was turned into a sieve that spurted blood everywhere, and then relied on his amazing self-healing speed to block every wound.

The cycle goes on and on, and neither party knows how tired they are.

If they were gossips, they would definitely have a conversation like this.

"I don't believe you can stab me to death, come on."

"I don't believe it, I can't kill you, just stand still."

"Grandson, if you can't stab me to death, you are just a useless snack."

"Little calf, if I can't stab you to death, I guess you'll be strong."

After Cai Gen thought about it for a while, he burst into laughter.

"Should I say it or not, the little emperor's energy and blood are very strong.

He lost so much blood, suffered such serious injuries, and still didn't go into shock. He was really not an ordinary soldier.

You say, since he has this ability to form blood, if he donates blood, he must not donate thousands of milliliters at a time?

It's a pity that there are no paid blood donations now. Otherwise, with his innate condition, he would have brought millions of dollars with him.

What a pity, what a pity.”

Everyone had already developed a certain immunity to Cai Gen's brain-tickling, and no one took it seriously, except Duan Xiaohong, who followed the bullshit.

"Cai Bangzi, your layout is too small and your vision is limited.

If you can’t sell your blood, can you make blood tofu?

Nowadays, pure duck blood shabu hot pot and duck blood vermicelli soup are in great demand.

You open a duck blood processing factory, tie Emperor Shitian to that place, and let Cha Cha go to that station, six cuts and twelve holes, non-stop for 24 hours, it is all pure profit."

Duan Xiaohong’s nonsense makes everyone less tolerant.

In addition to rolling my eyes at him, I also expressed all kinds of contempt for him. It's funny that a Jiu Mengzi who needs to pay for his drinks on credit still dares to talk about starting a business and making pure profits.

Especially Loki, knowing that Duan Xiaohong was the reincarnation of Athena, he once wondered if he had made a mistake.

Isn't Athena the goddess of wisdom?

What Duan Xiaohong showed has nothing to do with wisdom at all.

Cai Gen shook his head seriously.

"Duan Tudou, you are wrong."

Everyone was relieved. Cai Gen finally couldn't stand it anymore and was ready to get things back on track.

Although Cai Gen is usually a bit unruly, when it comes to Kenjie, he is even more unruly.

"Where is the pure profit? If you chatter, you won't eat, sleep, or breathe fresh air.

As long as the company is kept alive, it is a cost, not pure profit.

By the way, Cha Cha, how many days do you think you can last for twenty-four hours?"

Chacha was immediately confused by Cai Genwen and said through gritted teeth.

"Uncle Cai, don't worry, as long as you want, you can hold on for 24 hours.

I just don’t know how many days Emperor Shitian can survive.”

When Cai Gen heard this, he was just talking about children and didn't take it seriously.

"Yes, the main problem is no longer with Chacha, but with Emperor Shakti. How long can he keep bleeding like this?"

"Boss Cai is worrying too much. If things continue like this, Emperor Shakti will be able to persist forever."

Shi Huozhu's words made Cai Gen's eyes light up. The business of selling blood tofu suddenly became feasible.

"Azhu, what do you say? Is this his racial ability?

Chlorophyll is produced by absorbing ultraviolet rays from the sun.

Then through various chemical reactions, chlorophyll is converted into red blood cells.

At the same time, does it rely on the skin to absorb moisture from the air and replenish the lost body fluids so that it can last forever?

What about the black sky? Do we need to use ultraviolet light?"

Shi Huozhu was fucked by Cai Gen again. When did he talk about ultraviolet rays?

The weird ideas in Cai Gen's mind were almost overflowing, and they kept leaking out.

"Boss Cai, please control your imagination.

The reason why I say that he can persist forever is based on the world will of Asan's world.

Their will to the world is an endless cycle of creation, destruction, re-creation, and destruction.

All causes eventually lead to effects, and then new causes produce new effects, and the cycle repeats endlessly.”

Wasting your will in vain?

What is that?

Is it the literal meaning of just working around for nothing?

Cai Gen didn't understand. This theory was a bit abstract.

"Azhu, I know you have a lot of knowledge, but please consider my feelings and speak humanly."

Shi Huozhu is also purely theoretical. I saw it in the data. If I really have to explain it to Cai Gen, he is not good enough.

If he talks nonsense, he may get a beating from someone he doesn't know where. Who puts him at the bottom of the biological chain?

"Third uncle, isn't this easy to understand? It means chewing cud and regurgitating cud, like a cow.

You see, Emperor Shakten's blood is beginning to flow backwards.

Moreover, I saw that there was a vague rule working on his body to help him recover.

It's a bit like going back in time or fast forwarding through life. I can't explain it clearly, maybe it's the power of the cycle of cause and effect."


Cai Gen was completely deceived by Xiao Sun.

"Wait a minute, let's talk slowly, we will definitely be able to explain it clearly.

If we follow the theory of cause and effect, or think of the process from cause to effect as a cycle.

Are you saying that this cycle is constantly repeated rapidly in Emperor Shaktian?

I seem to understand?

Xiaotian, give me the entire blackboard, I need to demonstrate."

Xiao Tmall was very obedient, took out a whiteboard, and handed over a pen at the same time.

Cai's root was thick but thin, and he discovered that it was a marker, so he quickly asked Xiao Tmall to change it to a whiteboard pen.

"If injury is the cause, then healing is the effect. This is a cycle of cause and effect.

If you apply this cycle to Emperor Shakten and repeat it quickly, what will happen?

Shakti may be always in a state of injury, or he may always be in a state of healing.

Or, he can stay outside this causal loop forever and be a bystander, in the Schrödinger state.

Just like when we were young, we bruised our knees and the scabs healed in three to five days.

It's just that he didn't need three or five days, just an instant, and the healing process was completed, as if the knee had never been punctured.

Damn it, if he mastered the power of cause and effect, wouldn’t he never die, never get hurt, and always have a chance to come back, wouldn’t he be invincible?”

Everyone present is not a mortal. From Cai Gen's clumsy deduction, they also understand the power under the rules of cause and effect, which is indeed a bit scary.

"No, it's not invincible. Otherwise, how could Asan's world be defeated by Xibian?

Ah Xiong, how did Xiong break this causal rule?"

The teddy bear thought for a long time before shaking his head.

"I don't know exactly what happened. You can't hear things at this level by relying on gossip."

Cai Gen looked at Emperor Shitian again and found that he was indeed using the rules of cause and effect unconsciously.

Whether there was a wound or not, he was gushing blood.

Sometimes, the blood spurted out will flow back backwards.

Sometimes, before the Eternal Spear is removed, the wound has healed as before.

It was as if time and space had created a unique regular force field on him, which was very strange.

This chapter has been completed!
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