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Chapter 2117 You are actually a guy

Logically speaking, Shi Huozhu's idea is not wrong.

Since there are still so many souls in the underworld, they must all be sent away by Cai Genren.

The ending has already been decided. Just looking at the process, are there any hidden side quests in the plot?

Reasons are principles, facts are facts.

As soon as Shi Huozhu finished speaking, he felt like he was being kicked in the stomach. The huge force made him keep retreating.

I don’t know which sentence was wrong, but Hela immediately became furious.

Her long black hair was floating up, as if she was possessed by a white-haired witch.

"How dare you make promises to me? I hate others making promises to me.

These souls are all mine, all my people.

They are not going anywhere, they will stay with me until the end of time.

Anyone who thinks about them is blinded."

While roaring, Hela raised her finger and pointed at the retreating Stone Fire Bead.

When Shi Huozhu saw a trace of gray air, his heart suddenly went cold.

It's over, my young bird will soon become a thief in my hometown.

I will soon become the same as those four old men.

Thinking back to the beautiful Masala who was still at home, Shi Huozhu really regretted it and shouldn't have come at all.

How good would it be to just be a loser at home?

Why take such a big risk by going out to fight life and death?

What have you gained?

Didn't you get even one hair?

What are you picturing?

It's strange, Masala almost took a knife and forced herself to do it, endlessly.

It seems that Taigong Jiang was also forced to the altar by the fierce woman in his family.

Now that I am fine, I will soon feel cold, so let Masala be a widow.

When he thought of this, Shi Huozhu smiled knowingly as if his prank had succeeded.

His smile scared Hela to death.

Could it be that this damn fat guy opposite is some kind of pig?

Is there really any capital to keep the bottom line?

Otherwise why would he laugh?

Shi Huozhu's smile was still hanging on the corner of his mouth, but he suddenly fell down.

It turned out that in the process of retreating, he tripped over an unexpected small stone.

It was this sudden fall that surprised everyone, including Shi Huozhu.

Kankan just dodged the attack from Hela.

The cloud of gray gas flew past Shi Huozhu's scalp.

Where can this thing be explained?

Shi Huozhu lay down on his back, the back of his head hit the ground first, and he passed out immediately.

There is also a weird smile on his face, which makes people feel panicked when they look at it.

Originally, Cai Gen thought that the stone fire beads were going to cool down and was thinking of other ways.

In the end, Shi Huozhu actually dodged, which Cai Gen never expected.

It's not scary just to hide away. The key problem is that Cai Gen and Shi Huozhu are on the same line.

There were no stone fire beads to block the cloud of gray gas, which was hitting Cai Gen directly.

It would be unfair to say that Cai Gen did not want to hide.

But his current physical condition makes it difficult for him to stand up, and he is already a wheelchair player. Where can he hide?

Should we just do a wheelchair drift?

He gritted his teeth bitterly and glared at Shi Huozhu.

This damn fat man is so lucky. It’s really hard not to accept it.

He raised his head suddenly, eyes wide open, as if he had made some difficult decision.

Then, Cai Gen gently closed his eyes and waited there to die, looking forward to his old age.

Anyway, the wheelchair is ready-made, and it will match the current situation when you get older.

On his deathbed, Cai Gen even thought about what song to choose for the square dance.

As for whether to go to the men's group or the women's group, Cai Gen is a bit vague.

My wife is round and as beautiful as a flower, so she doesn’t want to go square dancing with me.

Then I can't be alone, I need to find a dance partner.

So will Yuanyuan agree? Will she understand? Will she accept it tolerantly?

This question lingers in Cai Gen's mind, and there is no room for other thoughts.

Hela was also surprised to see Cai Gen looking like a bachelor.

He talks loudly, but he is actually a useless person in a wheelchair.

Why don’t you have any self-awareness?

It seems that things are still not over this time. Let's continue to wait for the next wave of people to come.

At the same time, he looked at Loki on the ground with resentment, his meaning was obvious.

Dad, when did you become blind?

Loki lay on the ground and had no time to deal with Hela. Instead, he focused on looking at Cai Gen.

I want to see how Cai Gen faces this irresistible aging.

Just when that trace of despair hit Cai Gen's face, the wheelchair actually moved.

It wasn't Cai Gen who moved it, but Xiao Tmall.

With one claw, he moved the wheelchair four to five meters, barely escaping Hela's attack, which was even more dangerous than Shi Huozhu's situation.

"Damn it, Cai Gen, you don't know how to do it. Why did you run away from the battle?"

It was Wang Gou Sheng who spoke.

The reason why he said this was because he was lying down behind Cai Gen.

Wang Gou Sheng was originally lying on Shi Huozhu's back.

After Shi Huozhu went out to be a hero, he put him on the ground.

Wang Goosheng felt that it was not safe to expose himself, so he rolled and crawled and squatted behind Cai Gen's wheelchair, feeling that the position there was the safest.

But he never expected that Cai Gen's wheelchair suddenly dodged away, which exposed Wang Gou Sheng.

In fact, Wang Goosheng once suspected that Xiao Tmall did it on purpose.

If Cai Gen is moved away early, it can also give Wang Gou Sheng space and time to dodge.

However, the attack hit his forehead and he suddenly dodged, thus trapping Wang Gou Sheng.

After grumbling about Cai Gen, Wang Gou Sheng faced Hela's attack.

As expected, his face, which was originally in his thirties, suddenly looked older.

My hair, eyebrows, and beard are all white, and the age spots on my face make me look more than 100 years old.

Wang Goosheng was lying down from his original squatting position in an instant.

Looking up at the gray sky, I kept sighing, not knowing which breath was my last.

Suddenly, the feeling at this moment made him feel like he was back when he was a child.

Not when Wang Gou Sheng was a child, but when Emperor Zhenwu was a child.

At that time, the sky was blue, the water was clear, and the air was not polluted.

The people are also very simple and not so showy.

Thinking of this, Wang Goosheng closed his eyes. He really wanted to go back to the past, to his childhood.

When Cai Gen heard Wang Gou Sheng sighing there, he felt a sense of discomfort in his heart.

He was not unjust at all. He always wanted to take advantage, so he must have suffered a big loss.

Before Cai Gen could say a few words, an idea suddenly came to his mind.

"Why did you get tricked, Gou Shengzi?

Are you still a young man at your age?"

Wang Goosheng really wanted to take a breath and die directly, without having to answer Cai Gen's strange questions.

"Cai Gen'er, are you mentally ill?

This is an aging spell. Does it have anything to do with being a young man?

Besides, why do you look down on me so much?

I am over 30 years old and I am still a young man. Is that scientific?

Am I that bad at it?

What can I do with some money?"

When Cai Gen heard this, he suddenly discovered a loophole and couldn't help but feel unhappy.

It's not Cai Gen's character to have words stuck in his heart.

"Gou Shengzi, what you say doesn't make sense.

Xiao Sun is also in his 30s, isn’t he also a young man?

Besides, you spent money, what do you have to be awesome about?

Based on my previous temper, I would even want to report you."

This chapter has been completed!
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