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Chapter 2126 put out the fire, put out the fire

Cai Gen cried for a long time and finally calmed down.

It was the endless longing for Nunu, and the guilt in his heart. He felt that he had not worked hard or lived well. In other words, he had not worked hard enough.

After his emotions stabilized and his thinking became clear, Cai Gen finally accepted a fact.

All the tombstones here bury the same person, the God of Pain.

The god of suffering who dies and lives again, lives and dies and is constantly resurrected, constantly suffering pain.

It’s not that the God of Suffering will never die. All the tombs here show the number of times the God of Suffering has died.

It’s just that the reincarnation of the God of Bitterness is more efficient, or in other words, there is no reincarnation process for the God of Bitterness at all.

Maybe there was no life wheel at that time, and if he died once and was resurrected, it would be considered a reincarnation.

It's the same meaning as Xiao Sun's reincarnation more than 300 times. Every time it's a new beginning.

Rebirth and resurrection cannot increase his attribute points, which is fair enough.

If you increase your basic attribute points every time you die, relying on the god of suffering's ability to quickly resurrect, and committing suicide for 18,000 years, wouldn't you be invincible?

But let’s not say there is no accumulation at all, judging from Nunu’s experience.

Every time the God of Bitterness is resurrected, his memory remains intact.

This ability is actually quite abnormal.

Others live a lifetime, then restart when they die, start over, little white man.

As for the god of suffering, if you die along the way, you will more or less accumulate some experience, develop some habits, and avoid detours.

For example, if you starve to death in this life, you will remember to eat in the next life.

For example, if you drowned in water in this life, stay away from water in the next life.

Look at the frequency of the death of the god of suffering, and the number of tombstones scattered all over the mountains and plains.

It is estimated that in the end, there will not be many things that can take away the life of the God of Ku.

After all, his trial and error ability is really strong, and others will be done with it after just one try.

Although he has no archive, his experience and skills are his most valuable asset.

This also explains how twisted and perverted the path of God of Bitterness to becoming stronger is.

This can already be seen from what happened to Cai Gen himself.

Every time the strength increases, it is a game with the god of death, wandering between life and death.

Not only against the God of Death, but also a challenge to the will of heaven and earth.

Whether it was liver transplantation, lung transplantation, or heart transplantation, Cai Gen was also intoxicated by such perverted upgrade routes.

The God of Bitterness is an ordinary person, and his way to become stronger is to spend his own life and die along the way.

Thinking of this, Cai Gen shuddered and was horrified when he thought about it. It was so terrifying.

There is no custom about death. Every death involves tremendous pain, both physical and psychological.

The god of suffering has died so many times, but he is not crazy yet, or he is already crazy. Otherwise, how could he have such a crazy goal.

After wiping away his tears, Cai Gen was suddenly startled and found that his hands had a palm-long black hair growing out. It was either black hair or black energy.

It turns out that negative emotions such as regret and fear can become so powerful after they grow in the body.

Cai Gen, who was originally in a comfortable state of mind and body, suddenly experienced the spontaneous emergence of negative emotions in his heart, which made him feel full of strength, a feeling that he had no place to use his energy.

He stood up suddenly and used so much force that he jumped dozens of meters off the ground.

I don't know if the gravity has changed, or if I am really strong, and I made a big hole in the ground when I landed.

After taking off again, Cai Gen knew that it was his own strength that had increased.

But now that its strength has been enhanced, it has some uses, but it's already dead.

Not to mention it is useless at all, it greatly increases the scope of Cai Gen's activities.

It is much more efficient to look at tombstones now. You don’t have to walk slowly to look at them. You can jump dozens of meters to look at them.

Cai Gen thinks this is called sampling screening.

After all, there were too many names written on the tombstones, as well as events that happened, and I didn’t know what they meant. The names were all unfamiliar, the death methods were all weird, and they didn’t trigger any new memories.

It was completely different from when I saw Nunu, and my mind went blank.

It was as if I only saw the lock and no key to open it.

Cai Gen thinks this is normal.

The life of the god of suffering was a complicated one. Judging from the number of times he died, he was read by countless people.

I have met Nunu, so I opened Nunu’s related memories.

There are too many people I have never met, so it is normal for those memories not to be restored.

Cai Gen is like a little girl on an outing, jumping back and forth among the tombstones.

I just want to find a familiar name and start a new memory.

Finally, he saw the three characters Suiren on a tombstone in a trance.

Although I missed it, I quickly ran back.

I want to know the complete memories between myself and the Suiren family. What kind of bond is there?

The age was also before the Ku Calendar. It is estimated that the God of Ku at that time had not yet become prosperous and was still a primitive man, living in pain every day.

Cause of death: Saving Suiren's family from the sea of ​​​​fire and being burned to death.

Didn't Suiren make fire by drilling wood?

The last time I saw Suiren, I remembered that Suiren was burned to death by the chief.

This cause of death is very strange.

Cai Gen casually took out a cigarette, leaned his back against the tombstone, and started smoking.

The memory slowly emerged, crossing the distance of time and space, and he remembered the bond between himself and the Suiren family.

Suiren and Cai Gen also grew up in a small tribe.

After experiencing so many deaths, Cai Gen has a strong ability to survive and gets along well in the tribe.

As for Suiren, according to Cai Gen's understanding, he is a thinker.

He is not very gregarious, and he is not very enthusiastic about real life.

He has a very withdrawn personality and always has some strange ideas.

Of course, Suiren is not that weird, he will still do what needs to be done.

It’s time to hunt, it’s time to work, it’s time to have children, these are all normal.

But in his spare time, he would always fall into deep thinking.

I am particularly interested in the trees struck by lightning and the burning flames.

Whenever it rains, he walks around looking for wood that has been struck by lightning and burned.

I don’t know when he started to have a small stick in his hand.

Then we did various research on how to make a wooden stick burn with flames like being struck by lightning.

And he is getting more and more addicted.

I think about it during the day and don't care about my wife and children at night.

As a child, Cai Gen often gave the prey he caught to Suiren to help him support his family.

One night, Suiren was still studying his little wooden stick in his thatched house.

Suddenly a spark came out of him.

He raised his small wooden stick and shouted excitedly.

"Fire, fire, fire."

Then the cabin was set on fire.

As a neighbor, Cai Gen rushed in immediately and rescued Suirenshi.

He rushed in for the second time and rescued his son Xixi.

He rushed in for the third time and rescued his girlfriend Wa Wa.

When he rushed in for the fourth time to save his wife, the wooden house collapsed.

Cai Gen didn't come out and was burned to death.

Suiren stood outside the wooden house holding his small wooden stick and kept calling for help.

"Fight the fire, put out the fire, put out the fire..."

But Cai Gen was burned to death, and no one came to save him.

Because people at that time believed that fire was something belonging to God, and they were very afraid of it.

They feel that fire cannot be owned by mortals, nor can it be extinguished by mortals, as it would anger God.

After Cai Gen was burned to death, for unknown reasons, he was not resurrected immediately.

From then on, Suiren's illness fell into the root of his illness, and he would start talking to people when he saw them.

"Fight the fire, put out the fire, put out the fire..."

Later, I talked more and more, and more and more.

After Sui Renshi was stunned, he had forgotten the other words, and only the remaining words were in his mouth.

"Huo Huo, Huo Huo..."

This chapter has been completed!
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