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Chapter 2152 match the code

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Seeing Emperor Shaktian going to help Balong, Cai Gen thought a lot in his heart.

In terms of blood relationship, Emperor Shitian should be regarded as the maternal cousin of Lingzi.

Then Balon is the nephew of Emperor Shakten.

If Lingzi mother is not here, Emperor Shitian will come forward.

After all, my mother is the eldest uncle, and it is understandable that Emperor Shakten, as Balon's cousin, reached out to save his life.

When it comes to relationships, there is nothing wrong with saying this.

The key to the problem is that Emperor Shakten's memory has been wiped out.

He has been wiped out of all emotions by Jiu Ming.

How could he still know Balon?

Why does he still feel sorry for Balon?

The only explanation Cai Gen could think of was that Emperor Shaktian had been pretending to be stupid.

He has not lost his memory at all, he has been acting with himself.

If this is the case, then his acting skills are even better than Loki's, and he can actually deceive everyone.

Thinking of this, Cai Gen felt annoyed.

I have tested it so many times but have not been able to test it out. I am still too young.

The vice-president of Zhutianhui is indeed well-deserved, and he is right when he thinks about it, otherwise the West would not be able to send him out to be the vanguard.

The current situation is that the poisonous dragon Nidhogg and Balon are entangled.

If the tree roots are cut off, there is no way to use Tree Mother to deal with the poisonous dragon Nidhogg.

If the roots of the tree are not cut off, Balon will definitely not be able to carry it and will be sacrificed in vain. That is not a big deal.

Cai Gen suddenly found that he actually didn't have many choices and was in a dilemma.

Not just a dilemma, but three dilemmas.

There is another big problem, that of Emperor Shakti.

Now that he has been exposed, should we still keep him here for the New Year?

Should we take this opportunity to kill him as well?

So when is the best time to kill him?

They were waiting for him to cut off the roots of the tree and kill the donkey.

Or should we stop him from cutting off the tree roots and attack from behind in advance?

Cai Gen felt that his brain capacity was really not enough.

How to balance these things?

I couldn't help but say it out loud.

"Balon cannot die, he must be saved.

The disguised Emperor Shakti must die, as it would be a disaster if he were left alive.

The World Tree cannot die, it is an endangered species, and we have to rely on him to deal with the poisonous dragon Nidhogg.

The poisonous dragon Nidhogg must die. Unless he dies, he cannot come out without life.

As for Loki and Puro, they are just remnants, and it depends on their luck whether they die or not.

So that’s it…”

Before Brother Cai could make a decision, Teddy Bear raised an objection.

"Boss Cai, wait a minute, we can't take this matter lightly."

Having a thug like Emperor Shitian is indeed a bit rare and should not be wasted easily.

Why do I feel like there's something fishy here?

It is said that the people of Asan World Spirit Son Mother and their group have a racial power called the blessing of blood.

That is, when their descendants are in danger, people of the same bloodline will receive early warning and provide protection.

I think Emperor Shitian triggered the blessing of his bloodline, so he rushed forward and was not pretending."

Xiao Sun immediately heard the flaw and asked the teddy bear.

"Axiong, are you right?

As disciples of Buddhism, Balon and the others have been imprisoned in the west for so many years. Why haven't they looked to Emperor Shakti to protect them?

Aren’t you getting tools from Buddhist disciples?

Don’t you take his nephew seriously?”

The teddy bear didn't rush to refute, and nodded first.

"Brother Sun is right.

Because of this, it means that Emperor Shakten was not performing, but purely instinctive.

While he still has emotions and memories, he can suppress this instinct and do something against his own will.

Now he has no emotions, no feelings, no memories, and of course he doesn't know how to suppress his instincts.

You may not even know what your instincts mean.

That's why I rushed forward so blindly.

If Shakti had been performing.

Since I have endured it for so long.

How could he expose himself to Balon?

There are hundreds of nephews, whose children are they dead or not?"

When Cai Gen heard what the teddy bear said was indeed reasonable and logical, he shouted loudly.

"Di Shitian, what are you doing?

Who asked you to go?

Who approved it?

Come back to me."

Emperor Shitian, who was still attacking the roots of the tree, suddenly froze when he heard Cai Gen's shouting, as if he had woken up from a dream.

He turned around and looked at Cai Gen, then at Balon who was wrapped in tree roots and asked for help.

As if he had made a very difficult decision, he jumped down and came to Cai Gen's side.

"I don't know what's going on with me.

When the big bug screams, I feel very heartbroken and concerned.

There was a voice in my heart telling me that I must save him.

He must be rescued at all costs.

Am I sick?

Why would I do such a mindless thing?

Or is it that that big insect has bewitched my mind and taken advantage of me?

It's now that I'm standing in front of you.

The voice in my heart was still telling me to go over and save him.

Brother Cai, do you have any medicine? I feel sick and I need to see a doctor."

Cai Gen stared at Emperor Shi carefully, listening to every word he said.

And every micro-expression of his is flawless.

Like a sick and scared child.

"Then why didn't you listen to the voice in your heart and come back?"

"Brother Cai, didn't you ask me to come back?

What? I heard you wrong.

If you blame me, it’s fine if I go again.”

These few words left Cai Gener speechless.

I had no choice but to put aside the matter of getting rid of Emperor Shaktian for the time being.

Seeing that Cai Gen'er was free, Shi Huozhu said quickly.

"Boss Cai, I never understand.

Why do you have to kill the dragon Nidhogg?

Logically speaking, he should be a pet raised by the God of Pain.

Isn’t that your pet?

When you first met the hundred-headed dragon Ladon, how did you surrender?"

Cai Gen really hasn't thought about the issue of Shi Huozhu.

As for why we wanted to kill the poisonous dragon Nidhogg, it probably started when he swallowed Wu Sheng in one gulp.

That kind of unfriendliness was immediately judged as hostility, and no other possibilities were considered.

Thinking about it on the other hand, they are born from the same roots. They are both silent and there is nothing wrong with them.

I instantly understood what Shi Huozhu meant.

For the first time, Cai Gen focused on the poisonous dragon Nidhogg.

"Nidhogg the Poison Dragon, do you hear me?

I am the God of Awakening Suffering, and I am Cai Gen.

Why do you want to fight against the god of suffering?

How could the God of Bitterness ever feel sorry for you?"

Originally, the poisonous dragon Nidhogg had been competing with the tree.

Hearing Brother Cai's words, he was suddenly stunned.

Then the complaints started.

"Cai Gen, right? Are you being reasonable?

Regardless of whether you have awakened the God of Pain or not, I have provoked you or provoked you.

When did I say that I was going to go against the master?

Give me as much courage as I dare to date the master.

People slept well.

I got into a group of idiots and started beating me.

He stabbed me with a villain, petrified me, and even spat on me.

What's wrong with me resisting?

Cai Gen suddenly had a feeling in his heart, had he misunderstood?

"You said you wouldn't go against me.

Then why did you eat Wu Sheng?

They are all part of me, why don’t you give me any face?”

When the poisonous dragon Nidhogg heard this, his hair suddenly exploded and he shouted excitedly.

"When did I stop eating Wu Sheng? I've been sleeping.

I just have a habit of chirping happily when sleeping.

Who knows what got into my mouth.

You are trying to inflict a crime, why bother?

Are you looking for trouble when you have nothing to do?"

Damn it, Cai Gen was speechless by what he said.

Since it's a misunderstanding, it's easy to handle.

"Since you still listen to the master, then we are in the same group.

What did you say?

We are all our own people.

After playing a round, I felt lonely.

Okay, okay, stop, stop."

The poisonous dragon Nidhogg almost cried when he heard this.

Cai Gen, are you going to kill or be blind?

Is it now a matter of me not stopping?

Tell that perverted old tree mom to stop.

You told me there is a use for it.

He whipped so many cuties, it's unbearable

It’s definitely going to darken.”

It seems to be to confirm what the poisonous dragon Nidhogg said.

The originally dark green body of the World Tree was now pitch black.

And many tentacles split out from the huge tree trunk.

With his teeth and claws showing, he actually looks like the cutie on the Badaohao.

Cai Gen was overjoyed when he saw this scene.

Sayazi ran towards the World Tree and kept shouting.

"Thin, thin."

World Tree actually responded.

"Thin, thin."

It was as if the code had been matched.

A tentacle continued to extend, instantly wrapping Cai Gen and pulling it towards the World Tree.

This chapter has been completed!
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