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Chapter 2162 Let's open the seat in advance

Cai Gen mentioned Kui Niu, and Oude suddenly became very excited.

Even the huge bull's eye was bent into a smile.

"Oh, Cai Gen, you have also met our old Gada.

Tell me quickly whether our old man is promising or not.

When we dispersed, he still peed on mud and farted.

After so many years, I still miss that little calf a little bit."

Cai Gen pulled Shi Huozhu over and pushed him towards Oude.

"Come on, Azhu, let's give him a story about the gods.

It’s not necessary to give him the whole set, just give him the part of Kui Niuna.

Detailed when it should be, rough when it should be rough.”

Shi Huozhu entered the role very quickly, after all, he has been studying this stuff for so many years.

Especially in the Battle of the Gods, there are many things worthy of his study, so he is quite familiar with them.

He began to speak eloquently there, explain the profound things in simple terms, present facts and give examples, and explain it vividly to Oude.

If something is wrong, Chacha and Yang San will also get involved. After all, they have experienced it personally.

Although he and Kui Niu were not on the same level or in the same group at the time, they knew many hidden things.

Cai Gen is quite addictive to listen to, after all, the way they tell it is different from what they play in the TV series.

Of course, Cai Gen has not watched the entire TV series version of Fengshen Yanyi. He has only seen the complete comic book version.

Except for a few simple paintings and a few text introductions, the rest is all based on imagination.

After all, Kui Niu is not the protagonist, and he doesn't have many roles.

You talked to me, and in more than 10 minutes, I went through the most glorious things and the most useless things about Kui Niu.

Of course, in Oude's eyes, their old Gadakui Niu had never done anything glorious.

In addition to being someone's mount and second in command, in the end he committed suicide out of frustration, which is really a bit embarrassing.

Compared with his brothers and sisters, there is no comparison at all in creating a world and nurturing a god system.

After listening to it, Oude felt a little uninterested.

Suddenly I don’t miss Kui Niu that much anymore.

This may be a matter of vision.

The most important thing for Kui Niu and his family is their sense of mission, and it is their destiny to do great things.

They feel deeply proud that they can participate in the project of God of Pain.

And what did Kui Niu do?

It's nothing more than a small bid in a small project.

And he didn't even do well, and he was eliminated.

I really feel sorry for his own blood, and even more so for his brothers and sisters like Oude.

If Kui Niu, who is far away in Changbai Mountain, knew that his eldest sister Oude thought of him in this way, he would probably be too ashamed to live.

"Cai Gen'er, I think everyone has different choices and different qualifications.

Since Lao Gada has chosen a path of self-destruction, I have to recognize him as my younger brother.

It's just that I don't want to see him now, because I'm afraid I won't be able to help but kick him to death.

When will he become successful and be able to stand upright and achieve a great career, then he will appear in front of me again.

Remember to tell Kui Niu what I just said and tell him that I am very disappointed in him.

If there is a chance, I would like to meet my eldest brother Siqing.

He also told him that he was a sinner because he did not educate Lao Gadakui Niu well.

Okay, no more talking, just send me down."

Cai Gen's plan failed directly.

I wanted to prepare for entering the next level.

Get two powerful helpers, Kui Niu and Oude.

But it just so happens that people are having a turmoil internally and don't want to do their own thing.

Simply express your feelings directly and no longer hide it.

"Oude, don't leave in a hurry, just go down with me.

Anyway, you have the consciousness to make sacrifices, so don’t worry about it for a while."

What Cai Gen said is indeed relatively direct, and it is so direct that it is difficult to accept.

It's like saying, you will die sooner or later. If you don't succeed this time, let me take advantage of you. You have nothing to lose.

How could Oude not understand what Cai Gen meant?

I immediately got angry.

If he hadn't awakened the God of Pain, I really wanted to crush him to death with a hoof.

"Cai Gen, what you said is a bit shameless.

We will definitely do what the master tells us, and we won't discount it.

I am willing to make sacrifices because we have feelings for each other.

What is your starting point for making demands on me?

Who gave you the confidence and the courage to make demands of me?

Is the title of Master Master useless?

Why don’t you know the depth?

I dare to say anything.

Anyway, I have no obligation to accompany you to suffer.

Besides, it's useless for me to go down with you.

Except for Loki, anyone else who follows you is a burden.

That's what Shuangqing said, and I believe him.

It's up to you whether you give me kindness or not.

I can't force you.

If you think, I handed over the European and American world I created to the master.

He became an indispensable part of the wheel of life and dedicated all his hard work for many years.

Words that are not worthy of a kind heart.

Then, it’s okay if I don’t want it.”

As he said this, Ode raised his head high, as if he was very proud.

In fact, there is absolutely no need to say what I said before about burying Cai Gen.

As long as you talk about your achievements, you deserve to have a benevolent heart.

And it was something Cai Gen couldn't refuse.

So since there was no need to say it, she still said it just to disgust Cai Gen.

In other words, he was venting his dissatisfaction with Cai Gen.

Cai Gen's self-esteem is sometimes erratic.

After being scolded by the big cow Oude.

I wanted to use my strong heart and my ability to argue without reason to overcome this feeling of shame.

Unfortunately, it failed and Cai Gen blushed.

He didn't say another word, he just came to express benevolence and sent the big cow Oude away.

Oude didn't say thank you or apologize, and just left.

It seems that whether he is burying Cai Gen or gaining benevolence, it is a matter of course.

After seeing Oude's figure disappear completely, Xiao Tianmao came out to express his dissatisfaction.

"Master, don't take it to heart.

This big cow is a little crazy.

He didn't know whose hands he had fallen into today.

We can't change the mountains and rivers, but the road ahead is still long.

Even if he ran down there, he would probably meet again.

When he reaches his shortcomings, let's see if he can still be so crazy.

Even if you don't write this down in your notebook today, I will write it down for you.

He's used to bad habits, as if it's his fault.

You just created eight worlds, which has nothing to do with us.

Who forced him?

I don’t know whether it’s true or not.

Even if someone owes him, it is the god of suffering who owes him.

Master, we are not like him, so we cannot be angry with him."

After Xiao Tmall helped me, I talked nonsense.

Cai Gen indeed felt much better, as if he was on the right side again.

Called everyone present together.

"The next step is the last layer.

I don’t do any pre-war mobilization, because according to Oude’s words.

It's no use if you go, you're risking nothing, and it's tying up my energy.

Just wait here for me to come back.

Even if I can't come back, I will let the tree mother send you out.

What to do next?

You should all know this in your heart.

Okay, I won’t say any more nonsense, Loki, let’s go.”

Cai Gen's friends all had unwilling expressions on their faces. They all wanted to persuade Brother Cai and wanted to follow him down.

But no one could speak, and it would be meaningless to speak.

Cai Gen has decided not to let them take risks, and no one can change it.

Duan Xiaohong suddenly threw the empty plastic cup on the ground.

"Cai Bangzi, you will leave later.

You have to eat and drink enough, explain yourself, and then hit the road again.

Come on, come on, everyone, don't be stunned.

Let's have a dinner in advance.

I wish Caibangzi a narrow escape from death."

Hit the road

Open a banquet

narrow escape

What a wonderful blessing this is.

How could Cai Gen have the heart to refuse?

I happily accepted it.

This chapter has been completed!
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