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Chapter 2224 finally arrived home

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Cai Gen, who was sitting in the plane, certainly didn't know whether the fly was alive or dead.

In the No. 1 store, the people looking at the store did not feel that the life and death of the fly was worth reporting to Cai Gen.

The thinking of the older generation is that since you are traveling around the world, you don’t need to worry about yourself at home.

Moreover, the remaining people in No. 1 Store are basically the older generation and have more traditional ideas.

This ensures that Cai Gen doesn't have so many worries and is still thinking about teasing the people around him.

Especially after telling these people that this skill of mine also has a probability, everyone's mentality is not good.

Probability is a very mysterious thing.

Cai Gen's skills are even more mysterious.

When two mysterious people come together, everyone has to weigh it in their hearts.

It's not like eating that meal. If you don't eat well, you will be wiped out and your soul will be scattered.

But drinking Cai Gen's excrement again and again to challenge the odds is hard to accept.

Maybe drink once, just like Qi Mingpu, take off directly and reach the peak of life.

Maybe I drink it ten thousand times, but it has no effect at all. It just quenches my thirst and fills my belly.

Moreover, Cai Gen does not have diabetes, so the taste should be quite impressive.

Cai Gen looked at them, each of them had uncomfortable expressions as if they had drank countless times. He was probably making assumptions and fantasies in his mind, or doing psychological construction.

It's hard to choose, extremely confusing.

They were so uncomfortable, and Cai Gen felt extremely comfortable. Although he got nothing, torturing them would produce a huge sense of pleasure.

He asked Xiao Sun to move a small table and place it outside the RV. After making tea, Cai Gen drank the tea loudly and deliberately.

All the time, it no longer attacks the psychological defenses of this group of people and adds a sense of déjà vu to their fantasies.

As if he understood what Cai Gen was thinking, Xiao Sun also followed Cai Gen and started drinking tea loudly.

For a while, the sound of drinking tea could be heard in the cabin.

The movement here seemed to remind Qi Mingpu, leading him to come over and drink tea with him.

Needless to say, Cai Gen, looking at the expressions of these people, Qi Mingpu also understood what was going on.

As if deliberately irritating people, he took out the mineral water bottle containing yellow liquid from his arms.

It's like playing with an antique in your hands, holding it carefully as if you're afraid of dropping it and scattering it on the ground.

Everyone's attention was attracted by the mineral water bottle in Qi Mingpu's hand.

If I just said that there is a probability of failure, then the bottle in front of me has already succeeded, and it is even more precious.

The first thing everyone thought in their minds was how to get Qi Mingpu to get some relief?

Some people think of using money.

Some people thought of using things.

Some people thought of using threats.

Some people think of playing the emotional card.

No matter what they thought of, they finally held back and thought about it for a long time.

Because whether it is money or treasures, they are meaningless and worthless in front of this bottle of water.

As for the threat, it is even more difficult to say.

In this cabin, Qi Mingpu's current strength is either first or second, mainly depending on whether Cai Gen participates in the ranking.

And if someone just thinks about it, the plane will be shattered into pieces. Who dares to snatch it?

After eliminating them one by one, only playing the emotional card is left.

Xiao Tianmao has the thickest skin. He first went over to hug Cai Gen's thigh and rubbed it, showing his status as the most adorable pet.

Then he walked up to Qi Mingpu and burst into tears.

"Uncle Qi, give me a sip of your stuff.

I am Cai Gen's first cute pet, uu Kanshu www.uukanshu.com and his closest companion.

Countless times when Cai Gen was in trouble, I wanted to help him, but my strength did not allow it.

I missed many opportunities to stand up for my master.

Every night late at night, I couldn't sleep at night and kept blaming myself. How could I not help my master?

I finally see hope today. For the sake of my loyalty to my master, please let me take a sip. I won’t mind it.”

Qi Mingpu also knew that these bad guys were paying attention to this thing about him, so he pretended to put it into his arms carefully, and then asked with a puzzled look on his face.

"What are you begging me to do?

You and Cai Gen have such a strong relationship, just ask Cai Gen and it will be over.

This bottle was given to me by Cai Gen, why should I give it to you?"

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