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Chapter 2262 the righteous eldest sister

Cai Gen has a very rough habit of doing things.

Before making a decision, you need to think carefully and carefully.

Once a decision is made, there is no habit of promoting democracy, and the decision is made directly and the work is arranged.

After all, time is tight and the tasks are heavy.

"Then let's do it.

Everyone who wants to go quickly pack their bags. We will have dinner on time at 12 noon and set off at 1 o'clock.

He Naizi, please arrange things in the store and close down during this period.

Whatever excuse you make, be sure to make it clear that it is a temporary suspension of business, not a pornographic one.

Marsala, call our beverage supplier.

Bring a cart of mineral water, not cheap, it must be a little sweet.

Take another cart of beer, the imported one is the best, preferably the one with a malty aroma.

Xiao Sun, go to the morning market and invite the lady selling steamed buns.

Just say that we have a big job of making steamed buns here, and it would be best to hire a few skilled workers.

The kitchen has all the equipment, so she doesn’t need to prepare it.

By the way, I asked her grain and oil store to send us a truck of noodles. The price is negotiable. We can just go for retail without wholesale price."

The arrangement was normal at first, but when it came to product prices, Cai Gen showed rare generosity.

Could it be that Cai Gen finally figured out how to make a poor family rich and enlightened?

Or is it that Doctor Li paid for the travel expenses, so he has plenty of money?

Masala, who has always been in charge of money, must find out.

"Boss Cai, we don't have enough money in our account. How about using the travel expenses given by Doctor Li to settle the bill?"

Cai Gen immediately changed his face and said seriously.

"That money cannot be touched, didn't I say?

When the goods arrive, why should I ask Blind Man to settle the bill? He is a grudge."

He Xiazi, who was listening to the excitement next to him, was originally cheerful.

It’s been a long time since I’ve met so many people in the supernatural community.

I haven’t attended such an interesting meeting for a long time.

I can't help but marvel at Cai Gen's management skills. I have never seen such a person in charge.

He was stunned when he suddenly heard his name, and instantly understood the meaning of resentment.

"Boss Cai, what do you mean?

Why should I pay the bill? How can it be seen that I am a resentful person?"

This question is more artistic.

It's a clear statement. It's okay to settle accounts or complain, but a reasonable explanation must be given.

I am blind, but my heart is not blind, and I am not a soft persimmon.

Cai Gen'er would never let anything go, she had been waiting for him to ask.

“You were asked to say this, but you didn’t buy that truck of cement?

You are so active in decorating my store, why don't you blame me?

Do you have any other evil intentions?"

Cai Gen's words made Blind He lose his energy.

Of course Blind He couldn't give a valid reason, he felt guilty.

After a brief contact, he was able to guess Cai Gen's temperament.

There are coarse and fine details, no matter how big or small, every detail shows his keen insight.

It's definitely not easy to fool.

If he really made up a reason not to be distracted, it is not impossible that Cai Gen would immediately turn against him and take action.

In this regard, the difference between Cai Gen and Kushen is still very big.

During the years that Blind He had been in contact with the God of Ku, the God of Ku had never been angry or had any mood swings.

It seemed that everything was expected by him. Even when he was beaten by the gangsters at home, Kushen surrendered with such a general demeanor.

Even if I give in and give in, it will give people the impression that I am not willing to share the same experience with you, my posture is very high, and I have a heavy idol baggage.

But Cai Gen is different. There is a vague bottom line, which is high and low, so you can't be sure.

"Just asking casually, I'm just complaining and there's nothing wrong with me.

I'm paying the bill, and no one can compete with me, otherwise they won't give me face."

Everyone didn't care whether He Xiazi was a grudge or not, they were still in a state of collective petrification.

Why did Cai Gen'er adopt Xiong Haizi's simple and crude opinions without any technical content?

Shouldn't we be more cautious when dealing with liquid concentrated spiritual energy?

Could it be that the brainstorming just mentioned was just being polite?

Or is it that Xiong Haizi and Cai Gen are just as crazy and they have found a common ground?

Or maybe Cai Gen has recognized the identity of Xiong Haizi's daughter-in-law, laying a solid foundation for a good relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law in the future.

No matter what the reason was, Cai Gen made the decision anyway.

Even if you guys have opinions, you don't have anywhere to express them, and if you do, it won't work.

If you have a task, hurry up and implement it.

If you have no mission, go pack your things quickly.

When everyone was leaving, Cai Gen did not forget to say something.

"After packing up, everyone went to the kitchen to help.

With so many people, how many buns must we eat?

Don’t look at me, I’m going to the bathroom first and I’ll meet you in the kitchen later.”

People who were about to leave the conference room staggered when they heard Cai Gen going to the bathroom.

They all thought of a very unpleasant thing at the same time.

Thinking about the beer and water you drink and the steamed buns you eat in the future, they will all be related to the bathroom, not to mention the excessive diaphragm in your heart.

But then I thought about the abundant spiritual energy, which was supplied in unlimited quantities, and my heart was full of expectations.

The two feelings were intertwined, the torture of pain and pleasure made everyone curse Cai Gen in unison.

Can't this cheater do something openly and beautifully that satisfies everyone?

Could it be that Cai Gen has his own innate abilities that will never satisfy anyone?

Soon, beer was delivered and mineral water was delivered.

Immediately afterwards, the eldest sister Ling Huaqian, who sells steamed buns, also came.

The gold medal investor's appearance was different from others, with a cart of flour and a sixty-seven-tael commercial vehicle, neatly parked in front of the store.

Ling Huaqian got off the bus first, wearing a white apron.

Other car doors opened one after another, and thirty or forty white gum masters got out.

They are all heavyweights, and no one weighs less than 200.

Uniform attire, white hat, white mask, white overalls, and white apron.

They all also had a rolling pin in their hands, each with a rolling pin of uniform thickness and size.

I know they are here to help steam the steamed buns, but I don’t know that they think the Chefs Association is fighting.

Cai Gen was a little touched when he saw this scene.

Knowing that she was in trouble, Ling Huaqian tried her best. She probably brought all the master steamed bun sellers in the city.

It was neither a relative nor an acquaintance, so it really surprised Cai Gen to do this.

Especially since I gave him one million for free last time, I just want a name.

As a result, there has been no movement on my side, and I have not given any feedback to others, which makes me feel a little frustrated.

He quickly came out from the door, trotted down the steps, and took the initiative to shake hands with Ling Huaqian.

"Sister, what are you talking about? Thank you very much for your trouble."

Ling Huaqian definitely took her eldest sister Fan with her. She looked at Cai Genbai's business and shared her children's No. 1 store and nodded appreciatively.

"Brother, let me tell you that you are a capable person who hides everything deeply.

Such a big deal, if you can say it, you can get it, it's awesome.

When they opened, they didn’t invite me to drink.

I have been picking on you and thought you had forgotten me.

I encountered a difficulty today, and I remembered that I was here, but it seemed that I was not treated as an outsider.

Forget it, I forgive you."

Cai Gen thought about it for a moment, did he open his own business?

It seemed like it was done, but I didn’t participate.

But it's normal for people to be picky. Just as he was about to explain, Ling Huaqian waved his hand and pulled Cai Gen inside.

"Don't talk about unnecessary things, I was just joking.

Didn't your buddy say there's an urgent job?

Let's start quickly, don't delay your important event.

You guys put on your face, are you stupid and walk away empty-handed?

Are you still waiting for the stevedores?

I can’t even say a word less, my heart will never be finished every day.”

Thirty or forty white gum masters were scolded until they lost their temper.

Each person carried two fifty kilogram bags of flour and followed them easily into the house without putting down the rolling pin in their hands.

Cai Gen couldn't help but sigh, not a kilogram of meat is wasted, and a body of more than 200 kilograms is not a loss in strength.

This chapter has been completed!
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