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Chapter 2275 The extension of the soul

Cai Gen couldn't help but rush to the back.

There were so many golden souls coming out of his body that he took up a lot of space with a group of people behind him.

Everyone also cooperated with Cai Gen, and the original column became a horizontal column.

After all, Gui Che doesn't have time to bother with other people now.

After retreating back and forth, Cai Gen completely retreated to the end of the cabin and pressed against the wall.

The eyes were filled with glittering golden souls, and everyone was vying for the two purple ropes to decide the winner with the ghost car.

Bird Tou, who was originally watching the excitement from outside the plane, also felt something was wrong.

If you let these golden souls win the tug-of-war, you will also be harmed.

Although the nine heads seem to have nine minds, they are all ghost cars and require some overall thinking.

Other bird heads also rushed to the back of the cabin, trying to squeeze in and participate in the tug-of-war.

But the bird's head was too big, and the cabin wasn't big enough. I was in a hurry and couldn't help.

Finally, the wisdom of the nine bird heads came into play, and the bird heads that originally entered the cabin struggled to get out.

Immediately afterwards, 16 purple rays of light came in, and other bird heads also participated in the battle.

Jin Hun was originally unable to reach out due to space constraints, but Gui Che thoughtfully gave them a chance.

Eighteen tug-of-war teams formed instantly, filling the seemingly spacious cabin to the brim.

Moreover, Cai Gen's body is still going out, as if there is no end. The golden souls that have come out have been piled on the second floor.

Cai Gen doesn't want to ask anyone now.

He felt that no one had ever seen such a situation.

Regardless of whether it is Nascent Soul or soul, I seem to be a bottomless pit.

As long as the valve is opened, water will flow out continuously.

Because the cabin was too crowded, XiaoTianmao returned to its original size and jumped onto Cai Gen's shoulders.

"Master, Ichimoku Monk has something to say."

Cai Gen was a little surprised.

For such a long time, I have treated the Ichimoku Monk as an object.

I have long forgotten that he is still a human being with his own thoughts.

"What's wrong? What's going on?"

The one-eyed monk said to Cai Gen tremblingly, feeling very nervous in his heart.

Boss Cai, go deliver the food that night.

I don't know you either, I thought you were just an ordinary person.

I know skills like shooting souls, but I can only deal with ordinary people.

I hypnotized you that day, hoping to receive your soul into my Sumeru Eyes.

Then you are like today, your soul seems to be free of money, and it keeps pouring out, making my eyes burst.

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Don’t you remember this?”

Is this a thing?

Cai Gen really had no impression.

I just remember that one night Long Er was selling firecrackers, and after ordering food, he even bought himself half a pack of cigarettes.

The rest are really unimpressive.

"You said that I was hypnotized by you, so I must have fallen asleep.

I really can’t remember, and then, what happens next?”

This memory was difficult for Ichimoku to accept and made him very frightened. It became a psychological shadow on him. When he told the story, he felt very stressed.

"Then I didn't know either.

Because my eyes were blown out by you and I became blind.

It seems like those souls just come out to have fun.

Everything seems to be a game.

When they've had enough fun, they disappear."

So naughty?

Cai Gen will never admit that these souls have anything to do with him.

"Boss Cai and the soul that came out that day are not golden.

So I just want to remind you.

Has something happened in your soul world?

There is nothing wrong with being careful.

After all, am I not fooling around with you now?

You must be considered at all times.

Aren’t we a family?”

Originally he said he was fine, but Ichimoku Monk showed his loyalty.

Xiao Tmall was unhappy on the spot. Wasn't this trying to compete with himself for favor?

"Okay, okay, okay, don't worry.

My master has no time to listen to your useless talk.

Once you've finished talking about the serious business, shut up and don't speak without my consent."

After training Yimu Monk, Xiao Tianmao looked at Cai Gen with concern.

"Master, do you feel anything strange?

Do you ever feel like your body is being hollowed out?

After all, having so many souls come out is no small matter."

Cai Gen touched his head, then his chest, and looked at his whole body again.

There is really no strange feeling.

It seems that I am just a medium.

These souls only come to the world through themselves.

It doesn't take up any of your own resources.

"I don't think there's anything wrong with it.

But I'm curious.

What will happen to the ghost car if we win this tug of war?"

Xiao Tianmao shook his head honestly, he didn't know either.

Issues involving the soul are relatively profound.

It can handle simple situations, but situations like this are too complex and beyond his capabilities.

The monk opened his eyes again.

"Brother Cat, I'm applying to speak. I have experience in this area."

Cai Gen was watching from the side, and Xiao Tianmao couldn't shut up Yimu Monk, so it could only threaten him.

What level of battle is this, do you understand?

You still have experience, you have shitty experience.

Just tell me, if you mess with something you don't need, see how I deal with you."

The pressure on Monk Ichimoku immediately increased, and he would have to be played by Xiao Tmall in the future.

If you say anything wrong, you will not be able to survive the rest of your life.

Cai Gen played Xiao Tmall directly, and his brain collapsed.

"Xiaotian, why are you scaring him?

What if he really knew.

This is a bad habit, so I’m giving you a warning.

Ichimoku Monk, please speak politely and slowly, without any psychological pressure, and don’t be afraid if you make a mistake.

If Xiaotian bullies you, I will remove his position as warehouse manager."

Laughing Tmall pretended to be in tears when Cai Gen teased her.

In fact, I can't bear to take the position of warehouse manager.

He kept licking his paws in a cute way, showing off a harmless look.

With Cai Gen's support, Yimu Seng has nothing to worry about.

"Brother Mao, Boss Cai, I am really experienced.

The reason why I have been able to live for so many years is that I lived by sucking the souls of ordinary people.

I relied on the Sumeru Pearl and relied on external forces to absorb the souls of ordinary people.

At the same time, I store my soul in the Sumeru Pearl and slowly decompose the energy of my soul to supplement myself and resist aging.

My method is relatively rough and evil.

I feel ashamed and remorseful for the evil things I have done in the past.

I also sincerely apologize to those who were killed by me. I am no better than a pig or a dog.

Now I live in regret every day, wishing..."

Cai Genyi frowned, interrupting the monk's self-examination.

"Well, I don't need to talk about this part. Can you talk about the key points?"

"Ah, yes, the key point, tell the key point.

My method is to use external force, and the ghost car method is more powerful.

He completely relies on the strength and specialness of his own soul to coerce the souls of others.

If my guess is correct.

His soul has some special attributes, including attraction and control over spiritual bodies and the like, and the ability to corrode and absorb.

That purple light is actually an extension of the ghost car's soul.

If we win this tug of war.

Unless the ghost car loses the horse to save the handsome man, tears his own soul, and runs away.

Otherwise, he will be in big trouble."

Cai Gen suddenly became excited when he heard this.

How big of a problem is it?

This chapter has been completed!
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