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Chapter 2377 Fallen Stars

Cai Gen could feel that Puo Puo was really sad and distressed.

The big snot blew out and stretched into a thin line, just a few centimeters away from Cai Gen.

"Second brother, please restrain yourself, isn't it just a set of holy clothes?

Can't it be reassembled after it explodes? It's not a one-time thing.

And I remember that every time the holy cloth is damaged, it will complete a new evolution and have many new functions.

That’s not a bad thing.”

Puro took a hard breath and sucked back the big mucus that flew out of his nose.

"Brother, who told you all this?"

Cai Gen thought it was natural, so he said it naturally.

"When I was a kid, cartoons were always like that.

As long as it belongs to the protagonist, even if it is blown to pieces, it will be restored intact.

What's the name of Athena's licking dog?

It's been too long and I can't remember it clearly.

It seems to be called shit.

Yes, it’s Star Lost, Saint Seiya Lost Star.

He was wearing a bronze holy robe at the beginning, which seemed to be a Pegasus.

Tianma Meteor Fist, fart belt chain.

There are also Nebula Chains, Shiryu Ikki and so on.

When I was a kid, I even made myself out of broken paper shells.

Then it rained and the color faded."

The shock wave of the explosion is endless.

Pro's big nose was about to burst once again.

"I'm not talking about your brother, do you have six or six?

This life-and-death battle blew up the holy clothes.

What kind of cartoons are you talking to me about?

The Saint Seiya's suit can repair and evolve itself after it is damaged.

But in the current situation, is that damage?

Athena directly exploded the holy cloak.

Otherwise, how could it be so powerful?

He is a member of the Laxi divine family, and he treats it as a pity."

Puro really couldn't go on talking at this point.

No matter what Athena does, he should not follow an outsider and pay attention to his own god-king.

Except for the distressed tears, no one knew how painful he felt.

Cai Gen patted Pu Luo's shoulder hard from behind to express comfort.

"If you explode, just explode. As long as you can do something serious, it's not a waste of time.

And from what I saw just now, it wasn’t high-end stuff.

Is there a Black Dog in Saint Seiya?

It’s not even in the cartoon.”

Loki came over at some point and hid behind Pu Luo.

It's not that he himself can't bear it.

But I feel uncomfortable if I don't take advantage of it.

"Brother is right, their holy robes are all in ruins.

That should be the Jackal Saint Cloth just now.

It's considered a cheap item among low-level holy clothes, so there's nothing to feel bad about.

I remember there are other golden holy clothes, silver holy clothes, undead holy clothes, and dark holy clothes.

By the way, Poseidon, the god of the sea, and Hades, the god of the underworld, also have their own exclusive holy clothes.

It's just something from the wholesale market, so there's nothing to feel bad about.

Second brother, you are just performing.

It seems that you have contributed a lot but suffered a lot.

You should share in the loot later.

How can my elder brother not understand your little thoughts?

What a scheming bitch.”

Puro kicked Loki out from behind him.

Then he was swept away by the turbulent flow of energy and rolled far away.

Maybe he was a little annoyed by what Loki said.

Pu Luo stopped crying immediately.

"Brother, don't listen to his nonsense.

The world of Rashi is gone, and these holy garments cannot be made.

The materials used to make those holy garments have all disappeared.

Therefore, the Saint Cloth of the Saint cannot be copied now.

Athena's approach is to drain the lake and fish.

Obviously wearing it on a hero can unleash unlimited potential.

As a result, it exploded, and we indeed suffered a huge loss."

Everyone is a little tired of hearing Puo's circling talk.

It just so happens that the aftermath of the explosion has passed now.

Cai Gen was impatient and wanted to see the outcome of the battle.

If you pay such a high price, you still haven't captured the sky god Nut.

That can only mean one thing, Pro is acting here.

That bullshit Saint Seiya suit is not high-end at all.

After the explosion that was comparable to a rocket just now, the sky god Nut was at the center of the explosion.

The damage sustained was considerable.

One of the wings was blown off, and the remaining one was hanging on the ground.

There was not a single piece of good skin on his body, and the stars on his face were all dim.

In such a miserable situation, he still didn't fall.

He stood up straight, as if he had some last wish that he had not fulfilled.

However, that super-era relic, the small box representing the compass, is still hanging on the chest of Nut, the god of the sky, intact.

Cai Gen focused all his attention on the small box.

I believe that as long as you get the box, you can recycle it directly like the previous pyramid.

I just wanted to rush over, but I was a step too late.

"Brother, you don't need to do this kind of rough work anymore.

I'm the best at collecting trophies."

With a haha ​​on his lips, Loki rushed towards the trophy as fast as lightning.

But Loki was also a step slower.

Alasha is indeed Loki's bloodline, and they all want to go together, a virtue.

He also had two more legs than Loki, and even kicked Loki after he passed him.

"Grandma, you are so old, why are you robbing me?

Besides, this is our Sister Hong’s trophy,

You are so active, so shameless."

Cai Gen gave up immediately. He had no chance of winning in a speed competition with these two guys.

I have already thought about it in my heart, no matter who grabs it, I have to hand it over to myself.

Just let them have their hand addiction.

Just when Alasha came to the side of Nut, the god of the sky, he went astray.

It passed by him without touching the small box at all.

This situation can only explain one problem.

LS was frightened and ran back faster than when he left.

"Damn it, this guy is not dead?

Directional offset still exists.

Sister Hong, give him another outfit and send him away directly."

Such a violent explosion did not kill Nut, and everyone was a little surprised.

Only Cai Gen was not surprised at all.

Because he believes that all accidents are normal, and only accidents are unexpected.

Besides, it’s a bit unjustifiable for the majestic Egyptian god to let a piece of clothing explode to death.

Athena probably didn't expect that she could win with just one piece of clothing.

So I stretched my hand into the void again, wanting to take out another piece.

He is now like a gambler who has already started playing, and it is impossible for him to stop following halfway.

No matter how high the price is, she will take down the god in front of her and maintain his dignity as the king of gods.

Prolo was furious when he saw Athena's actions.

"Xiaohong, Athena, please stop.

If you were in Huohuo, I would kill you right here.

We really don't have much money left.

If we want to stand firm in the future, we must rely on our own strength.

Do you still expect Cai Gen to support you?"

Puro is really anxious.

Let Athena's hand relax a little.

But after just a moment of relief, a sudden change occurred.

A river of stars spurted out from the face of Nut, the sky god, and shot straight into the sky.

"It's too much, you've gone too far.

Even if you demolish my home, you dare to blow me up?

You are all going to die, you are all going to die.

falling stars!"

That galaxy, after reaching the highest point in the sky.

Meteorites as big as mountains fell like raindrops.

A scene of doomsday.

This chapter has been completed!
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