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Chapter 240 Goddess Wang is back

Zhen Shuiyin asked nervously,

"Xiaotian, who hurt you like this?"

Xiao Tmall walked out very slowly. When someone asked someone, he quickly said,

"That man-eating Long San, he's coming to destroy the store. I can't watch my master suffer financial losses. I'll burn my life and fight him for 800 rounds. Although he is stronger than me, he admires my spirit of loyally protecting his master.

, retreated, I’m fine, I just did what I should do.”

Cai Gen sounded a little fake, and wanted to show some concern out of human sophistication. Before he could speak, Xiao Sun gave him a warning.

"Keep bragging, why don't you go to the sky? You fought for 800 rounds and ate more than 400 beasts. At least you are at a level. Your current strength is the same as mine. Even if you transform, it is still a level.

Great captain, can you fight for 800 rounds? You'll just lie down after eight rounds, right? Didn't you come into the store to protect yourself?"

Regarding the administrative division of strength, Cai Gen is quite clear about the division of strength. A bar is more powerful than Zombie Ling and Land Woman Xiao Xiao. For the time being, no one in the house can beat him if he doesn't take action. Hey, a house

The big and small captains can only compete to see who is younger than the other. Cai Gen suddenly thought of Mr. Huang San.

"Xiao Sun, what kind of strength does Master Huang have? He is very famous."

Xiao Sun thought for a while,

"Cultivating in the human world, he is considered to be in the first echelon, and should be considered at least two levels."

Cai Gen is very interested in this topic because he is a leveling madman in the game Power and cares about level.

"Xiao Shui, what are the levels of your fellow villagers?"

Zhen Shuiyin recalled it,

"The one lying on the ground should be barely able to become the captain of the team. That fool who talks too much is a second-rate person."

Could it be that we are here? Xiao Tmall understood that it was someone coming down from above, so he quickly asked,

"Sister Shui, where are my fellow villagers? Have you brought them here? How many are there?"

Because he was more concerned, Xiao Tmall asked the question with great enthusiasm and did not look hurt at all.

After asking, I suddenly realized that the performance was messed up.

Why was this scene about risking one's life to save the savior changed to a discussion about strength?

The rhythm of Howling Tmall was distorted by Xiao Sun, and he felt resentful. You damn monkey, you and I are at odds with each other.

Dragging his tired body, he moved towards the door step by step, hoping to make up for the lack of acting skills just now.

Cai Gen spoke, finally spoke,

"Xiao Sun, please help Xiao Tian open the door. He is injured and it is inconvenient to open the door."

With a favor, Xiao Sun opened the door and let Xiao Tmall go out.

When Zhen Shuiyin saw it, she decided to follow him. It would be bad if the big cat committed suicide due to depression, so she followed him out.

Brother Bird was listening to Cai Gen and the others discussing one thing and another, but he couldn't get a word in. He could only listen stupidly, hoping to wait for Cai Gen and the others to finish talking before asking in detail, but he called.

When I saw it was the master, I quickly ran out to answer the phone.

"Master, we discovered Long San's whereabouts."

"Are you a fool? Didn't you tell me to hand it over to the Social Security Administration? Are you enough people to feed the monsters? Come back quickly."

"Master, aren't I afraid that he will hurt people? This is a residential area."

"You still dare to be so stubborn. Don't you just want to solve the case? You don't even think about your abilities. Are you willing to kill yourself? If there are any more clues, you must report them. Bring people back now, right away."

After hanging up the phone, Brother Niao didn't say hello to Cai Gen and left with his subordinates.

Cai Gen watched as all the police outside the door evacuated. Is this the end of the matter?

This Long San, what kind of grudge do you have against me? Why do you come to my place? With Zhongbai's strength, I don't know if he can handle the residents who are not healthy.

When we had dinner in the morning, Grandma Wang still hadn't come back. She had disappeared for a day and a night, which was a bit abnormal.

Cai Gen called Goddess Wang twice and was able to get through, but no one answered. Could it be that the phone was muted?

When I called again at noon, Wang Shenpo's mobile phone was turned off. She must have run out of battery.

He called Wang Yongqiang again, but couldn't get through. Cai Gen became more and more worried. It wasn't about deep feelings. After all, he was an annual card customer. From a service perspective, he also needed to be careful.

Until the evening, there was no news from Goddess Wang. She also asked Xiaoshui, Xiaosun and Xiaotian. They also didn't know whether such a big living person or an old lady had encountered a human trafficker?

Before midnight, Zhen Shui Yin had just finished her supper and left, Cai Gen was smoking at the bar out of boredom, Xiao Sun was lying on a bench reading a magazine, and the shop returned to its previous calm.

The door of the shop opened, the bell rang, and the headlights in the room flashed in response, probably to add drama and a sense of presence to warn Cai Gen that the visitor was unkind.

The first person who walked in was an acquaintance, Goddess Wang, but there was something wrong with her situation.

His face, which had been rosy from eating during this period, had no color at all, his eyes were deep-set, his face was expressionless, and there was a noose hanging around his neck.

Go, is he dead? Why is he dead after not seeing you for two days? Cai Gen was so shocked that he dropped the cigarette in his hand. A cigarette scar appeared again on the bar. This was the third time. Cai Gen didn't care anymore.

Behind Grandma Wang were Wang Yongqiang and his wife, who were in similar condition to Grandma Wang. They were also wearing a noose and their eyes were dull.

Next came two beauties, one in her forties and one in her twenties. They were Li Juan and Chen Mei. They both wore fashionable nooses and had dull eyes. They supported each other and walked into the house.

Five people, no, five spirits, all walked weirdly, as if the floor was hot and their feet were hot.

The five spirits were also very conscious and occupied two tables. Wang Shenpo and Wang Yongqiang and his wife occupied one table, and Li Juan and Chen Mei occupied one table. Why not sit together?

Also, we are not a family and cannot sit together.

Cai Gen is in a heavy mood. Your old immortal said not to leave the vicinity of my shop, but you don’t listen. Why don’t you listen?

Now your life is in vain, you say whether you are unjust or not.

Xiao Sun in the corner also noticed the visitor, and was surprised to see the dead Goddess Wang. They ate together every day, and they were quite familiar with each other. Why is Third Uncle a regular customer here today?

A sigh came from Cai Gen's mouth, and he looked helplessly at Goddess Wang,

"Xiao Sun, give them some hot water. I'll send them off after they finish drinking."

Xiao Sun was startled. Should he just send him away?

"Third uncle, don't you want to ask how you died?"

Cai Gen's eyes were a little red. For those of you who don't know, if you die, you will die. Since ancient times, no one has died. But this old lady, who eats at the same table every day, died as soon as she said she would die. I couldn't accept it for a while.

"I won't ask anymore. If you ask too many questions, I'm afraid I'll feel uncomfortable. I'll just give you a good home and go reincarnate."

Alas, he was too soft-hearted, so Xiao Sun poured hot water on every table, and when he gave it to Grandma Wang, he shook his head to express his regret.

Grandma Wang took a sip of hot water, trembling her lips slightly, and said to Cai Gen,

"Boss Cai, is this my retribution?"

Cai Gen shook his head and said he didn't know.

This chapter has been completed!
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