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2420. Chapter 2420 Who is the sweet pastry

2420. Chapter 2420 Who is the hot cake?

Author: Jia Liuyi

Chapter 2420 Who is the winner?

Houtu was originally having a hard time with Naqi, but was very dissatisfied when Tamamo disrupted his rhythm.

He glanced at Tamamo coldly and ignored her.

He looked at Na Qi again, with an obvious intention that he would not let him go.

Naqi originally wanted to escape by himself while Tamamo was causing trouble.

However, after being targeted by Hou Tu, he gave up all his thoughts.

Without stopping, he jumped out of the RV.

He walked up to Hou Tu carelessly.

With a plop, he knelt down.

He also took out a cigarette and lit it for Houtu.

"Your Majesty, you don't remember the faults of others, so you won't do anything wrong by being angry with me.

My identity and your identity are very different.

I was brain-dead last time and I offended you, please forgive me.

Even if I don’t have any noodles, I still have to give Cai Gen some thin noodles.

We two brothers have such a good relationship, I will die if he leaves me."

After subduing the stubborn donkey, Hou Tu was very satisfied.

After smoking Naqi's cigarette, the matter was over.

Especially giving Cai Gen face was a good step, so she wanted to step down.

However, at this time, a discordant sound appeared.

"Mother Houtu, don't be deceived by him.

My master Cai Gen will never die without him.

And their relationship isn't that good either.

Along the way, he has often bullied my master.

Such a stubborn donkey should be beaten to death."

Everyone followed the sound and looked, and it turned out to be Xiao Tmall who was making trouble.

When Na Qi was at his most helpless and desperate, Xiao Tianmao finally found an opportunity to fight back and vent all his past grudges.

Naqi's eyes were on fire.

He jumped directly over and kicked Xiaoling Mao in the mouth.

"shut up.

You are the worst, digging holes for Cai Gen.

If it weren't for Cai Gen's stubbornness, he would have been tricked to death by you.

I will teach you a lesson today on behalf of my good brother Cai Gen."

Xiaotianmao vomited blood and flew out, looking at Houtu with confusion in his eyes.

It shouldn't be.

According to his prediction, Hou Tu should not let Na Kai start.

How could you let him attack you?

Did I think wrongly?

This is not an opportunity to fight back and get rid of Na Qi.

Is it a fishing operation?

If you don't take care of it, you will suffer.

Na Qi can keep kicking without stopping and will not get tired.

Fortunately, Yang San took action and blocked Na Qi's route.

"We are all in the same group, don't let the dog bite the dog and let the queen see the joke.

Didn't Cai Gen say that we need to unite?"

What Na Qi hates the most is that Yang San is so conciliatory, as if he represents justice.

"What a bunch of chickens.

Your uncle is the Jade Emperor, and he is just a spy here.

Who knows what you think?

Why are you pretending to be 25,800,000 to me? Xiao Jiujiu has more money in my heart than anyone else."

Only Na Qineng can say this.

Even if others think so, they don't say it explicitly.

Yang San's face darkened. He was really a donkey and couldn't speak human words.

"Stubborn donkey, what do you think? I haven't had donkey fire in a long time.

Today I will take your intestines and drink them with you."

Xiao Tian Mao changed into the form of Fu Dou, standing next to Yang San, majestic.

Suddenly I found the feeling of fighting against others in heaven.

This made Naqi very angry. He would kill him wherever he went.

"Haha, don't you pretend anymore?

Are you two going to turn against each other?

I am an important strategic partner of Cai Gen.

If you attack me, you will cut off Cai Gen's escape.

His heart will be killed."

Na Qi is usually confused, so there is no need to use his brain.

When it comes to using his brain, his brain capacity is sufficient.

Seeing that Cai Gen had not come out, Xiao Sun stood beside Na Qi.

It's not because I like Naqi, it's just that I don't like Xiao Tmall.

“Bitch cat, is this considered a position?

What's the name of the slave?

Have you forgotten who you were fooling around with?"

Xiao Tmall felt that his situation was very passive, but he could not submit to Na Qi's severe beating, so he could only defend himself harshly.

"Smelly monkey, are you blind?

It was Na Qi who did it first, why didn't you ask him?"

The teddy bear also stood beside Xiaosun and began to beat him to pieces.

"Bitcat, you weren't the one who tricked Naqi first.

Every wrong has its own owner, and every debt has its owner, and your motives are not pure."

Xiao Tmall is so cruel, is it possible that he is usually so unpopular?

Consciously or unconsciously, he looked at everyone present, trying to find some more support for himself.

By chance, his eyes fell on Shi Leilei's head before he could speak.

Shi Leilei gave Yang San a big fight.

"San'er, are you a tiger?

Don't make friends who are neither trivial nor trivial.

Don’t you even recognize your father-in-law?

Don’t know where to stand?”

Yang San woke up immediately after being beaten, gave Xiao Tmall an apologetic look, followed Shi Leilei without hesitation, and stood behind Xiao Sun.

Xiao Tianmao nodded, expressing his understanding of his good brother.

It's understandable if you marry a wife and forget about your brothers.

But, how should I pass this test?

Fortunately, Cai Gen came out of the RV at this time.

Looking at the circle of spectators and the two groups of people at war with each other, it was very puzzling.

I just took a bath, what kind of trouble would they make?

"Let's break up, everyone is free, right?

What follows is a tough battle and a greater crisis.

Those who can write a suicide note can write a suicide note, and eat and drink whatever they can.

Let's take the next step immediately and make a quick decision.

By the way, Yang San, Shi Leilei, Xiaotian, and Chacha are preparing for the next wave.

It's your turn."

As soon as Cai Gen spoke, the atmosphere at the scene changed.

Xiao Tmall even ran to Cai Gen, hugged Cai Gen's thigh and started crying.

She feels aggrieved like a little daughter-in-law.

"Master, I miss you so much, you must take me with you.

I feel so lonely without you.

I feel empty, lonely and cold, and I can't stand it even for a minute."

As soon as Cai Gen changed his clothes, Xiaolingmao rubbed his nose with a big snot.

Quickly pump your legs to throw him away.

"Okay, okay, you're afraid that I'm not around, so Naqi will kick you to death.

Hurry up and get ready.

Naqi, you will go too, always be prepared to run away.

But don’t run away by yourself.”

Naqi also seemed to have received amnesty. After all, there was still a queen watching over him. Who knows what he might do next.

After dispersing the crowd, Cai Gen asked Xiao Sun to put on the tea table and chairs.

Please sit down.

Everyone else wanted to hear what Cai Gen had to say to Hou Tu.

But seeing what Cai Gen meant, it was a bit inconvenient. After all, there were only two chairs next to the tea table.

Therefore, everyone tried to stay away as much as possible to show their understanding, leaving only Xiao Sun to wait for the situation.

Xiao Sun poured tea for Hou Tu, lit a cigarette, and began to express his gratitude.

"Empress Houtu, last time I was in the underworld, thank you for your kindness in reincarnating me.

Otherwise I.”

Hou Tu interrupted Xiao Sun's nonsense and waved his hand.

"Okay, if you had awakened the Boneless Relic earlier, I wouldn't have bothered.

If you really want to thank me, make yourself stronger and don't bother us.

She acts like an old lady all day long, protecting Cai Gen.

It’s not just delicious food, it’s full of stench, why is it so disgusting?”

Xiao Sun was speechless for a moment and didn't know how to answer.

Looking for help, Cai Gen said, "They are targeting you, and I won't help you take the blame."

Does Cai Gen care what Hou Tu says?

Just kidding, I don’t have any psychological quality at all, so I’m still a god of suffering.

He motioned for Xiao Sun to go away as well, and then said solemnly to Hou Tu.

"Well, do I smell good now?"

(End of chapter)

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