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Chapter 2530 Protect yourself

The driver in the taxi.

Holding a cigarette in his mouth, he looked impatient.

His hair was a mess, covered with stubble.

The suit he wore on his upper body was also wrinkled and sloppy.

This image can be found in a lot of train stations in any city across the country, and it is quite ordinary.

However, after Cai Gen saw this face.

Because of fear, my thoughts went blank for a short time.

Xie An'an, let's call him Xie An'an for now.

Because it is still unknown who the old man selling bean buns in his body is.

Each of the several meetings caused irreparable psychological trauma to Cai Gen.

This time, Cai Gen had a premonition that there would be no good results.

Moreover, judging from his attitude towards Cai Gen.

It seems that Cai Gen is a child playing with fire and urine on the kang, and he is angry after being discovered by adults.

Ponte was actually more surprised than Cai Gen.

I'm not surprised that Xie An was able to drive a taxi in the air.

It's Cai Gen's fear.

Even though he wanted to seize Cai Gen and was destined to be replaced, he showed no fear.

As a result, Cai Gen actually started to be afraid of this person's arrival.

Who is he?

Instinctively, I want to hold down the taxi, at least stop it in the air, or push it away.

However, when he came into contact with the taxi, he began to panic.

Ponte couldn't move the taxi even one bit.

Moreover, the pressure of taking a taxi is irresistible.

In just a moment, Ponte was crushed under the car.

After the car landed, it did not stop.

It's just like Xie An'an said, he wants to kill Cai Gen.

Carrying Cai Gen's body, a deep furrow was plowed in the ground.

It seemed like it was splitting the entire ground in two.

In this process, Ponte not only used his full strength, but also maximized the efficiency of Sunset Song.

It's still in vain and I can't resist even a little bit.

The moment the taxi stopped, Ponte also began to be afraid.

He really couldn't understand why such an existence existed.

I finally figured out why Cai Gen was afraid.

It took an extremely long time from the time the taxi appeared to when it stopped.

It seems that Xie An'an deliberately lengthened the process to punish Cai Gen.

Just like Cai Gen wanted to kill La just now.

Many people outside the space saw Cai Gen standing still.

You know that an invisible war is going on inside Cai Gen.

Everyone has no confidence in their hearts, even though they know Cai Gen's soul has a profound foundation.

However, the intrusion of taxis added some variables.

Most people are in a state of blindness.

Only people who have met Xie An'an, or people who have taken that taxi.

Only then would he be as fearful as Cai Gen.

"Brother Monkey, are you shaking your feathers?

Is it because it’s cold?”

If you chatter, you will always be so careless.

Xiao Sun wanted to open his mouth to explain, but his upper and lower teeth started to fight, making it difficult to speak complete words.

"This car, taxi, I, I, my third uncle, my third uncle, I took it in.

Last time, last time I attended”

Feeling that he had lost his composure, Xiao Sun slapped himself fiercely.

After calming down his emotions, he spoke again.

"My third uncle and I sat down once and he reported it to us.

Also, the person in the car is Xie An'an.

That's the one"

The more Xiao Sun thought about it, the more complicated it became, and the more he thought about it, the more frightened he became, and it was even difficult to say it out loud.

The intimidating power of the word "Xie An'an" is well-known in the small circle of Anxin Bento.

Like the culprit, or the mastermind behind it.

Cai Gen was able to face many disasters and ups and downs, and Xie An's contribution was indispensable.

Now, at such a critical moment, Cai Gen's life and death are at stake.

Xie An's emergence is a blessing or a curse, I'm not too optimistic.

Xie An opened the door and got out of the taxi.

Holding a cigarette in his mouth, he came to the front of the car.

He knelt down and looked at Cai Gen, who was pinned under the car.

"Cai Gen, how long will you continue to hide in the bastard's shell?

Do you want to eat bean buns?"

Cai Gen's mind had just recovered from the blank state when he heard Bean Bao and convulsed again.

When had Ponte been so angry?

"Who are you?

why would"

Before he finished his sentence, Xie An jumped up.

If the spiritual energy in the human world was revived, it was only Cai Gen's trouble that made him angry.

Ponte's words, spoken from Cai Gen's mouth, immediately made him furious.

As if touching his back scale, he kicked Cai Gen in the mouth.

“Damn it, Cai Gen, why did you let someone take your body?

You trash can't even protect your own body?

Why are you so afraid of death?

You would rather die than give your body to others.

No, you are not trash. Every trash has its own meaning.

You are worse than trash.

With the will of the God of Bitterness, you have control over the sea of ​​suffering.

You can actually let cats and dogs take over your body.

You really refreshed my understanding of incompetence.

You can be considered the boss, it’s an eye-opener for me.”

He kicked Cai Gen on the face and body one after another.

The extremely hard Sunset Song, under his worn-out leather shoes, became as bumpy as paper.

As if just kicking Cai Gen couldn't relieve Xie An's anger, he pushed the taxi away with one hand.

Start beating Cai Gen in all directions.

Cai Gen regained consciousness after being kicked for the first time.

Anyway, he has no control over his body, and it's not him who suffers.

However, Cai Gen was surprised that Xie An was so excited.

Why do you hate it so much?

Cai Gen actually had the illusion that he was bullied by Ponte and embarrassed Xie An.

Yes, that's what it means.

It's like a child who loses a fight outside and gets beaten again when he comes home and meets the adults.

"Stop, who are you?

Are you thin too?

Why do you have more control than me?

There is nothing that cannot be discussed.

I actually don’t have any ill intentions.”

"Shut up, you have no right to talk to me.

You old coffin boy, why don't you die in peace?

You don't deserve hope, let alone a future.

What kind of monster are you doing here?

What a fool, are you worthy?"

Xie An's appearance in the past was basically without any emotion.

Even looking at people and things with some indifference or joking.

But today, it seemed that his instinct had been offended, and he was extremely irritable.

He raised his hand and uncovered Sunset Song's mask.

By the way, a large piece of Cai Gen's flesh and blood was torn off.

It turned out that after Cai Gen put on Sunset Song, the armor was compatible with his body and became indistinguishable from each other.

Therefore, taking off the armor inevitably caused great harm to Cai Gen.

Seeing Cai Gen's bloody and bruised face, Xie An'an became even more angry.

"You are a coward who is afraid of death, how can you have the face to live?

Today, I will peel off your skin."

With another blow, the breastplate was torn open, and blood flowed from Cai Gen's chest.

This is skinning alive.

Cai Gen couldn't feel the pain, but Ponte could.

If it just hurts, that's fine.

The key issue is that Song of the Sunset is the source of power for Ponte to seize the will of the God of Bitterness and occupy the Sea of ​​Bitterness.

If there is no external force, Cai Gen will not be able to get rid of Song of the Sunset for ten thousand years, so Punte is destined to win.

However, Xie An's unreasonableness really frightened Ponte.

"No, don't tear it apart. If you have something to say, let's be civilized."

With one mouthful, half of Cai Gen's teeth were taken out, and Ponte's nonsense was interrupted at the same time.

"Don't talk to me, I think you are unlucky.

Damn it, you bunch of bastards must be cut off.

Otherwise, there is no guarantee when he will come out to steal the corpse."

Three strikes and five divided by two, Xie An'an removed Song of the Sunset.

Only the bloody Cai Gen was left on the ground, in a miserable state.

Taking Song of the Sunset, Xie An'an crumpled it together like a ball of paper and put it in his pocket.

He spat at Cai Gen with contempt, turned around and got into the taxi.

Before leaving, stick your head out.

"Cai Gen, this is the first and last time.

Protect yourself, and when it's time to die, don't be afraid, just die.

If you lose yourself again, I will kill your whole family and destroy all your nine tribes."

Putting down the cruel words, the taxi drifted on the spot and took off into the air.

He followed the crack in space from which he came and left.

After the taxi left, Cai Gen actually regained control of his body.

The tsunami-like pain made him scream out uncontrollably.


Xiaosun, take me back home."

With all his strength, Cai Gen squeezed out a few words and then passed out.

This chapter has been completed!
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