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Chapter 2536 Gods and mortals communicate with each other

"Pah, pah, pah"

The armrests of the Jade Emperor's throne have been cracked.

Standing with hands hanging down, they are the only remaining gods in heaven.

Everyone was as silent as a cicada, their hearts beating up and down in time with the Jade Emperor's rhythm.

The atmosphere in the entire hall has solidified to freezing point and is very tense.

"Jade Emperor, there is news from below, good news."

Taishang Laojun was very happy with the message sent back from the human world.

However, feeling the atmosphere of the hall, he lowered his voice instantly.

"What's going on?

Is the invasion of cuties ahead of schedule?

Or has the underworld been lost?"

The Jade Emperor looked at Taishang Laojun with his frosty face.

After all, there is no way to lose your temper with him.

He slapped the armrest hard one last time, smashing the armrest with the gold painted phoenix into pieces.

Then he sighed.

"Brother Jun, what good news can I have now?

If it's just that the wheel of fate doesn't turn, we still have hope.


The spiritual energy in the human world has revived.

This is going to break the foundation of our heaven."

Taishang Laojun knew that the Jade Emperor was worried about this matter.

However, he had no reassurance.

We can only pull out the big one and try to pick some good things to hedge against.

"Jade Emperor, let's face it, there's no point in worrying about it.

Mainly because Cai Gen didn't understand it.

I hope this is all a process.

Jedi Tiantong has been around for so many years, and it is not something that can be restored overnight.

Come and take a look at the good news below.

Erlang has returned to the organization.

It has been successfully separated from Cai Gen.

Our strength in the human world has reached a higher level."

The Jade Emperor didn't even look at it, he just left the paper containing the information on the ground.

"What kind of strength can that beast have?

Without him, it would be fifty-eight, but with him, it would be forty.

When I first awakened, I should have kneeled down and returned to the organization.

But how did he do it?

I don’t want to have too many restrictions yet.

Is this really a bondage?

This is a responsibility, an obligation, and a responsibility that he should share.

Okay, forget about him, he's a loser.

I've been following Cai Gen for so long, but I still haven't made a name for myself.

I heard that he even married a demon clan as his wife.

It's really embarrassing for me.

His bad nature cannot be eradicated.

When everything is over, I have to help him."

When Yang San was mentioned, the Jade Emperor became angry.

He looked impatient and completely lacked the emotional ties of his biological uncle.

Taishang Laojun doesn't think so.

On the surface, no matter what the Jade Emperor said, he just said it freely.

Mother and uncle, if anyone takes Yang San seriously and doesn't take it seriously, then he is really stupid.

"Hmm, I think the spiritual energy down there has revived.

For us, it is a crisis but also an opportunity.

The immortals who have already gone down will take advantage of the revival of spiritual energy to speed up their cultivation, and their return to heaven is just around the corner.

Moreover, the person Erlang married was from the Qingqiu lineage.

After Emperor Yu, they rested and recuperated for so many years.

It has formed a force that cannot be underestimated in the human world.

Being able to be used by us can be considered a great assistant.

Originally, in the human world, the foundation of the west is deeper than ours.

We must unite all forces that can be united.

We cannot let the West take the lead."

It seems that Taishang Laojun is analyzing the problem from the perspective of the Jade Emperor.

How could the Jade Emperor not know the actual Xiao Jiujiu?

"Oh, Brother Jun, I know you are not willing to give in.

The project of the Perfect World was originally yours, but it was taken over by the West.

This matter, actually, comes to the root.”

What follows next will be a bit hurtful.

The Jade Emperor gave Taishang Laojun face, but did not say it clearly.

Taishang Laojun didn't know, he just wanted to explain.

Suddenly, in the direction of the human world, the aura of a human emperor rose.

The dilapidated main hall was crumbling.

As soon as the Jade Emperor stabilized his body, he stood up.

He immediately got angry, turned around and kicked the chair into pieces.

"What are they going to do?

The spiritual energy is revived, that's all.

Even the aura of the Human Emperor has been restored.

Is this trying to push Heaven to death?

Do you still need to elect a Nine-Nine Human Emperor to be my equal?

It’s too much, it’s really too much.”

Taishang Laojun supported the Jade Emperor, his face also full of sadness.

If we say that the spiritual energy in the human world is revived, the spiritual energy in heaven is exhausted.

It shakes the foundation of heaven.

Then, the energy of the Human Emperor spreads to the human world, increasing the luck of the human race.

With one fluctuation and another ebbing, it is like digging up the ancestral graves in heaven.

If things go on like this, will the list of gods become lonely?

Once upon a time, the three emperors of heaven, earth and man coexisted, and heaven had no say in the matter.

When the Jade Emperor encountered a major event, he had to seek the opinions of the Earth Emperor and the Human Emperor.

After all, being lifted high in the sky means that it has no mass base and is not grounded.

The Jade Emperor did not know how many years of hard work he had to endure before the Emperor of Humanity and Earth abdicated, and he took the lead.

As a result, today, the aura of the Human Emperor actually appeared. Isn't this disgusting?

"Brother Jun, they are too bullying.

Why do you take me so seriously?

I can't hold myself any longer."

Taishang Laojun’s heritage is profound.

His sophistication and scheming are incomparable to ordinary people.

"Jade Emperor, I have a plan.

Since spiritual energy and luck are all in the human world.

What are we still struggling with up there?

According to our resource allocation.

The little cutie is here. If we break through the underworld defense line, it will be for nothing.

Might as well, let's have a show of pride.

Come and compete in the human world.

You can’t be any worse than ordinary people, right?”

The Jade Emperor's eyes suddenly lit up, as if he saw hope that did not exist.

However, I immediately started to think more about it.

"Brother Jun, if you can't beat me, just join. It's pretty hidden.

Even if what you say is high-sounding, why don't you make me surrender?"

When the Jade Emperor said this, he withdrew his arm.

Raise your head and chest and restore your kingly demeanor.

"I am the Lord of the Three Realms, and I have the highest authority.

Guarding Heaven is my unshirkable responsibility.

What to fight for, and who do I need to fight with?

The matter has come to this, and it has its own destiny.

With my merits for thousands of generations, I will definitely be better than half of the world."

After his impassioned speech, the Jade Emperor felt a little uncomfortable.

"Damn it, I am God, if anyone can beat me by half a piece, I will smash his chessboard."

After losing my temper, I felt my morale had been boosted.

With Taishang Laojun beside me, I felt a little ashamed.

After all, the Jade Emperor did not adopt his opinions, which was a bit disrespectful.

The Jade Emperor sensed Taishang Laojun's displeasure and thought it would be enough to just pretend.

"Starting from today, the lottery system will be cancelled."

The faces of all the gods under the Grand Highness were filled with joy. Finally, they no longer had to draw lots to cast fortune wheels.

Those immortals who have been able to persevere until now and haven't cast their fortune wheels are almost depleted of their wealth.

I really can't bear it anymore.

"Jade Emperor, if you don't cast your destiny wheel, I'm afraid"

"Brother Jun, you are thinking too much.

Who says you won’t vote for the Wheel of Fortune?

From now on, there will be no need to draw lots.

It’s all voluntary.”


This is the art of leadership.

Both the gods and the Supreme Lord found it a bit incredible.

"Right, starting from today.

The laws prohibiting communication between the divine and mortal realms have been cancelled.

How many things have been secretly smuggled into the world in the West?

Why should they take advantage and we should abide by the rules?"

The amount of information contained in the cancellation of this heavenly rule is a bit large.

The main reason why people are reluctant to cast the wheel of fortune is that they need to start over.

However, if you reincarnate with your own fairy family background, wouldn’t that be a time-traveling story?

Looking at it this way, casting a fortune wheel is not so difficult to accept.

"Alright, those of you who have decided to stay, please prepare your funeral arrangements.

Come with me to face the little cutie and guard the second line of defense in the world.

I will defend the dignity of heaven and shed my last drop of blood."

The power of this sentence can be called a killer.

Taishang Laojun dares to say that the gods will still be able to come to this hall tomorrow.

There is not one out of ten, or even less.

If it weren't for the fact that Daomen needed him to be in charge, he would have thought about it.

Dear friends, after more than 2,500 chapters, we can finally start. Are you ready? Haha

This chapter has been completed!
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