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Chapter 255

Grandma Wang quickly got into work mode, showing others what had happened over the past twenty years, and doing many things that were just a matter of yin and yang.

It's just that now the shotgun has been replaced by the cannon. Now that there is a formal establishment, the perspective of looking at the problem is different.

Xie An's instructions will be automatically filtered by Wang Shenpo. You owe Cai Gen, and I don't owe you anything. If you are embarrassed to go, what should I be afraid of? I still have a one-year meal card.

However, after Mrs. Wang got a public position, she still thought about her relatives. Currently, her living relatives include the fourth child who is abroad, the eldest son who is undergoing chemotherapy in the hospital, and Wang Si who is alone at home.

As Wang Shenpo's eldest grandson, Wang Si was extremely favored. Even Wang Xue, who was older than him, could not match Wang Si's status in Wang Shenpo's heart.

Now, Goddess Wang's family is almost destroyed, and her only eldest grandson should be Goddess Wang's only concern.

Grandma Wang was rushing home to visit her relatives, but she was stopped by Xie An, and she said a few words that had nothing to do with work and meant that the seniors should support the younger ones.

"Old Wang, you're new here. There are some things you don't understand yet. It's okay to learn business slowly, but there are some principled things you should keep in mind."

Stopped by Xie An'an, Grandma Wang could only listen honestly, her posture was still very humble. Although she was at the same level, she died many years earlier.

Xie An'an was very satisfied with Wang Shenpo's attitude and continued to teach. He had to say that if something went wrong in the future, he would be the one to take the blame.

"Old Wang, I don't need to say more about the rules between the underworld and the underworld. You are not the point. The point is, who are we with? You have to remember."

Grandma Wang is confused about this question. Is this underworld also divided into gangs? Do we still need to take sides? This is indeed a key question.

"Thank you, sir. You need to explain this to me carefully. I'm new here, so don't commit any taboos."

Xie An'an didn't show any politeness and said directly and neatly,

"Old Wang, in the past, there was only one group of people in the underworld, namely Emperor Fengdu, who had five ghost emperors under him.

Later, another wave came, that is, the Lord of Taishan Prefecture, with ten palaces of Yamas under him, representing the Heavenly Court.

Later, when Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva came, he would not become a Buddha unless the hell was empty.

Now there are three waves of people.

Emperor Fengdu Nabo is no longer in charge. In name, Taishan Prefecture Lord is the official representative, but specifically, the Ten Palaces of Hell and us are now listening to Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, do you understand?"

Originally, her education level was not very high, so Wang Shenpo didn’t dare to ask, why should they listen to Ksitigarbha Ksitigarbha when the Lord of Taishan Prefecture is the supreme leader? He nodded vigorously,

"Thank you, Sir, then we are the people on Ksitigarbha's side. I remember it."

Xie An'an nodded, very satisfied with Wang Shenpo's ability to grasp the key points so quickly.

"Whenever we do anything in the future, we have to think about which group of people we are from, otherwise we won't be able to do it for long."

It was all practical information and no bullshit. Shenpo Wang understood that this was because Xie An was supporting her for Cai Gen's sake. After thanking her profusely, she went to go through the entry procedures and was waiting to go home to visit relatives.



After the people from the Social Security Bureau left, Cai Gen's anger still lingered for a long time. He used his big butt to press down on others, which was a bit embarrassing.

Standing at the bar, smoking sullenly, Xiao Sun also sensed Cai Gen's discomfort and made Cai Gen a cup of strong tea. Then he placed the money left by Huang Ping and the others on the table on the bar.

When Cai Gen saw the money, he became even more angry. He bullied ordinary people and took gods seriously. What the hell?

"Xiao Sun, take the money and buy clothes."

After saying that, he pushed all the money towards Xiao Sun. It was more than 10,000 yuan. It was rare for Cai Gen to be generous. Xiao Sun was flattered and said quickly,

"You don't need so much to buy clothes, just give me a few hundred."

Cai Gen was very insistent. If Xiao Sun hadn't been standing in front of him just now, he might have become a sieve now. It was a shotgun.

"Take them all and buy some more clothes. You don't have to pay for it. Buy some spring, summer, autumn and winter clothes."

It was hard for Xiao Sun to refuse. He was wearing clothes full of bullet holes, which really didn’t look good. So he took the money and went out to buy clothes.

"Boss Cai, what should we do?"

A long female voice came from behind Cai Gen. Cai Gen was startled and he quickly turned around. Li Juan and his wife were still hiding behind Cai Gen and did not dare to move.

When Zhen Shuiyin left, she didn't ask them to follow her. They stood there for a long time, feeling bored, and finally asked.

Cai Gen didn't talk nonsense, he just gave a benevolent heart to one person. After what he had experienced just now, he really didn't want to be involved in anything more.

Li Juan and Chen Mei were very happy. They had gained benevolence and left happily to be reincarnated and enjoy the blessings.

Seeing that the door was closed, Cai Gen was the only one left in the store. He began to look at the furniture in the room again. This time, it was the dragon bone that made the contribution, and it was also stabbed outside. It seemed to be very lethal.

But when he walked to the flower pot and looked carefully for a long time, he couldn't see anything, so Cai Gen gave up decisively.

Standing in front of the bar and continuing to smoke, I suddenly remembered, didn’t Chen Sanpao kill someone? Is the Social Security Administration so powerful? He took out his cell phone and called Brother Bird. After ringing for a long time, the phone was picked up.

Very noisy, must be quite busy,

"Brother Bird, are you busy?"

"It's okay, Lao Gen, what's wrong with you?"

"Have you gone to investigate that five-person family massacre? Have you caught Chen Sanpao?"

"Caught him, but he committed suicide out of fear of guilt. The autopsy is in progress and the case has been closed." (, domain name (please remember_三

"Oh, he's dead, that's good, that's good, there's nothing else to do, just hang up."

"Wait a minute, Lao Gen, um, you prepare a resume and I'm going to hand it to the boss. There may be some agency that wants to recruit you. This is an opportunity to rise to the top in one step. You have to seize it."

One step to heaven? Social Security Administration? I just had a fight, wouldn’t I be sick if I went in again? That would be one step to hell. Cai Gen didn’t think much and blurted out,

"My store is so busy that I don't have the time to think about it. Forget about my resume. If you are interested, you can submit your resume and you can go to heaven. You might even become an immortal." Computer version: https:/

After saying that, Cai Gen hung up the phone and stopped listening to Brother Niao's ink.

Cai Gen didn't think about his resume, because it was useless to think about impossible things. https:https:m.33xs.

What he was thinking about was why Chen Sanpao died? Just now he was here to maintain the balance of heaven. Did he complete the task so quickly and be reclaimed by God? Didn't he say that he was not reclaimed?

Was it a ghost that came just now? No, it was a living person. Cai Gen couldn't understand. However, it was a good thing that Chen Sanpao was dead. He didn't have to trouble himself anymore. He already had enough troubles.

When Xiao Sun came back in the afternoon, it didn't look like he had gone shopping for clothes, but more like he had gone to stock the goods. He came back with two snakeskin bags. After entering the house, he started to show Cai Gen the summer T-shirts.

,warmth in winter, cotton jacket and cotton trousers,

This chapter has been completed!
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