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Chapter 2574 The two donkeys lost contact

Cai Gen was sitting in the car, still a little worried about what happened in Chahai Village.

The reason why I chose to leave was not to stay with Yuanyuan and deal with the funeral affairs together.

Mainly, I feel a little guilty.

Whatever the reason, I didn't figure it out.

The originally happy family was happily planning a happy event.

As a result, the bride and groom were all gone, including his ex-wife.

From now on, we will have to rely on the elderly to take care of the children.

No matter how you look at it, it is a human tragedy.

However, it has to be compared with the creatures that have been poisoned for who knows how many years.

The number of more than seven million is indeed a bit unbalanced.

If we put aside our stance and talk about the equality of all living beings, Cai Gen is currently unable to do so.

Only alien species like the God of Bitterness can truly achieve balance and equality for all living beings.

Cai Gen thought of this and laughed at himself.

Bullshit all beings are equal.

But Jin Chanchan has the strength to pursue equality and achieve equality.

Otherwise, the only result of her seeking revenge would be to be raped by Liu Guanghai.

Or maybe he was beaten up by Xiao Sun and Cha Cha, and his brain was cut off and he farted.

As for the punishment for Dagang's family, it was most likely due to his own fault. He forced them to burn more incense and paper and build a temple for those living beings.

Unfortunately, there is no if.

Not only Jin Chanchan has the strength to take revenge, but also that black toad.

Cai Gen hates it when he thinks of black toads.

That beast is playing like a clown.

I have to find Du Ming when I find the time and ask her what she really thinks.

Which group does it belong to?

Compared with Maomao's unconditional support, Du Ming does have too many ideas of his own. He can't point out the key moments, so he should pay attention to it in the future.

After thinking wildly for a long time, Cai Gen finally felt uneasy.

I called my wife Yuanyuan.

The phone rang for a long time before I picked it up.

"Honey, how is your help over there?"

"Ah, that's almost it. My second uncle's family is considered a big family in the village.

Dagang has also led them to earn a lot of money over the years.

To put it bluntly, Dagang's family took all the blame for the whole village.

The people in the village are somewhat unreasonable.

Everyone is helping.

The person has already fished it out and sent it to the funeral parlor.

I'll go back soon, and I'll come back three days later for the funeral.

The second aunt asked me to take the child away. There are too many people and the mess is not good for the child.

Haven't you arrived at the store yet?

Don’t worry, don’t worry about it.”

Cai Gen knew that Yuanyuan spoke more lightly.

In fact, it helps you feel less guilty.

“Ah, that’s good, there is strength in numbers.

What do you need me to do?

How about we spend money to organize the procedure?

I’ll contact someone professional.”

Yuanyuan was a little surprised by this suggestion.

Generally, if someone dies in rural areas, they will be stopped for three days.

Now I don't stop at home anymore, I always stop at the funeral parlor.

Even if you do simple things, you need to make big arrangements, that is, setting up tents and running water mats.

There are very few who practice law, very few.

"is it necessary?

I think it’s not honorable to die, so there’s no need to expand the impact, right?”

Cai Gen knew that Yuanyuan had misunderstood.

"Honey, this method is not just for Dagang and the others.

And then there are the more than seven million living beings.

It was obvious that the toad spirit was not very satisfied today.

But when it got stuck, it was because I was acting rogue and forced me to leave.

These things cannot be described rationally.

Maybe one day when you look at the cloudy sky and feel unhappy, you may come back again.

By the time we know it, Chahai Village will become a closed village.

It's better to do it by the river, answer the questions correctly, and feel at ease.

The Dagang family is not short of money, right?"

Yuanyuan was silent again.

Unexpectedly, Cai Gen was more superstitious than himself, a charlatan.

"How much money you have is also savings. With three children and two elderly people, you can't spare any money.

Let me ask my second aunt about this matter, I have the final say."

Yes, I feel sorry for money.

Cai Gen remembered just now that he had to pay for it himself.

Yuanyuan directly crossed over the option of Cai Gen paying.

"Okay, you guys can discuss it and use me to find someone to talk to.

If you bring your children back, hurry up and don't burn the midnight oil."

"Okay, I get it.

By the way, go visit your parents' house. Last time you left after only a few days.

My parents have been talking about you lately."

"Yeah, I'll be there in a minute."

After hanging up the phone, Cai Gen asked Zhen Shuiyin to drive directly to his parents' house.

After parking the car, let them go inside first.

Cai Gen washed himself carefully and couldn't see any strange marks.

Just walked into the corridor.

Just as I was about to open the door and enter the house, the neighbor's door opened.

Teacher Li walked out.

"Ah, Lao Gen, you are back.

But one day disappeared.

What have you been busy with lately?

Ask your mother, and your mother also says she doesn’t know.”

Cai Gen was also stunned when he saw Erlu's mother, Teacher Li.

"Ah, Teacher Li.

I'm out of the country recently and busy.

Are you going for a walk?"

Because Cai Gen didn't see the garbage list in Teacher Li's hand.

It's either taking out the trash or taking a walk.

Teacher Li took a step forward and took Cai Gen's hand.

"Come on, Lao Gen, I have something to trouble you with."

With that said, Teacher Li did not go home, but pulled Cai Gen out of the corridor.

It's like he doesn't want his family to know.

Seeing Teacher Li's mysterious look, Cai Gen had no choice but to follow.

When they came to the RV, Teacher Li looked around and saw that no one was there.

Tears fell directly.

"Lao Gen, something happened to my family.

Erlu, in the capital, couldn't pay his debts, and his family was ruined.

I didn't dare tell others, and I didn't dare let the old man know.

I'm afraid that if he gets excited, he will suffer from cerebral thrombosis again.

Holding it all in my heart alone makes me go crazy."

Seeing Teacher Li covering her mouth and crying, Cai Gen felt very uncomfortable in his heart.

No matter who she was, Cai Gen only saw a mother who was worried about her son.

"Teacher Li, Aunt Li, don't be too excited.

Everything is slow, and there is no way to catch up.

How come the family is broken up and everyone is dead?

Last time Erlu came back, he was in high spirits.

We both drank for half the night."

After saying this, Cai Gen suddenly thought of the bottle of Sky Blue that Erlu had finished drinking, but his grandson didn't keep a sip for himself.

Teacher Li cried for a while and then said with sobs.

"Last time his father was ill and it hit him hard.

At that time, I no longer wanted to hang out there and wanted to go back to my hometown to develop.

But my wife and children don’t want to do anything, and they don’t like our little place.

Later, Erlu said that he had taken on a big business.

As long as it can be done, the car loan and house loan can all be paid off, and then we can come back and enjoy the happiness together.

Later, I received a call from Erlu, saying that Erlu owed a lot of money and could not pay it back.

I asked Erlu, and Erlu said he didn't want me to worry, he could handle it.

Before the matter was over, my daughter-in-law drowned.

Another two months passed, and it was not yet the New Year.

The child died again, unexpectedly.

Tell me, what is the fate of Erlu?

Tell me, is the family ruined?"

Damn it, Cai Gen doesn’t even know how to comfort her.

This life is indeed not very good.

"Aunt Li, how much money does he owe?

Do you want me to help him?"

Teacher Li quickly shook his head.

"Erlu said he paid back all the money and didn't want me to worry.

He said he would come back and stay with us after the house was taken care of.


Ah? If the wife and child die, the money will be returned?

Cai Gen's hair stood on end and he had a bad feeling.

"But, starting a week ago, I can't contact Erlu.

I made a call and didn't speak when I got through.

I was worried that something was wrong with him, so I called the police.

But they went there and said that Erlu was fine at home.

Why did I call Erlu, but he didn't say anything.

I'm taking care of the old man at home, so I can't go see what's going on.

I'm worried to death. I wonder what happened to Erlu?

Totally unreachable.

Laogen, you two have the best relationship.

Can you help Aunt Li to find Erlu, okay?"

Cai Gen shook his head without hesitation.

"Aunt Li, I definitely won't be able to do it today.

I haven't eaten yet.

I'll contact him tonight and get back to you then.


It’s okay, Teacher Li held Cai Gen’s hand and didn’t let go.

"I will definitely take care of Erlu's affairs. I will take care of it to the end within my ability.

Do you think it’s okay?”

Only then did Teacher Li let go of his hand.

"Well, Lao Gen, thank you in advance.

You should go home quickly, I will wait for your letter."

Cai Gen took one more glance and didn't want to look at Teacher Li. It was too heartbreaking.

While nodding, he returned home.

This chapter has been completed!
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