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Chapter 331 Come with me

Cai Gen stared at the fly with disdain. With such a cautious look, he really couldn't explain. Could he still snatch his IOU?

Cai Gen couldn't understand why he acted like that even though he knew it was impossible.

"Fly, don't worry, I won't do anything to you, it's just a joke.

By the way, I was actually lying on the hospital bed and thinking a lot. I am really so dead, and I am a little unwilling to do so." This is considered the category of life insights. When Cai Gen started to share, everyone stopped talking and listened attentively.

"What does that sentence in the book say? I didn't want to come at first, but now I have to leave. I have lived for more than 30 years, always thinking that there will be a future, but when I found out that there is no future, I was deceived."

Cai Gen took a big sip of wine. Although he didn't want to drink too much, he was still a little confused.

"I won't talk about my regrets. I started thinking about my funeral at that time. I have attended so many funerals, and I felt that there was nothing new. I decided that during the moment of silence, the song should be changed to that of my hometown, hehe.


A melody lingered in everyone's mind, and a picture began to appear unconsciously.

In the farewell hall of the crematorium, Cai Gen lay in a glass dome surrounded by flowers. Dozens of people's eyes were red. Remembering Cai Gen's voice and smile, they began to observe silence, and a cheerful song rang.

"Come with me, it's my happy hometown, my heart won't"

Everyone shook their heads in unison. Some of them were smoking, some were drinking, and they all wanted to get the image out of their heads.

"Actually, I not only thought about the funeral, I even thought about what to write on the tombstone. The other things are not important, but it must be written. Brother, if you have a resurrection scroll, I will give you a resurrection scroll. If not, forget it, hahaha."

The friends laughed and laughed together, Cai Gen shed tears, and slowly turned into crying.

Seeing that Cai Gen was a little out of control, Xiao Sun quickly went to the bathroom to get a towel and helped Cai Gen cover his face.

"Third uncle, are you okay? Come and wipe your face."

Cai Gen touched his face, but tears still couldn't stop flowing down.

"Brother, to be honest, it's so scary. It turns out that I know that I will definitely die and must die. It's so scary."

Xiaoqiang, who was more emotional, also shed tears. Maybe he thought that if he switched places, would he have Cai Gen's good attitude, sing "Happy Hometown", and get resurrection scrolls?

"As long as you're not dead, Lao Gen, you're going to die sooner or later, who can escape?"

Such a topic itself is quite heavy. Although Cai Gen started with a joke, the core is still difficult to understand and it is extremely difficult to accept.

The fly automatically ignored the things it didn't want to know or understand. It just clutched its IOU tightly and woke up suddenly.

Yes, everyone has to die. What if I die and the money is not spent?

Thus, the fly began a new round of painful life planning.

Da Fei can see more clearly and can't hide away. He wants to be useful.

"Lao Gen, it's okay. Don't mention this matter again. We have agreed that no matter who dies in the future, he will let go during the moment of silence and come with me."

This proposal was good, and everyone agreed. Only Yangzi slowly raised an objection.

"Da Fei, do you still need a resurrection scroll engraved on the tombstone?"

Cai Gen was delighted when he heard this and quickly said,

"Yang Zai, if you die, I will engrave resurrection prayers on your tombstone, and you can rise by yourself, no resurrection roll required."

Seeing that Yangzi was a little dissatisfied and wanted to continue the topic, Xiaoqiang quickly interrupted,

"Fly, you feel like you are constipated. What are you thinking of?"

The fly was called by Xiaoqiang, and he retracted his thoughts and said with a grimace,

"I'm thinking about what to do if I die and the money is not spent. I wanted to make a spending plan, but I don't know when I will die. It's very distressing."

Well, this style is very fly-like, everyone is really not surprised, Liangliang teases a fly,

"If you die suddenly or something, give us your money, and we'll exchange it for burning paper and send it all to you. You'll be a rich man down there, so keep putting money."

It was just a joke at first, but the fly took it seriously. Staring with innocent little eyes, he asked the only understanding person present,

"Old Gen, is it true? Can you just burn it for me?"

Originally he wanted to just say a few perfunctory words to the fly, but looking at those helpless little eyes, Cai Gen really didn't want to lie to him, so he turned to ask the more authoritative Xiao Sun,

"Xiao Sun, does it work to burn paper money? Will it still be money down there?"

This is a very poor question. For so many years, I have given away cold clothes during the Qingming Festival and spent so much money on burning paper. It turns out that you don’t believe it. Is it just a formality?

Although Xiao Sun complained in his heart, he still did not say it out loud and answered Cai Gen's question honestly.

"Third uncle, you also know that the wheel of fortune below is not turning very smoothly, which has caused several serious inflations. The currency in circulation has changed from paper money to hard currency gold bars. In recent years, gold bars have also been a bit over the top.

, mainly because the purity is not enough, the real thing is the king.

If you want to burn something for Brother Fly, it’s best to make paper work, buildings, villas, cars, beauties, household appliances, etc.”

The fly instantly recognized the speech error and quickly corrected it.

"Don't burn it for me. I don't want it. No, I don't want it now. I'll talk about it later. Don't use me as an example. It's unlucky."

People, this is how you lie to yourself. You clearly want it in your heart, but you just don't admit it. Cai Gen suddenly had an idea.

"Xiao Sun, when you say that something is burned down there for the world of the underworld, can it be reversed? For example, if we go down this time and burn tens of billions down there for flies, will he be able to receive it?"

This idea is a bit big, and the amount involved is also relatively huge. Everyone is interested, especially the fly, which seems to have really received tens of billions. His face started to flush, and he stared at Xiao Sun excitedly, hoping to get a positive answer.

Xiao Sun scratched his bald head and said hesitantly,

"Third uncle, I don't know about this. When Xie An'an said he would give you a commission, he didn't mention the specific method. This time when we go, we happen to be looking for this old guy, so let's ask him carefully."

Also, Cai Gen has never received a commission from Xie An'an for so long. When he thinks of this, he feels aggrieved. He has given so generously to his benevolent heart, but his body has been so exhausted that he has developed cancer. This grandson still deceives himself and refuses to give.

It's important to get some financial compensation after deducting your own commission and deducting the good intentions.

As a result, Xie Annan didn't even give him a hair, and even stole his son away. This old guy went down to settle the score with him as soon as possible.

"I'm going to go down this time and do an experiment. The recipient will be written as a fly. If it works, I can open this business and do some trading."

The fly is not willing to burn money for itself down there, but the number just mentioned is tens of billions. If it happens, it will fly and take off.

A little nervous, a little expectant, a little excited, the flush on the fly's face became even worse.

This chapter has been completed!
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