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Chapter 446 The Only Souvenir

Du Feifei knows everything and tells it,

"Lord Cai Gen, when being beaten, Ting Ting is alive and cannot swish. That is her true body.

Rejected in this underworld, unable to fully use the power of the soul, just as you are unable to soothe.

After death, it is the listening soul that swishes. It abandons its true body and is accepted by the underworld, so it can swish."

Oh, that’s it. I said she was running on the road after taking a shower. The same can be said. The reason why Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva needs a mount is that he can’t sow either?

Who has a private helicopter and needs a bicycle? Isn’t that sick?

"How far can this swish go? Where do you think Di Ting can run?"

Du Feifei thought for a while and said,

"Theoretically, if the soul is powerful enough, it can appear anywhere. The farther the distance, the greater the cost.

I don't know where Di Ting will run. Anyway, if it were me, I would definitely run to my master."

This inference is very reasonable. Cai Gen also thought of it. If a child is beaten, he will seek protection from an adult, let alone a mount.

"Xiao Sun, since it is the real body, it is a living creature. Let's eat something to replenish our strength and go find the dog owner.

Dufife, find another means of transportation."

Du Feifei did not refuse and turned around to contact him.

What I said at the beginning was that I would help Cai Gen find Tingting, but I didn’t say that I would also need to find the dog’s owner.

This needs to be asked carefully and if you can continue to help.

Xiao Sun obediently divided Diting into strips, lit a fire, and started barbecue.

Originally, Cai Gen should have done this kind of thing.

But now, firstly, I have difficulty moving, and secondly, I am not in the mood.

Just cook it well, what do you care about the taste?

After eating a few meals of bread, we finally had meat, which made everyone's appetites increase, especially Zhen Shuiyin.

When Cai Gen was full, she continued to eat. When Xiao Sun was full, she continued to eat. Finally, she stopped when she finally ran out of food.

But the way she looked at Goupi suggested that she might not be full yet.

He rummaged through the remains of his cell phone and even took out the phone sim card and put it away. He was also living a good life.

Xiao Sun divided the dog skin into three parts and carried a roll on each person's body. This was a local souvenir that he wanted to take back as a surprise for Xiao Tmall.

After eating the flesh and blood of his enemy, Cai Gen felt a little better. The sudden encounter just now was really unorganized, and both he and Xiao Sun were injured.

Thinking about it on the other hand, it was sudden for them, and it was also sudden for Di Ting.

Looking back on the battle just now, if it weren't for the white ball of light, Cai Gen really didn't know how to kill Di Ting.

Whether it was a mistake or just bad luck, the result was that Di Ting was dead, or at least *f*cked to death, which can be considered the beginning of a good outcome.

The soul will be destroyed down below, and the son will be snatched back. Everything will be fine, and this trip down below will come to a successful conclusion.

Du Feifei didn't ask his father for instructions at all. He understood that Du Ziren was also a listener and didn't mean what he said, so he contacted Zhou Qiqi directly.

"Aunt Zhou, I am Du Feifei, Cai Gen meets Di."

Zhou Qiqi seemed to have just woken up, his voice was lazy,

"Well? Is it so fast? Doesn't it take two days?"

Du Feifei did not dare to add his own speculations, but just told what he saw with his own eyes.

"Originally it took two days, but Lord Taishan's treasure ship just arrived and crushed Xiaoxiao who was blocking the way.

By the way, I brought the news that Di Ting was passing by, and then Di Ting came."

Oh, Mr. Taishan Prefecture is more active than us. Did he lure Di Ting here? How did you deceive him?

Zhou Qiqi could not imagine that,

"Sure, they've encountered them. You can find a way to retreat without being affected by their fighting."

Zhou Qiqi is quite considerate towards his own people.

As long as you act honestly, your life safety must be guaranteed. A warm current surged up in Du Fei Fei's heart.

"Thank you Aunt Zhou, don't worry, the battle is over."

What? Is it over so soon? This Cai Gen is useless!

I wanted to stir things up a bit, but the moment I met him, I was blocked by him, and all my plans were in vain.

Zhou Qiqi was very disappointed.

"Are Cai Gen and the others all dead? Are there no survivors? Is Di Ting gone now?"

The other party must have misunderstood. In fact, it’s not Zhou Qiqi’s fault for misunderstanding.

Generally speaking, Tingting's reputation is too great.

In this world, he is like a star. Who would have thought that Cai Gen could win?

"Aunt Zhou, you misunderstood. Cai Gen won and Di Ting died.

Now that Di Ting has been eaten by Cai Gen and the others, all that is left is a piece of dog skin.

He said he wanted to take it back as a souvenir.

By the way, the soul of Listening ran away,

Cai Gen asked me to help with transportation to find Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.

What should I do?”

Zhou Qiqi was silent, Cai Gen won?

Although this was unexpected, it proved that Emperor Fengdu's calculation was correct, and it indeed brought about heavy storms.

But Cai Gen swallowed up the truth, which is a bit of a problem.

It’s understandable that Zhan Zhi eats it directly. How much hatred is there,

Or is it that Cai Gen himself is a cruel person who will eat all his enemies?

And you divided the dog skin? And used it as a souvenir?

There is only one picture in this world, okay?

Just this one, it’s not a souvenir, it won’t be available again.

Cai Gen's value is infinitely improving in Zhou Qiqi's heart, which further strengthens the emperor's view.

"Just wait where you are, I'll send transportation over and continue to assist, unconditionally.

Remember, it is unconditional. Even if you are asked to die, you must die beautifully and make Cai Gen feel comfortable."

After the call ended, Du Feifei became upset. Just now he was concerned about my life and safety.

When it comes to Cai Gen, I can't bear to die. Oh, pity my little life.

However, the more Zhou Qiqi and the others paid attention to it, the greater their contribution this time would be. They cheered up and ran towards Cai Gen.

"Lord Cai Gen, please wait a moment, the transportation will be here soon."

After hearing Du Feifei's answer, Cai Gen spread the dog skin on the ground, lay down and went to sleep.

"Sleep and recover."

I was a little sleepy after eating so much. The next battle will definitely be more intense than this one, so I'd better recharge my batteries.

Try your best to adjust your body and mind, maybe it will be your last sleep.

Cai Gen's actions set an example. Xiaosun and Xiaoshui also opened their dog-skin mattresses and went to the ground to seize the time to regain their strength.

Not to mention, this mattress is really good.

The temperature of this world itself is relatively low, and the ground is cold and damp.

They put on a dog skin mattress, which was cool and moisture-proof, and was still very soft. As soon as Cai Gen lay down, he started snoring.

Do you have such a big heart? Have such a good attitude? Do you just sleep when you say sleep?

Du Feifei was once again shocked by this small group of living people.

Organized and disciplined,

Eat when you say you want to eat, fight when you say you want to fight,

Not afraid of life and death, not afraid of listening carefully,

These are a group of terrorists who came from this world.

Within ten minutes, all three people started snoring, and even Zhen Shuiyin let herself go.

This chapter has been completed!
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