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Chapter 449 Is it possible to go together?

This time Cai Gen was silent. After thinking for a long time, he sighed.

"Forget it, let me fight them both alone. You two support me and get the soul stone. No matter who gets the soul stone, leave me alone and go back directly."

Cai Gen thought about it, saving his son first, then whether he could go back.

Xiao Sun remained silent, while Zhen Shui Yin shook her head.

"Brother Cai, let's go together."

Cai Gen touched Zhen Shuiyin's forehead with his finger.

"If you wake up, is it possible for us to go together?

Do you believe it yourself?

Even Du Feifei doesn’t believe it, right?”

After Cai Gen finished speaking, he looked at Du Fei Fei, hoping she would give a comment.

At this time, Du Feifei was very confused, mainly because their battle plan was so confusing that he didn't understand it at all. He had to answer when asked,

"I believe it, no, I don't believe it, Master Cai Gen, don't force me, do I believe it or not?"

Cai Gen smiled helplessly,

"I don't know whether you believe it or not."

After saying that, Cai Gen also fell into silence.

Cai Gen's original idea was that Xiao Sun and the others would work alone, look for opportunities, and provide support on their own. This was considered a regular plan.

But Xiaosun and Xiaoshui didn't think there was any chance of conventional play. After all, it was Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, and his name was not blown out.

A more extreme plan was proposed, but Cai Gen could not accept it, and the combat plan was shelved. No one compromised, and there was a stalemate.

The four people were all caught up in their own plans, except for Dufife's plan, which was roundabout and went to watch the fun.

Without any feeling of weightlessness, the four-headed eagle landed. Cai Gen and the others were about to set off even if they did not reach a consensus.

Standing at the palace gate, Du Feifei said goodbye to them,

"Lord Cai Gen, I wish you a good death."

After saying this, Du Feifei bowed ninety degrees, still as if he was bidding farewell to a corpse.

Cai Gen was not happy when he heard this. Is it so good to die? Is this cursing himself?

Xiao Sun pulled Cai Gen and whispered,

"Third uncle, have you forgotten where this place is? They all give blessings like this,

A good death is the greatest luck for a dead person."

After being told by Xiao Sunyi, Cai Gen suddenly realized that there was nothing he could do about local characteristics.

But he was still unhappy and didn't look back or say hello.

Seeing that Cai Gen and the others had landed, Du Feifei controlled the four-headed eagle and quickly took off.

We have to go to the central Lingmen Pass to occupy some land. There will be a big drama soon.

After Cai Gen stood with his feet on the ground, he felt physically and mentally comfortable, and then he felt at ease.

"Xiao Sun, did you ask just now, which direction are we going?"

Xiao Sun looked around, pointed in a direction and said,

"Third uncle, I didn't ask, but it should be over there."

How did you know where it was without asking? Cai Gen followed Xiao Sun's finger suspiciously.

Well, it should definitely be over there.

After coming to this world, what Cai Gen saw was like a black and white TV, black, white, or gray.

However, where Xiao Sun pointed, there was a faint golden light, reflecting the sky, which could be seen without being very close.

With the direction in hand, the three of them stopped talking and were all thinking about whether the plan in their hearts was feasible and whether their partners could cooperate.

Wangshan is running to death. There is currently no horse. Cai Gen is about to be killed. There is a certain error between the distance in the sky and the distance on the ground.

Originally, in Du Feifei's eyes, the distance was only a few steps, but Cai Gen and the others walked for almost an hour before reaching the edge of the Central Lingmen Pass.

A mountain blocks the way. After climbing over this mountain, you can see the central Lingmen Pass, and you can see the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva who has set up a high altar, and maybe there are souls who are listening.

Cai Gen took out his only remaining cigarette several times, but held back. He might as well smoke at the critical moment.

When we climbed to the top of the mountain, Cai Gen suggested taking a short rest. After all, it was time to start going down the mountain.

Central Lingmen Pass, as the largest Lingmen Pass, is very familiar to some of Cai Gen’s old friends.

For example, Tian Lingling, Liu Ying, and others like Liu Daquan and Wang Yongqiang.

Some of them, after picking up the leaks, took the VIP channel and went directly to reincarnation without delaying for a long time.

Some of them are relatively lucky here, listening to Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's Buddhist teachings for a long time.

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva does not have high requirements for them. They can be reincarnated or become VIPs, but next to their benevolence, they must have the heart of the Buddha.

Then in the next life, when you are born, you will be a devout Buddhist disciple, and a Buddhist disciple with blessings. How awesome.

In fact, this requirement is not too much. Unfortunately, benevolence and Buddha's heart are not on the same level. It is a bit difficult to coexist and exist at the same time.

Liu Daquan had long been impatient. In order to finish the work quickly and be reincarnated to enjoy happiness, he had long wanted to seal the Buddha's heart.

However, if we have benevolence in front of us, if we don’t take refuge sincerely, the Buddha’s heart will not be imprinted on us, so everyone is helpless and wasted.

The scriptures on the wheel of the car were repeated over and over again, and the sacred Buddha's light was shining round after round as if it was free of money. Even if it could not be printed, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva became depressed.

The work is not progressing smoothly. I have already caused dissatisfaction from all quarters even though I have tried it once.

Although it was not triggered, the undercurrent was surging, and Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva was also under great pressure.

Troubles always come one to one, otherwise misfortunes never come singly.

The truth is back, the body is lost, and the soul is back.

The first time he saw it, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva became angry. Who is so bold as to beat a dog without knowing its owner?

I quickly screened several forces and found that they were all possible. Their dissatisfaction with themselves was increasing day by day. Could it be that they were trying to frighten the mountain?

Looking at Thiting's soul, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva felt distressed, but he did not ask. Thiting crouched in front of him and began to cry out for injustice.

"Great Bodhisattva, you have to make the decision for me. It's not a big deal if my body is gone. Where will you sit in the future? This is the greatest disrespect for you. If you hit me, you will hit you."

What he said was not distracting at all. Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva did not answer the question. He looked at it and listened for a while, then shook his head.

Forget it, let them vent their anger, while I hold on to my benevolent soul to prevent reincarnation.

If we don't give them an outlet, it will cause big trouble.

Di Ting looked at Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva and shook his head. This was a misunderstanding. He quickly said,

"It's not the Lord of Taishan Prefecture, nor the Emperor of Fengdu. It's a living person, and it's a living person who assassinated me with a premeditated plan."

A living person? How did a living person come to the underworld? Why did he want to assassinate you?

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva does not open his mouth, but he must continue to speak if he listens carefully.

Suddenly, a huge ship drove over. It turned out to be the treasure ship of Lord Taishan.

Approaching Lingmen Pass, a sudden brake brought up countless smoke and dust. Mr. Taishan stood on the bow,

"Hey, isn't this Master Listening? Why did you get rid of the physical body?

I advised you from the beginning that it would be great to abandon your physical body and go wherever you want, without having to take a shower or cut your nails, which is a lot of trouble."

The words are not pleasant, and the meaning of gloating is obvious. This is completely different from the previous attitude of Mr. Taishan Mansion.

Everyone heard it, including Ting Ting.

Could it be that Mr. Taishan Mansion has something to rely on today?

This chapter has been completed!
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