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Chapter 460 No one is as stubborn as me

Naqi had a cigarette in his mouth, and his original action of smoking suddenly stopped.

Xie An sat on the ground next to him, watching Na Qi smoke one cigarette after another, as if he had a grudge against cigarettes.

Suddenly, Naqi stopped moving, and Xie Anan thought, is he going to drink tea?

Just when I wanted to get up and pour some water, I found that my body couldn't move. I wanted to open my mouth to ask, but I found that I couldn't even move my mouth.

Staring at Na Qi, he cursed in his heart, "You can just smoke if you say you want to smoke. Why are you keeping me in bed when you have nothing to do?"

After looking at it, Xie An'an realized something was wrong.

It's not that Naqi didn't move, but the movement was very small, a bit like trembling and a bit like vibration.

Just like the simple act of smoking, it is an impossible task.

You need to use all your strength, you need to fight against heaven and earth, and you need to pay a price.

The more he couldn't draw, the more he couldn't move. Naqi's temper got worse. Is he so cruel?

Can't you even smoke a cigarette? Why are you so overbearing? This is your home?

Na Qi struggled and tried hard, even his eyes turned red.

In the end, it failed. The cigarette did not make any progress.

There are only two centimeters from the donkey's mouth, two centimeters that cannot be crossed.

Faced with failure, Naqi had no choice but to accept his fate and look into the distance.

It was impossible for Naqi to see everything that was happening at the Central Lingmen Gate.

It is even more impossible to know that Xiao Sun committed suicide.

But the world in his eyes is no longer the same.

The gray world before was lifeless, but now it suddenly has color.

It's like a black-and-white TV suddenly replaced by a color high-definition 100k large rear projection.

The mountain is not that mountain, and the sky is not that sky.

Everything changed from a black and white photo to a state of joy,

Just like countless elves, resurrected from the ground and became active again.

Just like welcoming a long-lost relative, all things in heaven and earth bow their knees,

All creatures in this world must also bow their knees.

The waves of the River Styx ceased to flow, the fires of hell ceased to burn,

Even the gray clouds that had blocked the sky for thousands of years disappeared in an instant, making the whole world shine again.

Just like the whole world, it welcomes her noble master with the most noble, humble and enthusiastic attitude.

Naqi couldn't move, and his mind became more flexible, guessing,

This is Cai Gen, are you being forced to panic?

Did you use a trick?

It seems that the monkey and everything have been killed.

Sure enough, it's a surprise.

This battle is indeed not small.

No matter how small or small, I am not an enemy. I accept this from you?

I'll lend you a place to smoke a cigarette and rest for a while. Are you so rude to me?

How much do you despise me, Naqi?

Thinking in my heart, thinking, the donkey's temper got worse again,

Na Qi's stubbornness never convinced anyone, except Pangu, who was even more stubborn than Na Qi.

The two tails that finally recovered felt distressed.

But in the end, he was ruthless and smashed a tail.

After Naqi's tail was docked, his temperament suddenly changed. The skinny donkey's body was still skinny.

But in Xie An's eyes, Na Qi had turned into an existence like an ancient demon god, with an aura so powerful that it could shake the world.

Then, he moved.

Just like Naqi in the mirror, suddenly the mirror was broken and he could move.

Xie An, who was next to him, was so frightened that he could actually move. He could resist the confinement of this world. He could actually move?

After crossing those two centimeters, I finally put the cigarette butt into the donkey's mouth and took a long puff of the cigarette.

He just took a puff of cigarette and sacrificed a tail, but Naqi was happy in his heart.

Na has started, the world is anxious,

Do you still dare to earn money?

Do you still dare to smoke?

Do you still dare to show your temper?

The act of smoking caused a counterattack from the whole world.

A hundred times a thousand times more restraining power, Na Qi was instantly re-stabilized.

Na Qi didn't care either, but unfortunately, the smoke hadn't been exhaled yet and was held in his mouth.

At this point, even if another tail is cut off, it is impossible to spit out the smoke.

Just now, when Heaven and Earth weren't paying attention, they moved bravely,

Now that people have reacted and are under special care, Naqi has no chance.

Heavenly Court, Golden Palace,

"Lord Heavenly Emperor, Lord Heavenly Emperor, something happened, something happened."

The clairvoyant had a very good memory and did not dare to run to the Jade Emperor. He stopped very far away and continued without asking,

"The sky in the underworld has cleared up, and all the clouds and fog that covered it have disappeared. It seems like something happened."

The Jade Emperor was very calm. It seemed that Taishan Mansion Lord was not without any achievements, and finally opened a hole.

He stood up, walked through the clairvoyance, stood on the jade bridge at the entrance of the hall, and looked down.

The world that was originally obscured by dark clouds clearly revealed its true appearance.

Remembering that piece of heaven and earth, independent and beautiful, the Jade Emperor recalled the original scenery in his mind,

What he saw before him was a different look, and it was completely different from his memory.

The whole world is like a cocoon tangled in threads, full of twisting, ugly passages,

It's a bit like a blood vessel, winding around the world.

With a very ugly face, the Jade Emperor did not look back, still looking at the underworld world wrapped in it,

"Brother Jun, are those passages the small world that Ksitigarbha has been connected to in the underworld these years?"

Taishang Laojun has arrived behind the Jade Emperor and is also looking at the changed appearance of the underworld.

"It should be. Mr. Taishan Prefecture said that there are a total of 3,600 small worlds in the Buddhist Kingdom.

Over the years, it has continuously provided various souls, increasing the strength of Ksitigarbha below."

Three thousand six hundred, what can Taishan Fujun and Fengdu Emperor use to resist? What can they use to fight?

If I hadn't tried to fill up my destiny wheel at the beginning, it would still be possible.

But now, Heaven has withered to this point. Although I know the thoughts of the west, I can't change anything.

Is this a deliberate plan?

"Brother Jun, the dark clouds have dissipated. Has Taishan Mansion's plan worked?"

Taishang Laojun nodded quickly with a smile on his face,

"According to the news from below, the God of Pain has arrived in the underworld. He has eaten and listened. At this time, he should be dealing with Ksitigarbha."

"Haha!" The Jade Emperor laughed unconsciously, and his chuckle turned into laughter.

"Hahahaha, did you eat that big white dog? It was a good meal. Ksitigarbha must be beaten and beaten. The God of Bitterness did not disappoint me."

Taishang Laojun just smiled, his expression turned serious,

"Jade Emperor, what happened this time is a bit too extreme for the God of Pain. I'm afraid he will have a rebellious mentality in the future when he knows the whole story.

We should have made plans in advance, we have to consider it."

The Jade Emperor looked indifferent and continued to feel proud.

"What are you rebelling against? Doesn't he know who is orthodox? Call a god and let heaven take care of everything. This is what we agreed upon at the beginning.

I didn't give the order directly, it was gentle enough, but he's still not satisfied? How dare he have other ideas?"

The sense of psychological superiority cultivated over thousands of years made the Jade Emperor always think about problems so directly and always take them for granted.

Taishang Laojun did not contradict the Jade Emperor. He could only shake his head and smile bitterly. He felt helpless and thought to himself,

That god of suffering is not included in our immortal system.

They are in their own way. They have not benefited from your heavenly court, and they are not under your control.

This chapter has been completed!
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