Turn off the lights
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Chapter 477

The snow is also regional. When we leave the mountainous area of ​​Changbaisan, the snow has stopped. After walking for a while on the national highway, we still got on the highway.

Originally, if I took the national highway, I could get home in the morning the next day. However, I took the expressway and saved three or four hours.

This makes Cai Gen very happy. In any case, this is a good sign.

My son was also brought back. Except for Xiao Sun, who is a little weak, everyone else is full of arms and legs.

An adventure that was expected to be a near-death experience was spent so lightly,

God seems to be in a good mood sometimes, and shows rare kindness to Cai Gen.

However, this kind of kindness was only half shown. As soon as the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and before the smile was fully unfolded, his face changed.

When we were still two o'clock from home, it started snowing again and the highway was closed again.

Cai Gen and the others were at a toll station and were forced off the expressway.

Cai Gen’s cell phone is also out of battery. Because the model is relatively old, the battery doesn’t work very well.

Navigating while charging is a bit strenuous.

I had no choice but to turn on the navigation in the car, and it worked fine.

It was three o'clock in the morning, it was pitch dark, I was going the wrong way, and no one even asked for directions.

The sunrise in winter is after seven o'clock, and there are no street lights on the road.

Fortunately, Zhen Shuiyin's headlights have also been modified.

The Xenia headlights were pale and pale, illuminating the big trees on both sides of the road in a dreamy way.

It's like there are tens of thousands of swordsmen and axemen standing on both sides, ready to drop their swords, spears, swords, halberds, axes and axes at any time.

Cai Gen was sitting in the passenger seat, squinting and looking at the big trees on both sides, which quickly disappeared from his sight.

Then a new one appears, which is very boring.

Although I am already very sleepy, I dare not sleep.

We can't be like Xiaosun and Hu Xiaocao in the back row, who were already in a deep sleep.

Cai Gen should stay awake at all times and carefully identify the number of snores.

Zhen Shuiyin is an elder sister who can snore with her eyes open.

The little Jetta, in the days when highways were not so developed, was called a street hooligan.

It accelerates quickly, overtakes hard, has a stable chassis, and is fuel-efficient.

Today, this Jetta has returned to its home turf. There are almost no cars on the road, and Zhen Shuiyin is driving quite elegantly.

However, a sudden brake broke all the tranquility. Zhen Shuiyin suddenly slowed down.

Because the big trees on both sides of the road disappeared, the sidewalk suddenly disappeared.

It was pitch black, as if it was suddenly interrupted. The high-beam headlights were shining into the sky and the road could not be found.

The car came to a complete stop. Zhen Shuiyin and Cai Gen looked at each other and said that it would not be so smooth. It was indeed not smooth.

The car navigation shows that there should be a road ahead.

There are still thirteen kilometers to go from home, and it is expected to take twenty-four minutes, but where is the road?

Lighting a cigarette, Cai Gen got out of the car even though he was unwilling to do so.

When I reached the end of the road, where the light could shine, I took out my phone and took a photo.

Well, it turns out there is indeed a road, because there is new soil piled up beside the road, as if it had just been dug.

The road was cut off in the middle, and there was a big pit below.

A big dark pit,

There is a huge hole that cannot be photographed with a mobile phone.

This city once led the world in big pits,

A large pit four thousand meters long, two thousand meters wide and three hundred meters deep.

At this time, Cai Gen was standing on the edge of the pit. If he went further, he could go down into the pit.

Cai Gen once stood on the edge of this pit, when he encountered more than 10,000 evil spirits in Meigan Mountain.

He also stood on the edge of the pit, facing the evil spirits that kept climbing up.

Why are you here?

Through the faint starlight, I saw the Meigan Mountain on the other side of the pit.

Not too high, but definitely not something to ignore.

Cai Gen took out his mobile phone and found the waiter's number. After dialing for a long time, he was connected.

"Xiaoer, are you at home?"

The waiter didn't seem to wake up,

"Ah, boss, I'm at home."

Well, just stay at home and let the waiter guide you.

"Come pick me up. I'm on the edge of the pit opposite your house and can't find the way."

The waiter may have regained his energy, so he said quickly,

"Boss, are you back? I'm not at Meiganshan, I'm at your house."

Dizzy, Cai Gen was surprised,

"If you don't work hard here, why would you go to my house?"

The waiter might have been caught by Brother Cai and left his post. He was a little embarrassed and said solemnly,

"Boss, Xiao Tmall asked me to come because your wife's cooking is not delicious.

He asked me to cook for him these days and said it would be helpful to your son, so I came to live at your house."

Why is it good for my son if you cook for Xiaotmall? Is it an excuse to deceive others?

It must be the case. When I hear it, it sounds like that bitch cat from Howling Tmall.

"Okay, don't run this way. Where is the original road in the navigation? Who dug it up?"

The waiter thought for a while,

“I don’t know who dug it, but there have been a lot of big machines working there recently.

It seemed like they were talking about building a track, and it was very noisy.

If you pass through the village of Baijiawan, there is a small road that can lead you back to the city."

Noisy? Wasn’t it noisier when coal was being mined here twenty years ago?

Did you still work around the clock at that time?

It has only been quiet for a few days, but you still find it noisy?

But looking at the dark pit, there are no traces of construction.

Don’t large-scale projects usually work all night long?

After being shown the way, Cai Gen hung up the phone and got in the car again.

"Xiao Shui, it's time for your broken navigation to be updated. This road will no longer exist. It goes straight to the pit.

We have to go from Baijiawan, let’s take the lead."

Zhen Shuiyin did not rush to pick her head, but took out an unopened big apple from her backpack.

Take out the mobile phone card from your broken mobile phone, insert it, quickly navigate, re-plan the route, and start taking the lead according to the prompts.

Cai Gen looked at her new mobile phone and was confused. Six or seven thousand, where did she get the money?

"Xiao Shui, when did you buy a new mobile phone? It's very expensive, isn't it?"

Zhen Shuiyin said nonchalantly while driving,

"You didn't spend any money, ah? Brother Cai, you didn't take it?"

Get it? Where can I get it? Is it free now? Cai Gen shook his head,

"I didn't take it. Where did you get it?"

Zhen Shuiyin restrained her gloating and pretended to be pity, saying,

"Hey, what did you say? I thought you had taken it too. What a pity.

I picked it up at the entrance to the pool. Isn't there a box of mobile phones?

Xiaosun, I, and Naqi each followed one another.

Anyway, there are so many and they can’t be used.”

Hu Xiaocao woke up immediately and said dissatisfied,

"Is that called being obedient? That's called stealing. You actually stole my cell phone."

With a sudden stop, Zhen Shuiyin turned around and stared at Hu Xiaocao with a fierce look on her face.

"Tell me again, who stole it? Is it yours?

That's the protection fee. After you pay the protection fee, does the phone still have anything to do with you?"

Hu Xiaocao was a little uncomfortable with Zhen Shuiyin's sudden change of attitude.

I've been looking at him calmly all the time, but suddenly his eyes are staring, is it a bit scary?

There is no doubt that if I say another word about stealing, this fierce-looking woman will definitely take action.

It's not that Hu Xiaocao is afraid of taking action, but the other party is Cai Gen's group, so it would be unwise to take action.

"Just kidding, why are you serious about a kid like me? Children's words are unbridled."

This chapter has been completed!
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