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Chapter 483 Don't tell anyone

Why is the supermarket lady so curious?

The eldest sister may believe that Cai Gen has a friend who runs a company,

But I don’t believe Cai Gen can do anything else in the company besides making fast food!

Just like myself, I can’t do anything else except guard the supermarket, otherwise I wouldn’t always guard the supermarket.

By the same token, if Cai Gen knew how to do other things, how many years would he be able to work in fast food?

If you still persist in a tepid business, is it because you can’t do anything else?

Cai Gen couldn't answer this at the moment because the reason was made up.

I didn't think it through so thoroughly and tried to make it up randomly.

"Ah, my friend's company is engaged in trading. It has grown bigger and wants to go public.

Let me help you make a strategic plan to make profits of more than 30 million for three consecutive years.

If you are not a good friend, I really don’t want to go there. It will delay the normal operation of my store.

It's hard to say whether they can make money or not. The main reason is that these high school kids don't have anywhere to eat.

I can’t bear it.”

The lady at the supermarket definitely didn’t understand, but later Cai Gen said it was delaying the child’s meal.

It’s a bit of nonsense, just to follow Cai Gen’s words,

"Yes, once you close the door, these students will have no place to eat. My bowl of noodles is almost out of stock."

This is when I met my opponent, who could talk nonsense better than Cai Gen. I didn’t know how to answer the question for a moment.


The sound of something breaking attracted their attention.

At the same time, it relieved Cai Gen’s embarrassment.

Looking from the window of the supermarket, the source of the sound was a van at the entrance of the community.

At this time, a group of people wearing sackcloth and mourning were kowtowing in front of the car.

On the ground is a broken clay pot,

"Is this a funeral? Is it from our community?"

The lady from the supermarket also stared outside and said in a familiar tone,

"Well, it's from our community, from Unit 1 of Building 9.

My family's conditions are very good, I have a family of teachers and plenty of money."

What can you do with money? If you don’t bring it with you in life, you won’t take it with you in death.

Looking at the white paper posted on the back of the van, it says l73.

This number means that the deceased was an old man named Li or Liu, who died at the age of seventy-three.

The reason why the white paper is posted is mainly to make it easier to recognize at the crematorium and to save mourners from getting into the wrong car.

It’s just that this age is not too old according to current life expectancy and medical standards.

When Cai Gen went to funerals in recent years, there were very few people under the age of eighty.

"Are you seriously ill? You're not too old."

The supermarket lady looked at the van and the gathering funeral convoy with envy on her face.

As for whether you envy the old man's family, power, cars, or something else, it's not clear.

"It's not an emergency, it's something evil."

He suddenly stopped talking, trying to cover up his words, and withdrew his envious gaze outside.

The supermarket lady looked at Cai Gen,

"Brother, this is what you ask me. If others ask me, I will definitely not tell you. Don't tell anyone else."

Cai Gen was confused. I didn’t ask you. It was what you wanted to say, okay~

I'm already very hungry. I don't want to hear any secrets from you. I want to go back and eat instant noodles.

Furthermore, I only tell you, don’t tell others. What this sentence means now is,

Just say it casually, it's not a secret, I'm afraid not many people know about it.

Cai Gen understood deeply and nodded in cooperation seriously.

"Well, don't worry, eldest sister, I'm not the one who talks nonsense, so I definitely won't say anything."

The supermarket lady paused deliberately, as if she was still thinking deeply.

But the artificial look on her face had given her away.

If Cai Gen wants to leave at this time and refuses to listen, she will definitely hold Cai Gen back. She must listen.

"That's right. You also know that I am not a gossip.

I also heard what customers in the community said. I don’t know if it’s true or not.

However, seeing that the old lady is gone, it must be true

It is said that the old lady recruited something dirty.

In the end, it cost more than 400,000 yuan and hired an expert from our ancestors to solve the problem.

However, since the energy and spirit have been exhausted,

No, within a few months, he was still dead."

More than 400,000 people are invited? Could it be that Wu Jun is here? Cai Gen speculated,

However, is the art of exorcising evil still passed down from ancestors?

"Sister, is it so expensive? Is it something unclean?"

Cai Gen is still more interested in more than 400,000 yuan, because his debt is only more than 400,000 yuan.

If you encounter such a job in the future, if you take one yourself, won't you be able to escape poverty?

The supermarket lady seems to be very taboo and doesn't want to say it out loud.

But Cai Gen asked, it’s not her character not to say anything.

"I dare not say the name. It is said that it is a small animal. The old lady was tortured to the point of jumping up and down.

How can a person in his seventies withstand such hardships, don’t you think so, brother?”

There must also be interaction. Is it necessary for the little animals to play like that now? How naughty is that?

Cai Gen nodded, his stomach growled, he couldn't talk anymore, he was so hungry.

"Okay, I won't say anything outside. Sister, you are busy. I will go back first."

Cai Gen wanted to leave, but the supermarket lady didn't let him go until she finished gossiping.

After stopping Cai Gen, he continued,

"Brother, six people have died in our community in the past two months without you.

It is said that they are all old people who have been tortured to death.

I think you'd better go work at your friend's place.

Stop working around the clock and not stopping at night."

This news was a bit shocking. Cai Gen nodded and walked out of the supermarket.

As soon as I went out, I happened to see the van turn around. As the first van of the funeral procession, it was to carry the portrait.

Cai Gen was shocked when he saw the black and white photo of the old lady. Isn't this Huang Batian?

No, isn't this the old lady wearing a mink coat from Huang Batian's time?

Shocked, I didn't stop walking. I did see the teacher of the kid in the van.

Thinking about something in my mind, I walked towards the store, but accidentally passed by and came to the door of Wang Shenpo.

There is a white paper for sale on the glass door. Is Wang Yongan gone?

Wang Si is planning to cash out the house?

Feel free to do whatever you want, it has nothing to do with you anyway.

When I returned to the store, I didn't cook the noodles first. I lit a cigarette and calmed down my mood.

Combined with the gossip of the supermarket lady and a little analysis,

Could it be that he is the master who earned more than 400,000 yuan from his ancestral craftsmanship?

And he is a big liar who has taken more than 400,000 yuan but has not succeeded in exorcising evil spirits.

I remember it was successful at that time, not unsuccessful.

Is it really because of Huang Batian's trouble?

Coupled with old age and frailty, the roots have been damaged, so you can't fight it?

But Huang Batian has been sent away by Renxin himself,

This time I met him down below, so I wanted to do justice for myself.

What about the other five?

Is it because cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are more common in winter?

That can't be concentrated in one community.

Could it be other small animals causing trouble?

Things definitely don't happen by chance!

If you don't take it seriously, you will definitely be surprised, Cai Gen kept warning himself.

After experiencing a series of supernatural events, Cai Gen has become frightened and always remains suspicious of everything.

We need to inquire carefully about this.

Otherwise, you will not feel at ease even if you eat the Anxin bento.

This chapter has been completed!
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