Turn off the lights
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Chapter 5 Is 3 Seconds Long?

Cai Gen was afraid of waking up the little sister at the reception desk, so he shouted as quietly as possible,

"Brother, brother, wake up, wake up."

The security guard was still very dedicated. Cai Gen's shout interrupted his snoring, and he opened his eyes and was about to get up.

When Cai Gen saw that the security guard was awake, he quickly explained his purpose.

"Brother, I can't get in the elevator because it's not stuck. I'm delivering food."

After hearing Cai Gen's words, the security guard stood up halfway and lay down again.

"To deliver food, take the stairs."

Now, do you have to take the stairs to deliver food? Cai Gen still wants to try harder.

"Brother, please do me a favor. I am a guest on the 8th floor. If you are tired, please press the elevator button for me. I will go up and walk down by myself."

The security guard got impatient. He turned over, threw his face towards the back of the sofa, and stuck his head into the soft gap of the sofa. Like an ostrich avoiding harassment, he hummed and said,

"Is the 8th floor very high? I don't like climbing."

Cai Gen looked at the security guard's cold back, obviously unwilling to talk to him anymore, and a surge of anger rose in his heart.

Then, he walked silently to the door of the stairwell.

Cai Gen came to the door of the stairwell and saw darkness inside through the small window on the door.

This is the second time today that Cai Gen is faced with such a choice, the dark corridor to the 8th floor, the stairs to the 8th floor.

When I came out just now, I was so confused that I forgot to take a flashlight. When I opened the door, it was really dark inside, with only the fluorescent green light coming from the safety exit sign beside the stairs.

This pale green color makes the stairwell even more scary.

Cai Gen almost wanted to close the door and ride back.

Forget it, I won’t deliver anymore. If you get a bad review, just give it a bad review. Which food delivery company doesn’t get a bad review?

No, two meals, 30 yuan, that’s 30 yuan, go back and eat by yourself?

I took out my mobile phone and turned on the flashlight. The pale flash light illuminated the corridor palely, but it covered the pale green and made it much better.

Put down the takeout bag, take out a cigarette, take out the lighter, and light it.

Just when I was about to light up a cigarette, a bright light appeared in front of my eyes. It turned out that there was a voice-activated light. I put away my mobile phone and felt ecstatic inside.

But I was overjoyed. In just 3 seconds, the lights went out, and Cai Gen was still holding the lit lighter in a daze.

Can a 3-second voice-activated light walk up 4 steps or 5 steps?

Forget it, I put the cigarette to my ear, put away the lighter, picked up the takeaway bag, and started coughing.

Take two steps, cough, and climb upstairs as quickly as possible.

Before Cai Gen returned to his hometown to open a store, he worked in a big city. For more than three years, he had been running business all over the country.

At that time, I stayed in hotels every day, including 3-star hotels, fast hotels, chain hotels, local hotels, and small hotels.

However, this was my first time walking through the hotel's fire exit. In addition to the green exit signs and emergency lights, there was also a mousetrap every two floors, which may contain rat poison.

When he saw the second mousetrap, Cai Gen couldn't crawl anymore.

Due to continuous coughing, my throat was sore and I was a little hypoxic. I grabbed the handrail of the stairs and stopped to take a breath.

He looked at the mousetrap that was more than ten steps away from him, and there were two more, and he was there.

The voice-activated light went out. Before it went out, I saw a black shadow next to the mousetrap, charred and black.

Cai Gen thought he was dazzled, so he coughed quickly and the lights came on.

The black shadow is still there, but it's coming down the stairs.

After 3 seconds and 4 steps, the light went out again.

Cai Gen's scalp was numb and he didn't dare to move. He prayed that he was hallucinating due to lack of oxygen and coughing again.

The dark figure changed its position, perhaps without stopping in the darkness, and reached halfway down the stairs.

Holding the light, I continued to go down the stairs. After 3 seconds, I went down 4 more steps.

There were only four steps left from Cai Gen, and the lights went out again.

Sweat flowed down from his forehead and into his eyes. Cai Gen did not dare to move or wipe it.

He knew clearly that if he coughed again, the black shadow would come to him.

But Cai Gen still couldn't help it and coughed.

The voice-activated light came on again.

Although the sweat hurt his eyes, Cai Gen still squinted and looked carefully, seeing no dark shadows in front of him.

Hallucination? It must be an hallucination. If the black shadow goes downstairs in a straight line, he is on the path that the black shadow must pass.

He was no longer in front of him, so he concluded that it was an illusion and felt a little relaxed.

Cai Gen glanced to the side unconsciously.


The black shadow is actually next to me!

He, he, actually bypassed himself and continued walking downstairs.

The neck that was slightly twisted became stiff. It took more than ten seconds before Cai Gen straightened his head.

I feel water flowing on my back and armpits. It must be sweat. When it reaches my waist, I feel cold again.

Cai Gen stopped coughing and climbed upstairs quickly without stopping.

When I saw the fourth mousetrap, I finally saw the blood-red figure 8 under the green light.

Cai Gen felt that his sweat had penetrated through his underwear and was rubbing against his down jacket.

Wiping the sweat from his forehead, he pushed open the stairwell door and entered the hotel corridor.

The corridor is covered with carpets. The patterned red carpet is very soft, comfortable to step on and makes no sound.

Cai Gen started looking for room 8804, trying not to think about what happened just now, and delivered the meal first.

Finally, at the end of the corridor, I found the house number 8804, with a Do Not Disturb sign hanging on the door handle.

Cai Gen was tortured mentally and physically by the fear just now, so he pressed the doorbell regardless.

"Ding dong",

There was silence inside the house, and of course there was no sound of footsteps coming to open the door.

Cai Gen knew that he was annoying like this, but he still mustered up the courage and rang the doorbell again.

"Ding dong"

This time, a cautious test came from the room,


"Hello, takeout delivery guy."

Cai Gen answered in as polite a tone as possible.

People inside were obviously relieved, and there were complaints and curses.

"Minato, I thought you wouldn't come today. You're already hungry. Just wait."

20 seconds later, the door opened a crack, and a strong man half a head taller than Cai Gen appeared at the door.

Cai Gen saw through the crack in the door that he was a strong man in his 40s, with a bald head, a sinewy face, and a gold chain as thick as a little finger around his neck.

Cai Gen quickly squatted down and took out the rice from the takeout bag. It was still hot.

Stand up and hand it to the strong man,

"I'm sorry for delaying your meal. I won't let you take the elevator. I'll go up the stairs."

Before Cai Gen could finish speaking, he was rudely interrupted by the strong man.

"Stop inking, how much does it cost?"

"30 yuan."

The strong man took the meal and said something


Then he closed the door again.

There was a rustling sound, the door was opened again, and the strong man handed out a 100 note.

Cai Gen took it and started looking for money in his bag. As soon as he took out 70 yuan, sweet words came from the room,

"Boss, he didn't get the beer."

This chapter has been completed!
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