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Chapter 501 A pair of good shoes

It's just dawn, the sun hasn't fully come out yet, and the ground is cold and gloomy.

As soon as Cai Gen walked out of the store, he felt the cold air creeping up along the soles of his feet.

Have you really reached your age?

Is the firepower running out?

The cold feet at first made Cai Gen focus on his shoes.

Observe the old people passing by the store on their way to the morning market.

Few elderly people choose lint shoes.

Most of them are hiking shoes, outdoor shoes, and old cotton shoes.

In terms of comfort, they are still those old cotton shoes made of cloth.

It is more comfortable and comfortable for the feet, and the most important thing is to keep warm.

Cai Gen’s feet are also those old corduroy cotton shoes.

It's very light and the top of the foot is very warm, but the sole is not.

At first, Cai Gen fell in love with this kind of old cotton shoes in a street shop.

It's not pretty, but it's practical, but the price is over a hundred.

Cai Gen, who has no need for clothes, really can't accept such a price.

Then I bought a batch online, and a pair was only 19.9 yuan. I bought three pairs at once and started wearing them interchangeably.

Today, the principle that you get what you pay for gave Cai Gen a slap in the face.

Looking at the old people who also went to the morning market, with vigorous steps, Cai Gen felt ashamed.

It turns out that it has nothing to do with age, but everything to do with equipment. They should all be wearing cotton shoes worth over 100 yuan.

I used to ride electric bikes, so I didn't feel that my cotton shoes were fake, but today I feel there is a difference.

Looking at it, Cai Gen saw a familiar shadow,

The light is much better now than at night, so we can see more clearly.

A little piggy with one ear, drooling green, jumping up and down,

He stood upright with his feet near the entrance of the community, as if looking for food, and watched the elderly people entering and leaving the community.

If you encounter someone who is walking a little slowly, pass between the old man’s legs.

Take a handful out of thin air, stuff it into your mouth, and continue to look for the next opportunity to travel. https:

What does it mean?

Isn't it a pet, but a monster?

Air-eating monster?

The action of crossing between the legs is comparable to the stunt of dodging bullets in The Matrix, skillful and a bit clumsy.

When the one-eared pig showed off its graceful figure for the third time, Cai Gen finally saw clearly.

What he grabbed turned out to be Bai Yingying's aura-like substance.

It turns out that the pig I met last night also wanted to attack me.

Wouldn't it be the soul that was stolen?

One bite per person, not greedy.

Just look at those old people who are already weak and walk very slowly.

After being foraged by piglets, he walked slower and became weaker.

Both the people being foraged and the people being missed turned a blind eye to the piglets.

Is he transparent?

Can only you see it?

Cai Gen suddenly thought of what the supermarket lady told him,

Several elderly people have died in this community.

Could it be that his soul was missing, he was old and frail, and he was indirectly harmed by this pig?

This one-eared pig is very greedy. After a while,

At the gate of the community, four or five elderly people were attacked.

It was as if the old people walking by were fat pigs waiting to be slaughtered.

This isn't good, the waiter and the others are not doing a good job cleaning either.

Is this okay if the harm comes to my doorstep?

Cai Gen didn't care about the cold soles of his feet and walked quickly to the door.

Kicked away the one-eared pig that was about to take action.

The one-eared pig was kicked far away and sat up in surprise.

Why can this person kick himself?

Could he see himself?

Looks familiar?

The one-eared pig had this question at first, and then the answer appeared.

Cai Gen took a few steps forward and kicked the one-eared pig again, sending him flying again.

The one-eared pig was kicked a bit by Cai Gen, and some of the soul in his belly was also kicked out.

Seeing that his footwork did not cause any harm, Cai Gen was very unhappy.

You said you can go to Gushanyeling to have fun, but you still dare to show up at the gate of my community,

Blocking the door harms people and blinds your pig's eyes.

There were too many people around, and it was difficult for Cai Gen to transform.

I can only use the kicks I practiced in the pool kicking waves.

Kick after kick, the one-eared pig was kicked out of the community and towards the morning market.

To outsiders, Cai Gen looks like a mentally ill person. If he takes a few steps, he will

Kicking in the air is definitely not normal.

So much so that the uncles and aunties around him not only stayed away from Cai Gen, but also whispered,

"You are so young and your brain is broken. It's really pitiful."

"They say stupid people have stupid blessings. Foolish people have a lot of money. Didn't you see through the mink?"

"You dare to let your family members go? It's not illegal to kill someone."

"Should I call the police? This is a bit scary.

I was kicking the air with such joy and with a serious look on my face.”

Cai Gen heard their murmurings. He heard them all without missing a word.

I was very depressed, so I relied on my feet to express my depression, and played harder.

When he was approaching the bank entrance, Cai Gen was distracted and failed to control his strength.

The one-eared pig was rolling in the direction of the beggar.

Cai Gen was shocked. He was careless and was going to bump into someone.

Although the other party cannot see it, those who lie on the bed begging for food are usually patients, right?

Just when the one-eared pig was about to touch the bedding, a dark paw stretched out from the bedding, (, domain name (please remember_三

He grabbed the one-eared pig and pulled it into the bedclothes.

In the flash of lightning, Cai Gen's ball was gone and he was stunned.

The old man in the bed stretched his head out and happened to see Cai Gen.

He was also stunned, and the chewing movements in his mouth were stagnant.

Could it be that Cai Gen kicked me here?

Is this feeding?

Or a test?

Or is it a sign of goodwill?

Lingma saw Cai Gen from a distance and saw that he was addicted to kicking pigs.

I also kept watching with great interest,

It wasn't until the one-eared pig rolled towards his son that he realized what he was doing.

But it's too late to stop it,

My son's hands are too quick and his mouth is too greedy. Isn't this a sign of exposure?

Lingma and her son looked directly at Cai Gen, and Cai Gen also looked directly at them.

Everyone has something on their mind, definitely not just the one-eared pig.

The fact that the one-eared pig was eaten shows that the pair of beggars are indeed not simple.

Not only can you see it, you can also eat it.

Cai Gen took a long breath, lit a cigarette, and walked in front of Lingma and the others.

He took out a dollar coin from his pocket and put it in the iron teapot without haste.

Looking at the wrinkled and ragged spiritual mother,

And the equally old and dirty old man who was bedding was the first to speak,

"Is it delicious?" The fastest updated mobile version: https:

The old bedding man stared at Cai Gen coldly, his mouth bulging, what does this mean?

Did he blame me for eating his balls?

Did it disturb his enjoyment?

Ruined his training?

Do you despise me for eating everything?

There are many hypothetical situations, and the old man is not afraid of any hypothetical situations.

He nodded stubbornly and chewed carefully in his mouth.

In fact, Cai Gen’s first sentence was not to ask whether the one-eared pig was delicious.

It doesn’t matter whether it tastes good or not,

It’s not like you raised it yourself. People say it’s delicious. How can you give me some more?

So this sentence has no nutrition at all, nor does it make any assumptions.

After Cai Gen finished asking, he bit his own tongue. What were you asking?

Deciding not to talk nonsense and go straight to the topic, Cai Gen continued to ask,

"Will the heavens meet?"

This chapter has been completed!
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