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Chapter 530 I also contribute

Huang Ping took out a red ticket from his wallet with an embarrassed look on his face and handed it to Xiao Sun.

"I'll give you the money now and save the rest for next time."

After Xiao Sun got the money, he was still immersed in the scene and couldn't extricate himself. He said resentfully,

"Do you still want to save? Because you have to buy a ledger and keep accounts, which adds a lot of workload."

Cai Gen couldn't listen anymore.

"Hurry up and cook, you are embarrassing me day by day,

Does Captain Huang care about this?

Keeping gross accounts, does our family have an account?"

Xiao Sun obeyed and went to the kitchen to cook without keeping any account or change.

Huang Ping wiped the sweat from his forehead. Is it necessary to spend dozens of yuan to do this?

Cai Gen smiled pretending to be embarrassed,

"Business in the store was not good, and everyone was under great pressure, which made Captain Huang laugh out loud.

What big thing happened in our small city, why would you bother Captain Huang to make a trip?"

After finishing speaking, I quickly added,

"Of course, if it involves secrets, don't tell me. I'm just a commoner and I won't pry around."

Are you talking about secrets? Are you talking about common people?

You don’t have more secrets than anyone else?

Which ordinary person can go to Lingmen Pass alive?

Huang Ping automatically ignored Cai Gen's words and answered honestly,

"Section Chief Shi of our unit was injured on the job, and the headquarters took it very seriously, so we were asked to come."

Are you here? Then Huang Ping is not the only one. Are you here to settle accounts with me?

Has Shi Huozhu already reported himself?

Also, Xiao Sun met Huang Ping yesterday, so it's useless to deny it.

Cai Gen lit a cigarette and asked tentatively, without giving it to Huang Ping.

"Chief Shi, how are your injuries? Is it serious?"

Huang Ping took out his cigarettes and lit one.

"It's nothing serious. I'll be discharged from the hospital tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. Thank you, Boss Cai, for your concern."

Is there something in the words?

Cai Gen was unhappy. Shi Huozhu definitely didn't say why he was injured, only where he was injured.

Being beaten by a creditor was not a glorious thing, so I definitely didn't tell Huang Ping and the others the whole story.

So why is Huang Ping here? To help the leaders solve their problems?

Cai Gen pointed to the no smoking sign on the wall.

"Captain Huang, my main guest is a high school student.

The strong smell of cigarette smoke affects children's health, can we be more ethical?"

Huang Ping looked at the cigarette hanging from Cai Gen's mouth, and his forehead was sweating again.

His eyes were dazed for a few times, but he still put the cigarette in the ashtray honestly.

"It's my fault. I'm too self-righteous. Smoking is not a good thing. I've always wanted to quit smoking."

Cai Gen nodded, took a puff of cigarette, and said in agreement,

"Yes, it's not good for your health, it costs money, and you want to quit smoking, so why do you still carry cigarettes with you?"

This is a bit too much to deceive others. Why is it that you were a little enthusiastic at the beginning and then started to become a bear?

Is there any misunderstanding? Huang Ping didn't know and didn't dare to ask.

He wisely placed the newly opened pack of cigarettes in front of Cai Gen.

"Yes, there's no use for me to keep it."

Are you so obedient? Then you are not looking for trouble?

A box costs more than sixty, and you just gave it to me?

Cai Gen decided to push further. He got up and went to the bar, took out two cigarettes and handed them to Huang Ping.

"I actually want to impose martial law, but someone else gave me two. If you don't smoke them, it's all in vain. You can take them."

Huang Ping looked at the two cigarettes and was confused. Why did you give me two cigarettes when you were worried about the one pack I had?

How many layers of PB boards is this Cai Gen brain circuit made of? It’s too complicated.

Seeing that Huang Ping didn't speak, maybe he didn't understand, Cai Gen added,

"Originally it was one thousand and two, and we are not outsiders. Just give us one thousand and one. Isn't it expensive?"

Oh, it's really not expensive, but why should I buy you two cigarettes?

Before he could figure it out, Huang Ping had already taken out his wallet, counted twelve red tickets and gave them to Cai Gen.

"It's not expensive. It's not expensive at all. I'll give you one thousand and two dollars. I can't let you lose."

He happily put away the money. Cai Gen didn't feel like he was a bear.

Pay the money in one hand and deliver the goods in the other hand, no one takes advantage.

Huang Ping saw the joy on Cai Gen's face, he was definitely not pretending.

I can't help but feel a little confused. Is this poor citizen really Cai Gen?

Or are you just pretending to show it to me and confuse me?

"Well, our unit wants to set up a research institute in this city."

This information is more important. Originally, Huang Ping and his team didn't have many people, and they still had to travel around.

Why set up a permanent research institute?

It's said to be a research institute, but it's actually an office.

Is this small city that important? It needs a permanent office?

Is it because of me? Cai Gen had to think more.

"Captain Huang, is there anything special about this small city?"

Huang Ping shook his head naturally,

“I don’t know the specific reason, I’m just running errands.

Section Chief Shi asked me to come out and look for an office, but I had no idea.

I happened to see someone selling a house next to you, which is quite appropriate.

After thinking about it, I decided to say hello to Boss Cai first.

is that OK?"

Cai Gen immediately understood what Huang Ping was doing. He wanted to buy the house owned by Mrs. Wang to set up an office.

Cai Gen has to think more about this.

At the same time, I gave Huang Ping a thumbs up for his behavior and asked myself, how thoughtful it is.

Could it be that if I don’t cooperate, their office won’t be able to be opened?

Or is it difficult to carry out the work?

Honestly, Cai Gen doesn't want to have anything to do with them.

Huang Ping's unit is as powerful as the Zhutianhui.

No matter what day I offend you, no one will ask me how my family died.

Getting some benefits is tantamount to seeking the skin of a tiger, which is very dangerous.

But is it useful to resist on your own?

When Huang Ping came to ask himself, it was just a formality.

There is a possibility of falling out in the future, and falling out immediately now are two different concepts.

I just finished learning values ​​​​from Xiao Sun yesterday, and it came in handy today. Let’s learn and use them now.

Thinking on the bright side, this is considered an official representative.

From now on, for all the messy things, just push it to Shi Huozhu, which can be considered a solution.

Cai Gen didn’t answer if he had any questions, he just asked,

"What is your research institute studying? There won't be any radiation, right?"

How should Huang Ping answer this question? The research institute is just a sign, who cares about what it studies?

Besides, don’t you know what we are studying? How could there be radiation?

Since you asked, Huang Ping must say it,

"That one is mainly about the study of folklore.

Wasn't this the birthplace of shamanism?

It is said to be the hometown of Jade Dragon, which is of great research value.

Whether it is the history of human development or archaeology, it is of extraordinary significance."

After Huang Ping finished speaking, he gave himself a thumbs up. These sentences were not all made up.

Everyone knows what has been mentioned in newspapers before, and it is a good research direction.

Well, Cai Gen nodded silently. This research direction is really similar to the real thing.

"This research is really important. It is a great thing that benefits the country and the people, and I have to contribute.

Let's do this, I'll take care of your work meals from now on.

Isn’t one hundred a day expensive?”

This chapter has been completed!
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