Turn off the lights
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Chapter 539

Nowadays, business cannot withstand any storms, especially ordinary people.

There are always some unreasonable bad things that you can’t do without calling the police.

It's stuck in your chest and disgusts you.

If you admit it, it will feel uncomfortable; if you don’t admit it, it will feel aggrieved.

Cai Gen once prayed to God ten thousand times to take away these disgusting rotten people and make the world a better place.

It's a pity that God didn't take Cai Gen's prayer seriously.

This is the situation today. It cost more than 300 yuan, but the cost is still 150 yuan.

According to his past style, if he simply encountered bad people and bad things, Cai Gen would tolerate it.

There is no other way, you have to endure it even if you can't bear it.

You can't just put a white knife in and a red knife out just because of a few hundred yuan, right?

However, if it is not an ordinary person, but it is because Xiaosun is fascinated and it is a matter of the supernatural circle, this is a different matter.

Cai Gen abides by the rules of ordinary people, which is the bottom line for settling down and living his life.

If you are not an ordinary person, then what are the rules? Whoever has the bigger fist wins. You can't get sick.

Moreover, Cai Gen clearly understands that if they really find you, you won't be able to hide away just by giving in.

If you take a step back, he will take a step forward. He is shameless and does not know what is good or bad.

"If I'm sure that I really charmed you, then I won't pay for the three hundred yuan meal.

I don’t know which group started to show up again, and it was me.”

After Cai Gen finalized the matter, Xiao Sun started to put on his coat without saying anything.

"Well, let's make sure again.

If ordinary people eat the King's meal, let's forget it.

If he is not an ordinary person, but something is acting as a monster, let's get rid of him.

Is that what you mean? Third uncle?"

After pressing the cigarette butt, Cai Gen also started to put on his coat.

"That's what it means, as agreed, whoever will punish whom.

Nip it in the bud and save it from ending."

"Third uncle, would you like to ask Zhen Shuiyin to drive?"

After putting on his coat and not having anything else to prepare, Cai Gen took out the bone-cutting knife from the kitchen and stuck it on his lower back.

"Stop calling her, let's take a taxi.

We don’t know what’s going on yet, so don’t stir up trouble.”

Xiao Sun has been in contact with him for such a long time, and this is the first time for Cai Gen to do this.

I guess his mentality has changed since he came back from down there last time.

Seeing that he had already taken the bone-cutting knife, Xiao Sun also wanted to make some trouble.

But after searching for a long time, the only thing that came to my rescue was the mop pole.

A surge of pride arose spontaneously, he kicked the mop head off, and started to leave with the wooden stick.

The sound of the mop breaking startled Cai Gen. He turned around and saw the mop head lying dead on the ground. He felt depressed for a while.

"Xiao Sun, you won't mop the floor anymore? What's the use of a broken stick?"

Xiao Sun was still dissatisfied when Cai Gen said it.

"I saw that my third uncle already had a bone-cutting knife, so I thought I might as well bring a weapon."

After saying that, he even played around and held a stick flower.

Sure enough, Xiao Sun's temperament is more suitable for a bachelor.

Cai Gen felt sorry for the fifteen-dollar mop for a second, but Cai Gen said nothing more.

I locked the door of the store and didn't turn off the lights. I thought I'd go back quickly. If I turned off the lights, Zhen Shui Yin would have seen it.

At three o'clock, there are many taxis.

However, no matter how Cai Gen waved, they would not stop.

What has happened here?

Is it an empty car?

Cai Gen looked back and discovered the problem.

Xiao Sun has been getting familiar with weapons, and he keeps playing with his broken stick in his hand.

Two bald men stood out under the street lights, especially one holding a stick in his hand.

Who dares to stop a taxi that operates night shift?

Angry, Cai Gen snatched Xiao Sun's stick and threw it into the trash can nearby.

"This is a murder weapon. If anyone dares to pull you, it's useless. Why use him?"

Xiao Sun felt aggrieved that Cai Gen deprived him of his weapons, and he was thrown into the trash can just before he had the feeling.

Xiao Sun begged,

"Third uncle, I beg you, I won't show off anymore, I'll hide it under my clothes.

It just worked so well, it would be a pity to throw it away."

Seeing that Cai Gen didn't say anything, he quietly took the stick back from the trash can and hid it in his clothes.

Cai Gen is very nervous now and has no intention of being serious with Xiao Sun.

The bone-cutting knife on his lower back is very hard, reminding him all the time that he must be strong, brave, and fight against all enemies who dare to destroy his life. No one can use it.

Finally, a taxi stopped, Cai Gen got into the passenger seat, and Xiao Sun got into the back seat.

"Master, go to the circuit town, where the concert is held."

"Fifteen yuan, no clock."

Cai Gen was stunned, why didn't he check the clock?

Logically speaking, it only costs eleven or twelve yuan to get there.

I looked at the driver, he looked familiar, but I couldn’t remember where I’d seen him before.

"Why don't you check the clock?"

The driver did not drive or check the meter, but said confidently,

"It's the end of the year, no clock,

Besides, it’s too far over there, so I’ll have to run empty when I get back.”

The reason is far-fetched, but the timing is wrong.

Cai Gengang was cheated for more than 300 yuan. Can't this be done smoothly?

"Isn't there a concert over there?

There are always people taking taxis, so why is there an empty taxi when we come back?"

The driver was a little impatient and wanted to sit down if he wanted to, rather than sit down in the car.

I was reluctant to give up this job, so I tried to explain,

"It's so cold in the cold weather, and it's so expensive. Who would be stupid to look at that crap?"

There's nothing wrong with that. It's really stupid to spend money to go to a concert in the cold weather. Cai Gen thinks so too.

However, if you listen to it in disguise, doesn’t this mean you are calling yourself stupid?

Xiao Sun couldn't listen anymore.

"Hurry up and drive, turn on the meter, or I will file a complaint against you."

This is in the north, and guests generally have bad tempers, which is understandable.

But don't forget, the driver is also from the north, and his temper is not much better.

"If you don't check the clock, it's fifteen. If you like to sit still or not, it depends on how good you are?"

You can complain wherever you like and I agree to pay a fine."

It's over, things have gone in the worst direction, this is the reincarnation of Gang Jin.

Cai Gen quickly said,

"Okay, okay, fifteen, let's go on fifteen, let's go quickly."

Hearing Cai Gen surrender, the driver showed no joy of victory, started the car and hit the road.

Using the street light, Cai Gen looked at the taxi driver carefully. He looked more and more familiar. He asked tentatively,

"Master, is your front windshield newly replaced?"

The taxi driver was stunned when he said this unexpectedly, and said in surprise,

"How do you know? It hasn't been two months since I changed."

After confirming his thoughts, Cai Gen breathed a sigh of relief and continued,

"Master, do you have a son who spent more than 600,000 yuan on extra classes for him to go to school?

I sold all my taxis and now I work for others."

Hearing this, the taxi driver inadvertently slowed down and stared at the road in front, his expression became serious.

"How do you know? Have we ever had any problems?"

He is really careful and handles unexpected problems in a steady and rigorous manner. Cai Gen is even more relaxed.

"You also have a grandson who is in kindergarten. Your son got it for you at school."

He braked suddenly, and the taxi driver turned around and glared at Cai Gen.

"Don't do this, you know me?

If you have any grudges or grievances, come at me, and forget about my grandson."

This sudden braking jolted Cai Gen hard.

The bone-cutting knife on the lower back is really too hard.

It almost killed Cai Gen.

This chapter has been completed!
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