Turn off the lights
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Chapter 542

How to get there if you don’t want to take a taxi?

Before Xiao Sun could think clearly, Cai Gen had already set off.

I was born with my own means of transportation, my legs.

In fact, it wasn’t very far. An hour later, Cai Gen and the others finally arrived at the racing town.

It was past two o'clock in the middle of the night, everything was dark and extremely quiet.

Since he was with Xiao Sun, Cai Gen didn't feel any fear.

The high platform for the concert is still there and has not been removed, and there is no one in the venue.

Only a few dim lights flickered in the cold wind.

If this show is not canceled, will it continue tomorrow?

"Xiao Sun, you came to deliver the meal just now. Where did you deliver the meal?"

Xiao Sun stood fifty meters away from the stage,

"Third uncle, my last impression is that when I got here, I saw people in front of me.

The music in my ears was very loud, and I forgot about the next thing."

Bewitched from this far away?

Cai Gen nervously pulled Xiao Sun towards the stage.

When you come under the stage, with the help of dim lights, you can see various musical instruments, microphones and so on.

Everyone is gone?

Also, who doesn’t go home and go to bed? What time is it?

Then the lighting and sound are not charged, and there is no one to watch the stalls?

We walked around the huge stage and came to the back. Since it was an open-air concert, the ground was not very flat.

Cai Gen took out his mobile phone to illuminate it, and was careful about the various wires under his feet to avoid tripping.

"Third uncle, why are there so many cars here?"

Being reminded by Xiao Sun, Cai Gen looked up and saw,

Let me go, is this a parking lot?

There must be ten or twenty buses parked neatly behind the stage.

There are no lights, so you can't really see it in front of the stage.

This bus cannot carry more than fifty people?

You can take a picture of the license plate with your mobile phone, you can find it everywhere.

Tour group?

Is the concert a tour show?

Generally, touring performances are performed by actors. Are there any touring performances with an audience?

Cai Gen couldn't understand it, so he naturally pointed his cell phone towards the driver's seat to take pictures.

Oh my god, there is a driver?

A bus driver in a suit put his hands on the steering wheel, leaned against the seat, and closed his eyes.

Fell asleep?

This doesn't work. The car didn't start. It's 20 degrees below zero. Isn't this going to freeze to death?

Thinking of this, Cai Gen wanted to knock on the car window, but Xiao Sun stopped him.

He leaned close to Cai Gen's ear and whispered,

"Third uncle, we won the lottery, they are not ordinary people.

Look behind the car."

According to Xiao Sun's words, he stood at the front of the car and lifted the phone up.

Well, this bus is very good and there is no overcrowding.

Everyone was in their seats, no one was standing.

A group of people, honestly, with their eyes closed, were on the bus in the dark.

How to say this?

It means that something you clearly thought was impossible happens, but it happens and you can't accept it psychologically.

Cai Gen was so frightened that he immediately put down his phone.

He looked at Xiao Sun in the darkness and whispered,

"Are the people in the car alive or dead? Aren't you afraid of the cold?"

Xiao Sun looked in the direction of other cars,

"Every living person is full."

Twenty buses are all full, so that’s more than a thousand buses?

Cai Gen plucked up the courage to take photos of other buses with his cell phone, and it turned out to be exactly what Xiao Sun said.

There were many drivers and passengers, and the seats were packed. They also closed their eyes and sat down honestly.

After walking to the buses on both sides and looking at them, Cai Gen decided not to look.

The psychological impact is relatively large, and I am afraid that I will not be able to bear it.

This, if it happens on this night, everyone will freeze to death, right?

Cai Gen wanted to call the police. If these more than a thousand numbers were hung up, it would be a big deal.

Just as he was about to dial the number, Xiao Sun pressed the phone. This time Xiao Sun did not whisper, but his voice was a little trembling.

"Third uncle, there is no need to call the police, they are watching you."

If you don’t call the police, they will freeze to death. How can you not call the police?

Weren't they? The people in the car? had their eyes closed?

He raised his phone and looked at the bus.

Through the reflection of the car window, you can clearly see inside the car.

The driver and passengers all opened their eyes and stared at Cai Gen and Xiao Sun.

Cai Gen put down his phone instantly, turned around, and faced the bus with his back.

It's just being looked at, it's not a big deal, and Cai Gen won't have such a big reaction.

But that gaze was very familiar, all black eyes, the kind of black eyes without the whites of the eyes.

Cai Gen has only seen one kind of person, the spirit envoy.

Only the spirit envoys of the Heavenly Society have such dark eyes.

If all those twenty buses were staring at me with dark eyes, then there would be more than a thousand spirit envoys.

More than one thousand?

The first time I saw Black Eyes was in the store. Chen Sangou’s son, Chen Song,

He wanted to be a monster, but the bell on the door of the store stopped him.

The second time I saw Black Eyes was in Jiujiazi Village, with Zhao Daniu and seven children.

Zhao Daniu was fucked to death by the waiter and the others, and the seven children were overwhelmed by Cai Gen's promotion to immortality.

The third time I saw Black Eyes was also in the store. Lan Xiaoming took over his son's body.

It was extracted by Cai Gen and put into the soul stone.

The fourth time I saw Black Eyes was at Baoli Temple, with more than a hundred spiritual envoys and Zhao Daquan.

Cai Genkou bestowed benevolence on his soul, which was directly obliterated.

This is the fifth time, a direct Grand Slam, with more than 1,000 numbers.

The combat effectiveness of a single spirit envoy is only a bar.

Xiao Sun singled out one, and combined with four golden retrievers, it should be about the same.

So how about more than a thousand?

The answer is not very good.

Cai Gen's original enthusiasm has cooled down.

The actual situation now is that the other party is not a normal person and can attack without restraint, but his hands are a bit soft.

"Third uncle, they are spiritual envoys, what should we do?

Should we kill them one by one, or call them all down?"

"Xiao Sun, they are indeed not normal people, and we should deal with them.

But is it worth it for three hundred dollars?"

"Third uncle, didn't you say eight hundred?"

Cai Gensi paused for a moment,

"Well, the five hundred fine is unreasonable.

Don't worry about how much money you have, just ask, how many can you deal with?"

Xiao Sun calculated silently in his mind and said confidently,

"Third uncle, I think if I try my best, I can kill two of them.

How about it? Do you want me to be the vanguard?"

Cai Gen has not been very good at mathematics since he was a child, but if one thousand is subtracted by two, and two more are added, the difference is not too big, right?

"Xiao Sun, I still feel that this world needs peace.

When it comes to resolving disputes, violence is the bottom line, and the best way should be communication.

Increasing mutual understanding and trust is the correct way to resolve disputes."

If Xiao Sun still doesn't understand after hearing this, then he is a fool.

"Third uncle, are you scared again?

It’s you who can’t swallow this breath!

That means you are the one who comes to take a look!

Why, do you really want to take a look when you come here?"

This guy, do you have to explain yourself? Cai Gen didn’t turn around.

"Xiao Sun, are they still looking at us?"

Xiao Sun turned around and shook his head.

"They didn't look at us, they only looked at you,

It's so infuriating that you ignore me so much,

How dare you look down on me."

This chapter has been completed!
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