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Chapter 552

Fuji 3 Underground, a place officially designated as a restricted area.

Corpses littered the fields.

In the center of the many corpses, there is also a magic circle.

At every key node, there is a Shinto believer.

It's just more relaxed and the atmosphere is harmonious.

Hua Tou also considered the impact and did not dare to collect spiritual power in a big way.

But on the Fujisan side, Shintoism doesn't have that concern.

The spiritual energy to activate the magic circle has been prepared for a long time, and it is not a big deal if 8,000 people die.

It's just that Huantou's delay in giving a signal made the people here very miserable.

At the spiritual power node of the magic circle, there are eight deputy leaders of contemporary Shintoism, and sixteen assistants to the deputy leaders.

There are a total of twenty-four people, which can be regarded as the number one fighting force of Shintoism in contemporary times.

The chief deputy leader, who was over fifty years old, sat bored in the center of the magic circle. He was the one who actually controlled the magic circle.

It had been almost half a month, and I was really exhausted. I turned around and asked the assistant behind me,

"My grandson Rong, how many days until the deadline?"

My grandson Rong sat upright and answered quickly,

"Chief Deputy Hierarch, there are still four days until the expiration date, which is clearly stipulated in the tender document."

The chief deputy leader is a little disappointed. There are only four days left?

We still have to stay here for four days, why does the day go by so slowly?

I feel a little disappointed and really want to expiry it as soon as possible.

Being cunning will end in failure, and it will be time for you to step forward and hold yourself accountable.

Yes, the slippery man is not one of his own, but the leader's.

It is said that some disgraceful methods were used to win the bid this time, and they severely defrauded that guy Baqi.

Baqi, the Baqi who had given him countless benefits was just eliminated.

I am indeed unattractive in appearance, very unattractive, but who made me the deputy leader?

Even if he is the chief, he is also his deputy, and the leader does not have the final say.

This project can be regarded as the most important outsourcing project since the establishment of Shintoism.

Involving the entire Shinto religion and most people in the supernatural circle,

Those who take the initiative will be given benefits, and those who are passive will be threatened. We must work together to promote this matter.

What happened is not all because the little traitor from the Abe family came back to cause trouble.

Burning shrines and things like that, taking revenge and things like that, are not as important as people think.

More importantly, Xiaoer is a man-made mountain god, which is a miracle.

This is something that has never happened in such a small area.

The Onmyoji lineage is indeed remarkable, and it actually took more than eighty years to create a mountain god.

This time, steal the mountain and study it carefully. That is the road to becoming a god. Who wouldn't be jealous?

It's all worth it.

The chief deputy leader looked at the other deputy leaders with a feeling of contempt in his heart.

A group of immortals are still thinking about becoming gods and want to live forever?

Thinking of this, I saw the magic circle light up, which indicated that something was about to be transmitted, and cooperation from here was needed.

All those who were napping, talking nonsense, and chatting became energetic and looked at the chief deputy leader.

The chief deputy leader also controlled the magic circle, sensed it, and said with doubts,

"Something's wrong, don't let him teleport yet.

I can't feel the breath of the mountains.

Only one naughty guy wanted to come over.

Did the mission fail?

There is no mountain to prevent him from coming back."

The reason why he is the chief is that he has the final say among the deputy leaders.

If he disagrees, who dares to challenge him?

My heart felt like a mirror, and Hua Tou thought that if he came back, something must have gone wrong.

It's not the most critical moment, how could you want to teleport back?

If we are not in the same group, do we not care about life and death?

The deputy leaders dared to be angry but dared not speak out, and no one dared to give a cunning reply.


I don't understand, why can't I activate the magic circle?

I was very anxious, and my eyes were squinted with sweat, but my hometown wouldn't let me go back.

Could it be that Shintoism is trying to trick itself?

The magic circle is two-way, and there is a similar magic circle running in Hua Tou's hometown.

Only in this way can material transmission be achieved.

Did you abandon me just because there are no mountains?

I am a cunning person, am I just abandoned like this?

Is this a fatal sign?

You shouldn't have gone out to bid in the first place.

Thinking of the chief deputy leader and Baqi's flying camp dog dog, the idea at this time is even more confirmed.

He became an outcast.

With the unremitting efforts of the four people, the spiritual energy barrier of the magic circle finally reached the critical point, and a white light broke.

The slippery head was unprotected and exposed to the eyes of powerful enemies.

There is no doubt that in the next second, four people will eat Slippery alive.

Liang Xiao is not a gentleman, he is not a husband without poison, and Huantou made the most difficult decision in his life.

If you don't let me go back, okay, then come over and help.

Hua Tou reversed the magic circle and pulled another magic circle full of spiritual energy in his hometown.

Pulled over the twenty-four Shinto warriors on the array.

It's like a door that opens on two sides. On one side, the slippery man wants to push the door in, but on the other side, the Shinto priest is pushing hard against the door to stop it.

Then, Hua Tou stopped pushing the door and pulled it instead.

The Shinto on the other side followed the push and stood aside with Hua Tou.

After twenty-four rays of white light, Hua Tou had twenty-four more friends around him, which made him feel at ease.

The sudden change surprised Xiaoer and the others, and they quickly left the circle to see why they came to help?

The one who was even more surprised than the waiter and the others was the chief deputy leader.

After his figure was revealed, he was the first to understand what was going on. He pointed his finger and was so angry that he could not speak.

My assistant, Sun Zirong, saw that this was a good opportunity to show off, so he spoke first,

"Slippery, you don't want to live anymore, you are so brave, you dare to cheat our Shinto religion."

At this moment, Hua Tou felt relieved when he saw that Xiao Er and the others did not attack and were just watching the fun.

Said fiercely,

"My grandson Rong, you are not qualified to threaten me, so shut up."

In that highly hierarchical society, there were not many opportunities to break boundaries. How could I, Sun Tzu Rong, miss it?

"Slippery, do you look down on our Shinto religion?

Do you still want to go back alive?"

Hua Tou was depressed. Although he thought he could do it, he was timid when it came to Shintoism.

Being led by this kid made me feel aggrieved.

"Chief Deputy Hierarch, I have always respected Shintoism very much.

There is an insurmountable danger here, why don't you let me go back?"

The chief deputy leader finally calmed down and looked around calmly.

Fortunately, it wasn't tens of thousands of people attacking us.

It's just the little traitor of the Abe family, and a few cats and dogs.

There are so many people here, so there should be no danger.

"Slippery, what do you mean by pulling us over?

Send us back quickly, it’s very dangerous here, let’s go together.”

The control of the magic circle here is in the hands of Slippery.

He doesn't want people to go back, because others really can't go back.

Then, the slippery head was reminded and disappeared with a flash of white light.

He has gone home and won't play with you anymore.

This chapter has been completed!
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