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Chapter 613 Whose Justice

When Zhen Shuiyin called out that the other party was Mu Jinnara, Xiao Tmall had already moved.

It's impossible to say that his reaction was not fast, but his quick movements were extremely weak in the eyes of the enemy.

It seemed that there were attack trajectories in all directions. Except for the first attack, which was the direction that Howling Tmall was actively looking for, the subsequent attacks and the trajectory of Howling Tmall were completely involuntary.

Just like a football, without the initial driving force, it will not move.

At this moment, Xiaotmall is like a football, rolling back and forth between two points.

The distance between the two points is not very far, only one to twenty meters, so the frequency of the Howling Tmall rolling is also very fast.

Zhen Shuiyin looked at the Xiao Tmall rolling back and forth and wanted to lend a helping hand, but her own injuries were a bit serious, so she could only remain a spectator.

"Can you please wait a moment? If we have something to say, let's talk about it carefully, and we'll all be spoiled for a while."

This may be the only thing Zhen Shuiyin can do for Xiao Tmall, and then she got the answer.

Not in words, but in actions. Zhen Shuiyin was attacked by two unknown persons.

Because she knew where she was attacked. Her arm was broken, and the bones were broken.

The attack was so fast that Zhen Shuiyin still wanted to speak, but she felt the pain on her arm, and all she wanted to say turned into ahhhh.

Xiaotingmao, who was kicked as a ball on the ground, was dizzy and his vision was blurred, but his hearing was still sensitive.

"Xiao Shui, what's wrong with you? This noise is a bit unpleasant."

Zhen Shuiyin really regrets it and wants to ask for mercy for him. How long has it been since this happened? You still have such nonsense.

"I'm not okay, you roll well and roll hard!"

This sentence seems to have opened the chat box of Xiao Tmall. Although he can't do anything else, he can talk.

"Tell me what grudges you two have. In fact, I'm not familiar with Cai Gen either."

Xiao Tmall feels like the person in front is talking,

"It's bad luck for you if you don't know her well. Who told you to be with Zhen Shuiyin?"

The next sentence came from behind Xiao Tmall,

"There is no temple where someone has not died unjustly. Just accept your fate."

It turned out that it was because he was with Zhen Shuiyin, and Xiao Tmall didn't think too deeply about it.

"Zhen Shuiyin and Cai Gen are not in the same group, they are just friends."

Someone said before,

"Can people who are not in the same group rent a room together?"

The person behind continued,

"We have been in this world for a long time, there is no need to fool us, we are clean."

Xiao Tianmao was so shocked that she almost screamed. Regardless of the pain on her body, she quickly gossiped,

"Xiao Shui, it turns out you are such a person, are you really willing to give up for that meal?"

When Zhen Shuiyin heard this, she really wanted to go up and kick Xiao Tmall.

"Are you a fool? Are you sick?"

This Bagua Xiao Tmall decided to talk about it slowly in the future. It will definitely take a long time to dig out. Let’s focus on the present first.

"Well, my name is Xiao Tmall, what do you call me? You have to let me know whose hands it belongs to, right?"

The person in front is neat and tidy,

"My name is Xiao Huo."

The people behind were not to be outdone,

"My name is Xiaobing, what, you still want to take revenge?

Don't worry about it, you have no chance."

Are you so confident? Xiao Tmall feels that idleness is idleness, and rolling around like this is not an option.

"Can we be reasonable and tell me why you are troubling Cai Gen?

What did he do to make you so resentful?"

Xiao Huo said fiercely,

"He ruined our lives."

Xiaobing didn't have any emotions,

"He is a thief who stole what we brought back."

This makes Xiao Tian Mao endlessly daydream, is it a heart-stealing thief?

Can’t you tell Cai Gen? After going out for a trip, you still owe a lot of love debts?

"I knew he was not what he looked like. Tell me quickly what he stole and how he ruined your lives."

Xiaohuo didn't want to say it, maybe because the memories were too cruel, so he focused on kicking Xiao Tmall,

Xiaobing felt that it didn't matter anymore, nothing mattered anymore,

"Actually, there is nothing to say. They are all unreasonable things."

Xiao Tmall thought he couldn't ask anything, and was a little disappointed, but Xiao Bing continued talking behind him,

"It doesn't matter if I tell you, it won't be a secret anymore anyway.

It has been many years since we both came to this world from our hometown.

Because I was lucky, I kept going back to the hotel to do some work.

Here, we would like to thank our respected Lord Shakti."

Maybe Xiaobing needed to pose to express his gratitude. XiaoTianmao felt his body stagnate and regained his sight briefly.

It turned out that the two Kinnara were no longer on the ground, and the four transparent wings of dragonflies stretched out from their backs, trembling slightly and moving very fast.

Of course those walking on the ground are not as fast as flying in the sky, which is why the Xiaoling Tmall never saw their attacking figures.

It turns out that the female Kinnara can fly. Just when the Xiaotianmao thought of this, he lost his vision again and quickly rolled on the ground.

Xiaobing seemed to have finished the posture of reverence and continued to kick the Howling Tmall with concentration.

"After we came to this world, we felt very happy and had a short-term sense of security.

As long as we do good things, we are valuable, and if we are valuable, we will not be consumed.

In our hometown, many people do not have this opportunity to show their value, and they live in fear all the time.

Therefore, we are very satisfied to be able to live in this world, and we want to work hard to do good things."

Speaking of this, Xiaobing may have thought of the tragic situation of his compatriots in his hometown, and also thought of the happiness of his own life, and fell into short memories.

Xiaohuo answered coldly,

"However, this hard-won life was completely taken away by Cai Gen, but we haven't done anything wrong yet."

Being reminded by Xiao Huo, Xiao Bing stopped remembering and continued,

"Yeah, we didn't do anything wrong.

Lin Wo is an adult, how dare we not listen to what she says?

Since Cai Gen is an enemy, is it wrong for us to embarrass him?

The attack order was obviously cancelled, so why did they still eat our Kinnara?

We ate what we ate, and we accepted our fate. Why did we take the golden retriever away?

Kinnara is easy to care for, and golden retrievers are recycled. If you throw one away, you will lose one.

Why do we have to pay for Lin Wo’s mistakes?

Why do we have to pay for Cai Gen’s shamelessness?

Is it reasonable? Is there any justice?"

Zhen Shuiyin also told Xiao Tmall what happened at the hotel in Gui Qu Lai. Everything that happened was normal.

However, this is normal from Cai Gen's perspective. If we were from a different perspective, it would be difficult to say who is righteous and who is reasonable.

Xiao Tmall definitely can't say that, for fear of irritating these two people,

"That's it, I'll give you justice, please stop.

You must have confidence in reasoning. Justice may be late, but it will eventually arrive."

Xiaobing sneered and said,

“We don’t want justice that is delayed, and justice that is delayed is not justice.”

This chapter has been completed!
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