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Chapter 65 Authentic Lamb Soup

Cai Gen doesn't mind listening to Xiao Sun's ink. What's the use?

Is the Monkey King more useful than the Monkey King? Yesterday's incident did not fulfill his wish. He was there to be a butcher, and I don't want to expose your shortcomings.

The lamb offal soup was simmering over low heat, and the steamed buns were cold when touched.

It was minus 20 degrees, and after walking outside for 15 minutes, there was only a layer of plastic bags to keep warm, and the magma was no longer hot.

In fact, no matter whether it is cold or not, Cai Gen is ready to slice the steamed buns and only eat the steamed buns. His son doesn't like it.

Crack two eggs into a bowl, add some salt and mix well.

Heat a pan, add oil, wrap the steamed bun slices with egg liquid and fry slowly in the pan. When both sides are golden brown, it will be delicious.

Before I finished frying the steamed buns, my wife and son came in. At this time, the haggis soup had already turned milky white.

My wife has a very strong nose. She smelled the smell of haggis soup as soon as she entered the door. Just as she was about to speak, she heard Xiao Sun say,

"Hello, what do you two want to eat?"

Cai Gen ran out quickly and said to Xiao Sun,

"This is your third aunt, my wife."

Xiao Sun and Cai Gen are about the same age, but they are not shy at all.

"Hello, Third Aunt. I am Xiaosun, a distant relative of Third Uncle. I have nothing to do at home, so I have come to join Third Uncle."

My wife was stunned. We have been married for ten years and most of Cai Gen’s relatives have seen her. She had never heard of such an old nephew.


My wife took Cai Gen to the kitchen.

"Do you have money to hire someone?"

Cai Gen turned over the last piece of steamed bun and said quickly,

"Food and lodging are provided for free. I think he has no choice but to pay five-service relatives."

My wife was holding slices of steamed buns and said nonchalantly,

"You can do whatever you like."

Carrying the haggis soup and walking to the hall, Xiao Sun quickly ran over to help Cai Gen lift the door curtain and get the tableware.

The four of us started drinking haggis soup, eating steamed buns, and enjoying each other happily.

It was my wife who broke the silence,

"Husband, why is there a bunch of white hair on the back of your head?"

Is there any? Cai Gen put down the steamed buns and went to the bathroom to look in the mirror. Sure enough, there was a lock of white hair on the back of his head. It was very obvious among the black hair. When people reach middle age, white hair is considered normal.

He replied that he continued to eat in the hall without paying attention.

"Honey, I transferred the ingot money to Chen Mei in the Buddhist shop, but she confiscated it and gave it back to me. What should I do?"

There must be a reason for confiscation, my wife said naturally,

"Maybe you didn't see the phone. If you have time, send it to us. We won't take advantage of it."

It’s so troublesome to deliver it to her? Let’s talk about it while delivering the food.

There was a lot of haggis soup, and the four of us didn't finish it. We were all very full, and my wife took her son to school.

Then, the flies came into the house with a stern look. They looked around for a long time, then sat in front of the table and said to Cai Gen with a sad look on his face,

"Lao Gen, is the old lady still on my shoulder? I feel difficulty breathing when I wake up in the morning, I feel like someone is pinching my neck, and there is a cold wind behind my neck. Didn't you explain it to me?"

No way, the old lady had been sucked up by Fu Xi's family, how could the fly react like this? Cai Gen looked at it carefully for a long time, and then pulled the fly to the glass door and looked at it for a long time, but couldn't see anything.

"Xiao Sun, come and see, why is he still reacting?"

Xiao Sun was clearing away the dishes and looked up casually.

"Brother, your sweater is on inside out."

Cai Gen took a look and saw that it was indeed worn inside out. The Armani logo on the sweater was missing. It was the logo that flies like to show most.

"Uh, fly, are you sick? Are you crazy?"

I took off my mink coat and saw that it was indeed on backwards. I quickly turned it over and felt much more comfortable. My breathing became smoother and I no longer felt cold on the back of my neck. I smiled awkwardly.

"I didn't sleep well last night and got up late this morning. Hehe. Xiaosun, leave the pot. I'll drink it so you can clean it."

Xiao Sun didn’t understand, so he said directly,

"It's okay, Brother Fly, we can continue drinking at noon."

Xiao Sun snatched the pot from his hand and half of the pot of mutton soup was poured by flies into Cai Gen's big bowl. He drank and said,

"Sheep soup is high in purine, and the leftovers will cause gout. I'll drink all of it. It's good for replenishing qi. I haven't had much rest recently."

Cai Gen was not surprised by this situation and placed the remaining two pieces of fried steamed buns in front of the flies.

"Drink slowly, I'll give it all to you, I'll dig you out. Liu Ying's mother's business is over, and your IOU is gone. You should go see Liu Ying when you have time, after all, it's quite miserable."

He picked up a piece of steamed bun and stuffed it into his mouth without using chopsticks. The fly muttered,

"I still want to see her? I don't have 200,000 yuan anymore. She should come to see me."

Being so cautious and still thinking about money, Cai Gen said angrily,

"Okay, if you don't go to see her, let her mother come to see you in the future. Don't come to me anymore. I'll do it for you once."

The steamed bun slices immediately attracted the fly, and he quickly swallowed it. The fly said flatteringly,

"Isn't it okay if I go? But you have to accompany me. I don't dare to go by myself."

You have to rely on yourself, Cai Gen said impatiently,

"If I don't go, I'm still doing business and trying to make money. How else can I pay you back the interest?"

When it comes to interest, the fly is serious and quickly changes the subject.

"Lao Gen, have you heard? Hong Romantic really hanged a girl, so you can open your mouth."

Cai Gen thought to himself, you only know this. I have seen Xiao Xiao hanging herself to death and even being stabbed by her. I didn’t want to tell him about it and said perfunctorily,

"I guess, is there any grievance? Why did you go to the hotel to hang yourself?"

This is the professional field of flies. They are so mean that they don’t even drink haggis soup.

"I heard from a fellow police officer that two brothers were flying together that day, and one of them flew into a headlight and hanged himself. It was so wild, but the brother reported the crime himself. When they arrived at the scene, the brother and another girl,

Just beg the police to catch him and pay the fine, and the police will be completely trapped."

Big brother? Flying together? Yes, brother with tiger tattoo, one is lying on the bed, Xiao Xiao is the one hanging on the headlight of the hotel. It turns out that it is because of this that the Red Romantic Hotel was closed. This makes sense.

"Are you going to the Fourth Courtyard to see Liu Ying in the morning? If you go, you can send me to the Taiping Temple so I can do something."

After finishing the last mouthful of soup, the fly got up,

"Brother Gen has something to do, and I have to do it. I'll send you to do it first. When you come back, come with me to see Liu Ying. I can't bear it in my conscience."

Do you have a conscience? If you had a conscience, you would still do so many immoral things? Cai Gen still understands the principle of not telling the truth after seeing through it.

He put on his coat, took 2,000 yuan in cash, told Xiao Sun to look at the store, and then went out like a fly.

The hole in the car's bumper where it was hit last time was still there, so Fei didn't repair it, so he took a piece of transparent tape and stuck it on.

Cai Gen teases flies,

"It's so embarrassing for such a big boss like you to have so little money to repair your car."

The fly really doesn't care. What is face and what is embarrassing are all things that rich people need to consider. The fly thinks that he is still on the way to becoming a rich man.

This chapter has been completed!
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